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Posts Tagged ‘Troy Industries’

Troy Asymmetric

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

Troy Industries has introduced two new divisions: Troy Asymmetric and Troy Prepared.


Troy Asymmetric’s mission statement is simple,

To provide world-class tactical instruction to government, military, law enforcement and corporate risk organizations.

We’ll keep you updated as we learn more about this new undertaking, helmed by former FBI agent Kevin Miles.


Troy Industries Issues Statement Regarding Dick’s Sporting Goods Suspension of MSR Sales

Thursday, December 27th, 2012

Troy Industries issued this statement earlier today regarding the decision by big box store Dick’s Sporting Goods to abruptly suspend sales of Modern Sporting Rifles after the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT earlier this month.

Troy Defense (Troy), a division a Troy Industries, Inc., was deeply dismayed and shocked to hear through national media outlets that Dick’s Sporting Goods (DSG) made the decision to stop selling the Troy Carbine along with other modern sporting rifles. DSG did not contact or inform Troy of this decision prior to notifying the public. Nor was Troy informed by DSG that cancellation letters were being sent to customers, set to arrive on Christmas Eve (a day Troy was closed).

Troy has invested millions of dollars in its facility and operations to bring its first ever modern sporting rifle to the market under an exclusive contract with DSG. In selecting DSG as the sole distributor of the Troy Carbine, Troy relied on DSG’s high sales forecasts and sales potential prior to undertaking the significant financial and corporate commitment necessary to design, develop, manufacture and bring a new modern sporting rifle to the marketplace. Based on DSG’s press release, DSG’s anti-gun stance is clear – DSG will not continue modern sporting rifle sales and Troy will sadly not see its Carbine readily available — despite the outlay of millions of dollars by Troy and its commitment to support DSG in its distribution efforts.

Troy is currently researching other channels to ensure continuous and consistent distribution for its rifles. But please note, Troy’s pricing to DSG was based upon volume sales. It is unlikely that pricing to any other outlet in the future will support the pricing granted to DSG. Troy understands the anger of certain DSG customers whose purchases have been cancelled – you got a great price from DSG. However, Troy, itself, cannot come anywhere close to offering the Carbine at the price DSG was offering it. DSG devalued and diluted Troy’s brand when it offered for sale the Carbine at a steeply discounted price during Thanksgiving week. As a result of the sale price set by DSG, DSG oversold and overpromised its inventory. Nonetheless, the current ill-will could have been avoided had DSG not terminated modern sporting rifle sales, promptly canceled overpromised orders, and forthrightly communicated with Troy.

Troy is hopeful that it will soon identify a new distribution channel for its Carbine. We ask for your patience and support during this difficult and transitory time.

Best regards,

Stephen Troy
CEO & Founder
The Troy Group

Troy Industries 2012 Catalog

Friday, February 24th, 2012


Troy Industries Christmas Sale

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

Troy Industries is running a Christmas sale from now until 20 December. Take 20% off all Troy Industries and BDS Tactical Gear products by using code XMAS.


Veterans Day Sales

Friday, November 11th, 2011

This is a listing of sales for this Veterans Day. Please add any additional sales into the comments section.

Mission First Tactical

On this Veterans Day we honor those who have served, are serving, or paid the ultimate sacrifice in defense of this great Nation, and we understand a discount can not in any way make up for their scarifies. In doing our part we are offering 25% off our entire website for the weekend as our way to say Thank You! So Please be aware that Veterans Day is a great opportunity to thank a Veteran, any Veteran for their service.

Troy Industries

From November 11TH-13TH, save 25% off select items. Plus free UPS ground shipping on all orders over $100. USE COUPON CODE: VETERAN

Thanks www.ar15news.com for the info on the Troy sale.

Troy Industries Halloween Sale

Friday, October 28th, 2011

This might be a tactical first, a Halloween sale. Troy Industries is offering 35% select items from 28 Oct to 31 Oct 2011.

I’ve used both the Q.D. 360 Rail Mount – Push Button and Professional Grade Rifle Receiver Sling Adapter and they are good to go. Use code GHOST at checkout.


Troy Industries 2011 Catalog

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

Click on the image


Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Not anymore. Play the Zombie game from Troy Industries.