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Archive for February, 2012

I Love Lamp

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

Seriously, I love this lamp. Tactical Lamp Worx can build you a semi-custom lamp based on an AR-style upper receiver, base and shade such as the one you see below.

Help them live up to their motto, “Pissing off liberals, one lamp at a time!”


Helmet Cable & Accessory Management System

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012


War Sport Industries has introduced their new Cable & Accessory Management System for the Ops-Core FAST Helmet or other helmets with ventilation holes. As you can see it is a bungee system that will hall manage cables as thick as .65″. Granted, it is a very specialized item, but it is an innovative idea. I expect we will see some further development from War Sport.

Coming March 30th from warsport-us.net.

Bushnell 3 Gun Belt

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

The Bushnell 3 Gun competition belt system is an interesting take on the gun belt. There is no buckle to snag but rather relies on a Velcro wrap.

So far, we’ve only seen them in this Brown/OD combo but they are available in four sizes (Med – 2 XLarge) from www.midsouthshooterssupply.com.

Spartan Tactical

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

Spartan Tactical is owned and operated by decorated combat veteran Jim Smith. Jim is a former US Army Special Ops Operator and has more than 25 years of tactical firearms instruction experience. Jim was the primary sniper in Blackhawk ‘Super 61’ during the “Blackhawk Down” incident in Mogadishu, Somalia for which he was awarded the Sliver Star and Purple Heart. He is a certified FBI Combatives Instructor, Federal Firearms Instructor and a SOTIC Certified Sniper Instructor. Jim and his team have trained numerous US military units and foreign military units along with both state and federal law enforcement agencies. However, due to the drawdown in deployments, Spartan Tactical is adapting with the market and introducing civilian training and hunting courses.

This video is an example of a 3-day long-range precision shooting course hosted by Grey Group Training. As you can imagine, this is Jim’s forte and it will give you an idea of the level of instruction Spartan Tactical provides. Regardless of the type of training, the courses consist of classes followed by demonstrations, training and practice.

Additionally, Spartan Tactical has its own range complex, located on a 17 square-mile ranch in a remote area of Texas that boasts similar terrain to Africa or Afghanistan.


Solar Stik WASP 30

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

I met Solar Stik a few years ago at Modern Day Marine and they’ve been in the business of providing green energy solutions to Government for some time. The thing about green energy is that you have to embrace it rather than looking at it as some kind of hippy cause. Think of it from the viewpoint a survivor on a desert isle, where you have to harness all of your resources. Chances are good that there is plenty of sun and wind when you are deployed but you aren’t getting it to work for you. Both of those resources can be used to produce power. In fact, once you adopt that mindset, you might consider Solar Stik’s WASP as a manportable solar generator.

Solar Stik developed the WASP in cooperation with another company, Orlando, Florida based Advanced Power Electronics Corporation (ApECOR). ApECOR’s benchmark X-90 multi-chemistry battery charger is the core component of the WASP. The X-90 can be used to charge many military battery, including the popular BB-2590 rechargeable Li-Ion battery.

WASPs are available in three versions: 30W, 60W, and 120W flexible solar panels and include flexible solar panels, cables, connectors, and carriers.

Solar Stik WASP 30

For more information visit www.solarstik.com.

Virginia Repeals One Gun Per Month Law

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

Yesterday, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (R), signed into a law a repeal of the Commonwealth’s one handgun per month restriction. Although it won’t go into effect until 1 July, I haven’t figured out who it is really going to affect. The easy way around the restriction was to have a valid Concealed Carry Permit which allows you to purchase multiple handguns per month. They aren’t hard to get, so long as you are qualified. The only people the law really hurt were those who wouldn’t get a permit.

Already, those in the business of gun control (aka fear mongerers) are saying that is is going to result in widespread bloodshed.

But thats why the the law was enacted almost 20 years ago in the first place. It was to satisfy New York and other states who claimed that the weapons used by their criminals were purchased in Virginia. And, that was a ridiculous reason, to restrict the rights of Virginians because those in other states can’t control themselves. So, in some ways, a wrong’s been set right.

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

M Pale Neuf Millimetre

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

For some reason I just remembered that when I was in Haiti back in the mid-90s, Haitians would often ask me if I spoke Creole. I was one of the few ‘blan-yo’ who spoke their language and word would get around. Sometimes, folks would come slinking around looking for a handout or to try and run a scam. When I smelled a rat, I’d answer their query, “Pale ou Kreyole?” with, “M pale neuf millimetre,” or “I speak nine millimeter.” between that and a drop of the hand to the sidearm, it would usually got them turned in the other direction.