Archive for February, 2014
Crye Precision 2014 Product Guide Available for Download
Thursday, February 13th, 2014Magstore Solutions AR-15 Magazine Storage
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014This is pretty cool. The Magstore Solutions AR-15 Magazine Storage is a wall mounted rack that accommodates up to 6 x 30 rd AR magazines.
It is available from Check the link for compatibility with different magazines.
Applied Orange – UBAX Gen3 Field Combat Shirts In Pencott GreenZone/Badlands Available For Pre-Order
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014Applied Orange will soon be rolling out their Advanced Line products, including the UBAX Gen3 Field Combat Shirts In Pencott GreenZone/Badlands. The UBAX Gen3 is currently up for preorder on the AO site.
The little brother of the AO Elite line combat shirt, the UBAX Gen3 features a basic cut while retaining all the advanced features of the Elite shirt. It’s made from non-FR, Poly/Cotton fabrics with excellent moisture wicking capabilities. The ergonimic mandarin style collar is Jersey lined for optimal comfort when wearing a plate carrier or vest. Both arms feature a full Velcro harmonica pocket with penholders integrated into the pocket flaps. The cuffs are Velcro adjustable. The UBAX is also compatible with d3o Labs’ Impact Resistant P5 elbow pads. It will be available in sizes Sm-XXL.
10% off for preorder customers – use code advancedpreorder at checkout. Expected release date is in April, 2014. Produced in the European Union, and uses Pencott material made in the USA.
Sneak Peek – Auto Arsenal
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014
The Auto Arsenal from King’s Arsenal is a secure vehicle organization/storage system for your truck or SUV. Access to the drawers is via keypad combo or proximity card reader and each drawer will come with either Kryptek Highlander or Typhon foam dividers, pistol holders, mag pouches and rifle straps totally moveable via hook and loop Velcro. These will be offered for most truck and SUV models.
Extreme Outfitters – Oakley SI Assault Boot Sale
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014Elite Defense Has Patagonia Clothing In Stock and Ready to Ship
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014Elite Defense has informed us that they have the Patagonia tactical line in stock and ready to ship immediately with some items shipping within 10 days from their backup warehouse in Nevada. Items include the Jungle Uniform, PCU Level 9 and Level 3 Alpha Jacket. I already have a Jungle Uniform and it is awesome. Too bad it’s winter.
Remember, to purchase the Patagonia line from Elite Defense, you have to sign up for The PROgram. Here is the info:
What is The PROgram?
The Program was started by Elite Defense to give exclusive deals and offerings to our active Military and Law Enforcements professionals, this means full access to our Patagonia line. The Patagonia line are purpose built garments for our professional end users.
Who is qualified to be in The PROgram?
All members who are still actively serving in the Military (Reservist and Guardsman are eligible), all current law enforcement members, Federal Agents and Industry Professionals (selected on a case by case basis).
How do I apply to The PROgram?
It’s easy, go to and create your own account. Once your account is set up send an email to to notify us of your submittal. Once the email is received we will review your account to authorize it for purchases. If you sign up using a .Gov or .Mil email account we can approve your account without further authentication. If you choose not to use your .Gov or .Mil email account we will have to verify an ID (via email, fax or in person). We understand that some information will need to be redacted for security reasons.
Are there additional benefits to The PROgram?
Yes, we will be offering a general discount on all products that we are authorized to resell. Depending on the product line, some discounts will vary; but please log in from time to time to check and see the new deals offered by The PROgram.
The PROgram Polices & Restrictions
Before you enroll yourself into the program, we would like you to be aware of these guidelines to make sure the integrity of The PROgram stands.
·The PROgram account you set up is for you; it is not for family or friends. IF they would like to be a part of The PROgram, please have them follow the same procedure you did to sign up.
·If your unit or department would like to buy in quantities, please have them send an email with any pertinent information to
·These items are being sold to you; your purchases are forbidden to be resold outside of the bounds of The PROgram.
It Was Bound To Happen
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014You may remember in “Batman: The Dark Knight” that the Joker arises as an evil to counter the good of Batman. And so it goes. Good must have bad, dark have light, winter its summer, and on and on. Now, it’s come to Facebook which spawned Operator as F***, a page that amassed a whopping 150k ‘likes’ in the span of months with its jovial attempt to take the piss out of being serious. But it was only a matter of time before someone created its opposite.
It’s real all right.