Grey Ghost is proud to announce the addition of Kevin Reagan to its staff. Reagan, the former Installation Small Arms Master Gunner at Ft Bliss, will be fulfilling the job of “Manager, Lethality Systems”.
That job is every bit as awesome as it sounds, and Reagan is just the man to do it.
“Kevin will be the tip of the spear for managing rifles and body armor,” says Grey Ghost Gear Director of Business Development Lindsey Lea. “A unique 21 year career with the United States Army has prepared him for exactly this sort of role. We are excited to have him aboard.”
Reagan is indeed singularly qualified for the position. It was Reagan who, in his capacity as G-3 Training NCOIC/Special Projects NCO, developed the Small Arms Master Gunner Course at Ft. Bliss. The 2-week program, which was subsequently disseminated throughout the Army, had an emphasis on weapons, optics, and lasers as well as machine guns, snipers and designated marksmen. While in that billet, he worked not just with key equipment manufacturers but also PEO Soldier, TRADOC, FORSCOM, PEO-STRI and other key organizations.
Reagan served with the 101st ABN, the 25th ID and the 82nd ABN. He deployed with the latter as a Weapon Squad Leader. Previously, Reagan served as a platoon sergeant with the 1ST Armored Division, and before that was an operations sergeant with the 5th BDE Combat Team. He also was a Drill Sergeant at Ft. Leonard Wood and twice recognize in that capacity for superior performance. Reagan has deployed to a number of places in his career, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Sinai.
“During the course of his career Kevin Reagan participated in 27 combat operations and was badly wounded by an RPG attack,” says GGG Vice President GW Ayers. “That event, which would have been much more catastrophic if not for his PPE, is what sparked his intense interest in the whys, hows and wherefores of armor. His knowledge of small arms—both function and employment—is second to none. He will be leveraging that expertise, combined with over two decades of experience kicking doors, to help Grey Ghost develop the best systems available.”
Keep an eye on Grey Ghost in the future to see what Reagan does to expand and improve on their ‘Armoring the Everyman” initiative, as well as forthcoming developments to the Specter series of rifles.
To contact him, e-mail