Columbia, SC, March 25, 2015 – Panteao Productions is happy to announce the release of the next video title in the new Make Ready to Survive instructional video series.
Emergency & Disaster Management is now available streaming to Panteao subscribers. The DVD versions will begin shipping next week.
The instructors in the series include former US Army Delta Operator Paul Howe, Dave Canterbury from the Pathfinder Self Reliance School, US Army Special Forces Green Beret Kyle Harth, disaster preparedness consultant and author Jim Cobb, and NE MacDougald, who started his career in Vietnam with the 519th Military Intelligence Bn (MACV), and today is an author and consultant.
Make Ready to Survive: Emergency & Disaster Management
Emergency & Disaster management addresses the types of events that you hope to never face but very well may. Long term events like major damage by a natural or man-made disaster, terrorism, and economic collapse are the things you see portrayed on television reality shows. But the reality is things do happen and whether you like it or not, you have to be prepared for them in a realistic manner. Instructors Paul Howe, Dave Canterbury, Jim Cobb, Kyle Harth, and N.E. MacDougald walk you through the planning & traveling by alternative routes, rehearsing your plan, living off the grid, alternative location caches, bugging out or not, the one year survival plan and budget, long term water sourcing, post-collapse barter and trade, home defense and firearm selection, specific disaster scenario planning, and more. Be prepared for the worst case scenario and all other events can be managed easier.
A total of 13 videos have been filmed in the Make Ready to Survive series. More info on the series can be found on the Panteao website at:

Product Page for Make Ready to Survive: Emergency & Disaster Management