SureFire XC3

Archive for May, 2017

Barnes Product Safety Recall Notice

Thursday, May 25th, 2017

Product Safety Recall Notice

Do not use Barnes 300 Weatherby 180 grain TTSX VOR-TX Ammunition with Lot Numbers: Z08SA15L, Z08SB15L, Z09SA15L, Z09SB15L, Z11SB15L, Z11SC15L, Z12SA15L, Z12SB15L, Z12SC15L, Z08SA15R, Z08SB15R, Z09SA15R, Z09SB15R, Z11SB15R, Z11SC15R, Z12SA15R, Z12SB15R, Z12SC15R

Barnes Bullets, LLC determined that eighteen (18) Lots of its Barnes Bullets, LLC 300 Weatherby 180 grain TTSX VOR-TX ammunition (the “Ammunition”) packaged product may contain cartridges of a different caliber (collectively, the “Affected Product”). The eighteen (18) Lot Numbers are identified above. Firing a rifle with the incorrect caliber of ammunition may result in damage to the firearm, serious personal injury, or death.

To determine if you have Affected Product, please note the following:

• If you have a case of the Ammunition, the Lot Number is stenciled on the outside of the case; and,
• If you have a box of the Ammunition, the Lot Number is stamped on the inside flap of the box.

If you have Affected Product, immediately discontinue use of it and contact Barnes at the telephone number below. Barnes will arrange for the return shipment of your Affected Product and, upon receipt, will send you replacement Ammunition at no cost to you. If you are unsure whether you have Affected Product or if you have mixed boxes of ammunition, please immediately discontinue the use of the ammunition and contact Barnes Bullets, LLC at the below telephone number – we will replace this ammunition for you. For any other questions relating to the return of Affected Product, please contact the Barnes Consumer Service Department at 435-856-1115.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Safety First

Always observe Remington’s Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety and wear approved eye and ear protection anytime you are shooting.

Over 100 Reasons To Attend ADS Federal Range Day

Thursday, May 25th, 2017

Every year, ADS, Inc’s Federal team sponsors the best Range Day in the National Capital Region. This year, there are well over 100 reasons to attend. First off, qualified attendees will see over 90 vendors spread out throughout the Crucible Training Facility in Fredericksburg, VA.

Show Hours: Friday, June 9th, 2017: Registration opens at 8am, show opens at 9am until noon.
60 Jack Ellington Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22406 United States

Additionally, attendees will have access to five ranges. Four are live fire and one simulation man marker rounds:


Range 1 – Trijicon
Trijicon will be offering RMR one-on-one training

Range 2 – SIG SAUER

Range 3 – Force on Force and Vertx
Force on Force with their man marker rounds and glocks will be conducting “conceal draw” simulation training with Vertx’s concealment carry bags. Learn how to draw and carry from a concealed bag.

Range 4 – Daniel Defense

Range 5 – Cadex

Oakwood Controls will be there conducting demos on their electronic target systems. Get your shots/scores emailed to you.

Be sure to enjoy fresh, cool water from the Orion’s cooler stationed at each range along with a Power Breezer fan to keep the heat at bay!


There will be smaller stations spread out focusing on the following areas:

TYR Trailer

Hesco Shoothouse

Targobot’s moving robot targets will give you a run for your money!

Human Performance
Sorinex, Mobell Muscle, and others
Sorinex will be giving away a 35# center mass ball to one lucky winner

Counter Drones
The demo has been cleared for flying at a 120 ft ceiling

Learn how to detect and ground a moving target

Prox Dynamics will also be conducting flying demos with their Black Hornet micro-UAV.

Cinemassive and Kopis Mobile will have live screen coverage at different sections of the event

Milo Range will have a demo taking place inside where your shooting scenarios are customized to your decision making

If those aren’t enough reasons to attend, I’ll give you one more.


Lunch at 1100!

During the US Small Arms Renaissance, “Best” Is The Enemy Of “Better”

Thursday, May 25th, 2017

We are living in exciting times. It’s an era of small arms innovation; a renaissance if you will. Not since the late-50/early-60s have we seen the potential for such fundamental change in US military issue small arms. We have requirements from the services, but also products already developed by industry, ready to fit the bill. But most of all, we have will and that’s something we haven’t had in a long time. Our President is emphasizing defense and our Congress is actively engaged in hearings to determine what appropriations need to be made to modernize our forces. Exciting times indeed.

What’s happening?


US Army, Marine Corps and Special Operations Command are all engaged in small arms improvement efforts, either on their own or in conjunction with one another. I’ve mentioned most of them over the past few months but I’ll offer a short summary here.

US Army has lead on a Joint effort for a new pistol. The 9mm SIG P320 was selected earlier this year as the M17/18 and will begin fielding soon.

US Army has a directed requirement for over 6,000 Squad Designated Marksman Rifles based on the 7.62mm H&K G28. Additionally, the Army selected a G28 variant for the M110A1 Compact Semi Auto Sniper System.

US Army Marksmanship Unit continues development of .264 USA cartridge.

Multiple programs work on development of polymer ammunition cases.

US Marine Corps is studying increased fielding of the 5.56mm M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle, based on the H&K 416. Outfitted with an optic, the M27 will soon be used to fulfill a Designated Marksman role at the Infantry Squad level and the Marines have issued a Sources Sought Notice to industry for production of additional rifles.

US Marine Corps is studying increased use of suppressors for small arms.

USSOCOM selected and fielded the 9mm GLOCK19 with mini red dot optic as their pistol.

USSOCOM has a requirement for a .300BLK Personal Defense Weapon kit for their SOPMOD M4A1 carbines.

USSOCOM has a requirement for a 5.56mm Suppressed Upper Receiver Group for their SOPMOD M4A1 carbines.

USASOC has stated an interest in an improved 5.56mm Upper Receiver Group with Mid-Gas system, M-LOK handguard and SureFire WarComp for their SOPMOD M4A1 carbines.

USASOC is conducting a 6.5mm family cartridge study in conjunction with the GPF US Army. They’ve already fired 23 different cartridges at a 2,000yd radar equipped Range at Aberdeen Test Center. The user evaluation will be conducted Fall 2017.

USSOCOM has stated an interest in a 6.5mm family Sniper Support Weapon/Carbine and Lightweight Assault Machine Gun once USASOC selects a cartridge.

USSOCOM and USMC have issued a Sources Sought Notice for a Lightweight Medium Machine Gun in .338 Norma Magnum.

USSOCOM has a requirement for an Advanced Sniper Rifle in .300NM and .338NM. The US Army is monitoring.

Additionally, there are numerous Laser and Optics programs in Army, Marine Corps, and SOCOM.

Best Is The Enemy Of Better

During last week’s Special Operations Forces Industry Conference I heard a lot of really knowledgeable people poking holes in every one of the modernization efforts mentioned above. They want the “Best”. Whatever that is, because everyone has a different opinion on just what constitutes the best. Sure, who doesn’t what our guys and gals to have the best equipment they can get? It sounds great on paper, but in practical terms, our troops generally get “Best Value” which means an analysis is made to determine what offers the best bang for the buck. Cost versus Effect. Take a look at the efforts above. There’s a lot of effect there. Some of it game changing.

Instead of seeking the ever elusive “Best”, we need to start accepting the notion of “Better” as in “Better than what we have now.” In each effort above, you can make the case that the proposed capability is better than legacy. Granted, some of the technologies aren’t 100% and may need some refinement, but we have synergy right now. Remember that will I mentioned earlier? Having the money to make these programs happen is essential and sometimes you’ve got to make it happen even if you aren’t completely ready. We can work on the rough edges as we field them. Every weapon system has issues which have to be worked out. If we hold out for “Best” we’ll never get “Better”.

But, What About NATO?


Precisely. What about NATO? There are some who feel we shouldn’t adopt a new caliber because it will violate NATO standards. This isn’t true at all. Take for example .338 Lapua. Although it was initially developed in the US, once the Netherlands adopted it for their Sniper weapons, it became a NATO round. Any development we do here in the US, can and will benefit all of NATO in the future.

None of the efforts listed above threaten current NATO standards but rather work to supplement them. While USSOCOM is working hard to identify a cartridge in the family (my money is on .260 Remington), they have no plans to abandon 5.56mm anytime soon, or 7.62mm, for that matter. Instead, the plan is to offer new capability in 6.5mm, .300NM, and .338NM. Once they fully understand how those calibers will effect the mix of small arms at the small unit level, then more informed decisions about the future of the carbine can be made.

Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda

Sure, we’ve squandered opportunities in the past, but that was then and this is now. We have to look to the future and not let history repeat itself. Too often we’ve embarked on a program for a new weapon only to decide there isn’t enough of a leap ahead. When the M16 was adopted over 50 years ago, no one imagined it would still be in use. While industry has developed a myriad of enhancements for the platform, that quest for a leap ahead has caused readily available improvements to stagnate. It’s time to move forward and adopt these new capabilities which will keep the US military at the top of its game and the envy of others around the globe.

Thank You Jim Schatz

If the small arms renaissance had a prophet, that man’s name was Jim Schatz. He carried the fire for small arms modernization for years, even when there was little interest in the services, let alone Congress. Look back on his briefings to NDIA and you’ll see a lot of what is happening now. Thanks Jim, we all owe you!

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

Thursday, May 25th, 2017

As you can see, XC was in Beijing.

Colt Welcomes Wyatt Gibson to Team Colt

Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

WEST HARTFORD, Conn. (May 23, 2017) – Colt, the historic class-leading designer, developer, and manufacturer of firearms, is pleased to announce its sponsorship of national shooting sports competitor Wyatt Gibson. Gibson has a successful track record in many shooting disciplines, and already has a full schedule ahead with Team Colt in 2017.


“Wyatt is an exceptional young talent,” said Paul Spitale, SVP at Colt. “His drive and determination exemplifies what the shooting sports mean to Colt. He sets a great example for young folks who want to get into competitive shooting, and we are so proud to bring him into the fold here with Team Colt.”

Gibson was introduced to the firearms industry at a young age by his father and grandfather, and helped as they tested target designs for MGM Targets. From there his love, familiarity, and proficient with firearms grew, and he had competed in his first USPSA match before the age of seven.

“Competitive shooting is in my blood,” said Gibson. “I grew up with firearms, and I pour my time, effort, and heart into the shooting sports. When Paul and the folks at Colt offered me the opportunity to shoot for Team Colt I was honored. My defensive pistol game is really strong thanks to my 9mm Gold Cup® Trophy – the way it sits in my hand is amazing. And I’ve relied on Colt AR-15® platform rifles for much of my shooting career. Nothing beats the real thing!”

Gibson regularly competes on a national level in 3 Gun competitions and occasionally in United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) action pistol matches. His recent wins include: MGM Ironman 2015-2016, Northwest Multigun Challenge 2016, Surefire World Multigun 2016, and 3 Gun Nation Texas Regional. Gibson placed third overall on the Sportsman Channel program The Big Gun II: Sin City.

Stay tuned to Colt for more info on Wyatt Gibson’s upcoming matches and appearances.

Save 10% With Prometheus Design Werx This Memorial Day Weekend

Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

Kit Badger – Body Armor Placement: Hard Plates

Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

Drawn from years of experience, including seeing those he worked with, and himself, wearing body armor incorrectly, Kit Badger released this video on how to properly wear hard plates in a plate carrier.

Thyrm Supports C.O.P.S. Through Limited Edition Products

Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

Sunnyvale, CA — Thyrm is offering Blue Line Editions of their popular CellVault and SwitchBack product lines featuring a law enforcement color scheme. Thyrm will donate $10 for each product sold to Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.).


Each year, between 140 and 160 officers die in the line of duty and their families and co-workers are left to cope with the tragic loss. C.O.P.S. provides resources to help them rebuild their shattered lives.


The Limited Edition Blue Line items are Made in America and available exclusively at