GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for 2018

PEO Soldier Visits FN America

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

During a recent visit to FN America, BG Potts, Program Executive Officer Soldier, looked “at emerging technologies for the Next Generation Squad Weapon.”

He didn’t just look. He also got some range time with some of FN’s rarer examples. He was photographed firing the HAMR (Heat Adaptive Modular Rifle), which was FN’s submission for the USMC Infantry Automatic Rifle program back in 2010. It uses a SCAR style upper, with a lower capable of accepting STANAG magazines. But the real secret sauce was a mechanism which converted the weapon from closed to open bolt operation based on how hot the weapon was, in order to keep it cooler.

Image source PEO Soldier’s Facebook page.

AAFES Stops Selling 10+ Capacity Firearm Magazines, Customers Complain, AAFES Reverses Decision

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

Lots of businesses are deciding to institute boycotts of certain types of firearms and accessories. You’d expect it from a company like Dick’s Sporting Goods, but many of us were surprised to see a standard capacity magazine ban instituted by the Army Air Force Exchange Service bringing it into alignment with an earlier ban in 2013 Marine Corps Exchange. The MCX will distribute a so-called High Capacity Magazine only if it is OEM equipment with a firearm and legal in the state where the firearm is sold.

Both organizations sell firearms in select stores, along with accessories. Sure, it’s a convenience, but these are quasi-military organizations, which just also happen to be stores, created to sell products to military personnel and their families, and most recently, other authorized veterans.

I realize a lot of you are upset by this and I understand your dismay. But, think about it this way. First off, they’ve shown their true colors. Second, big box stores have forced out many local and small specialty retailers. The heart of our ability to purchase firearms lies in your local FFL. That FFL facilitates the transfer of firearms and they don’t keep the doors open by transferring firearms purchased somewhere else. They need to actually sell guns to consumers. What’s more, they make more from accessory sales than firearms.

AAFES just recently reversed its decision after an outpouring of comments from its customers. AAFES stated, “Feedback from active-duty, Guard and Reserve soldiers and airmen highlighted the criticality of high-capacity magazines as it relates to readiness and proficiency.” This shows us you have a voice, and others will listen. But it’s a voice which should’ve never had to have been used.

This is a wake up call for us as supporters of Second Amendment rights. We need to support those businesses who support us always, and don’t falter when it’s politically expedient. Buy local, or from specialty retailers who support the Second Amendment. I’m sure most of you have your own favorites but if you don’t, I’d like to suggest our advertisers which offer firearms and accessories.

National K9 Veterans Day

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

TYR Tactical Tuesday – Spring Cleaning Sale

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018


The TYR Tactical® Spring Cleaning Sale is just around the corner. In-store and online. We are liquidating old inventory and sales samples. Offer begins March 19, 2018. Don’t miss out!
Have a question? Email us at info@tyrtactical.com.

TYR Tactical®
9330 N 91st Ave
Peoria, AZ 85345
Hours: (M-F) 9am-4pm


The Need For Tactical Trainer Professional Organizations

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

Over the weekend, I shared a press release announcing the formation of the Firearms Trainers Association. The comments on that post here on SSD were as much questions about the program as complaints about its creation. However, on Facebook I saw a great deal of pushback.

Much of it was based on the personalities involved. Some, because the program hasn’t been fully disclosed. There were lots of concerns over the cost of the program as well as the idea that it was mandatory. I saw several people worried about the scope, pointing out that tactical firearms training is different than other types. Still others felt that it wasn’t needed, preferring the current situation. Then, there were those who opposed it, simply because it is.

Regardless of the organization, this is a good concept. Almost a decade ago, I sat down with Grey Group and suggested the creation of a trainer’s organization, offering certification and standardization. At the time, I mentioned that the training industry would soon grow drastically and along with that would come an increase in questionable training. It did, and then some.

S&S Plate Frame

Why Organize?

I believe in the voluntary professionalization of all pursuits, especially this one. I also believe, that in addition to the right to bear arms, we have a right to learn how to use them safely and effectively, even though it is not an enumerated right.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few trainers putting out bad info or are underqualified. Some are just downright unsafe. On the plus side, there are men and women who are excellent, professional tactical firearms trainers. They should be able to work together for self improvement as well as protection in the form of advocacy and insurance and to let customers know they meet a certain standard.

Multiple Organizations

I fully suspect that there will be multiple organizations created before the field shrinks to just a few. Primary & Secondary has been trying to get something going; cost free. Others will form groups of friends. Some will create very specialized organizations. Over time, some will rise to the top, others will combine, and some will fade away. Those who survive will do so by gaining the confidence of trainers and students alike. Eventually, there will be one or more effective professional organizations for tactical firearms trainers.


As I mentioned earlier, there is bad stuff being being put out by some firearms trainers. The industry needs to adopt a set of standards. It also needs to offer certifications based on those standards.


One thing I want to see in such an organization is advocacy. Earlier, I posed the idea that we have a right to learn how to use our firearms. That right must be protected as much as the firearms themselves.

I mentioned on Facebook that organized groups with standards for its members serve as a hedge against government regulation. Those regulations and the laws they are derived from originate at all levels of government. I was called paranoid because I mentioned this, with several people telling me the government would never try to regulate firearms training. My counter to this argument was the myriad gun laws already on the books as well as a slew of proposed regulation currently under debate around the nation. It’s only a matter of time before training comes to their attention. Best to organize now.

Acknowledging the American spirit of the rugged individualist, I understand that many instructors are wary of adopting a standard set by others. They will be concerned that it will stifle innovation. That’s why it’s so important for a trainer to find a group which advocates a similar mindset and let his voice be heard. It’s much easier to get in on the ground floor and participate in a voluntary endeavor than to later have to conform to a set of regulations imposed by others.

I also expect to see a true professional organization go to bat for the group’s members and interests. They need to be prepared to speak on behalf of their members to public and private interests and work to keep the industry free from government influence.

Once again, I am a fan of voluntary participation in groups which will improve a pursuit, such as tactical firearms training. The point here is to avoid mandatory requirements set later, by someone outside the industry.

That advocacy can also be used to enrich instructors through clinics and coaching, on the training as well as business sides. Some will think it’s horrible, but this is a business for many, no matter how passionate they are about the subject. It’s how they feed their families. While instructors generally get into it due to passion, they are rarely trained to run small businesses. Such an organization can provide mentorship for its members.


A professional organization could vet, or verify, the backgrounds of instructors, preventing ‘stolen valor’ incidents and other false claims. It could also serve as a clearing house for student feedback of instructors. This could be used for customer advocacy as well as mentorship of instructors.

Likewise, the organization could vet students on behalf of the instructors, helping to prevent a trainer from inadvertently training a prohibited person.

Perhaps, a whole slew of compliance services, like ITAR support could be available as well.


Not all trainers are full-time nor do they all have the same backgrounds. A professional trainer’s organization must be able to certify those with different backgrounds and offer something for all of them.


Another advantage is for the student. He can identify a ‘seal of approval’ which informs him the trainer will teach to a standard. It will also hold him as a student to a common standard which is great for instructors to understand the student’s level of performance. For example, a student wants to take an advanced course but did not learn everything he needed in a basic course from another instructor. All too often, the instructor must spend extra time with the student to get him up to speed with the rest of the class. A common framework alleviates such problems.

Membership Fees

I belong to several organizations and they all require a membership fee. There’s nothing shocking about that. Some groups offer more than others and comsequently, cost more to join. Effective organizations cost money to run. But, the value of membership has to be there.

If insurance is available with a program of this scope, even better. In fact, that’s a great reason to join. Maybe, the primary reason.

To Join Or Not Join? That Is The Question

Join a group or start a group, but if you don’t participate on some level, you won’t have a voice. Shaking your fist in the air on Facebook isn’t going to influence the situation.

I Support The Concept

I am not endorsing the Firearms Trainers Association, or any other group at this point. I am however, endorsing the concept. Let’s watch it grow. It will be beneficial to students and instructors alike. Better trainers and better students make for stronger support for the Second Amendment.

All Pro Tactical – A New Brand By LBT

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

Headquartered in Virginia Beach, Virginia, London Bridge Trading Company, Ltd. (“LBT” for short”) is not, in fact, a trading company, that’s just their name. Founder and Chairman, Dr. Doug McDougal, started LBT in 1985 after leaving a career as a professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, to pursue his dream of turning an interest in the military into a business that supports the tough work done by the men and women of the armed forces.

From the battlefield to playing field


In 2017, London Bridge Trading was inspired to launch a line of sports equipment bags designed with the same tactical technology that our nation’s heroes depend on to carry their mission-critical equipment in the harshest conditions on earth. For years, people had been requesting sports bags for their kids that function just like the products on which LBT has built its reputation. Why should athletes expect anything less than the best? They shouldn’t. So LBT launched All-Pro Tactical (APT) with the purpose of building sports bags with the same durability and functionally LBT customers have come to know and trust.

Constructed with 1,000 denier CORDURA® fabric and heavy-duty zippers for maximum durability, All-Pro Tactical’s bags are made to last. Browse through APT’s catalog; many of you will immediately recognize specific features like the integrated nylon MOLLE webbing. Just like LBT gear, APT sports equipment bags are guaranteed for life.

Tactical Technology.

All-Pro Performance.

High-Performance Sports Bags for High-Performance Athletes.

Hardball Series (Baseball & Softball), Attack Series (Field Hockey), Lax Series (Lacrosse), Kick Series (Soccer), Splash Series (Swimming), Spike Series (Volleyball), All-Pro Basketball Series

Trayvax St. Patrick’s Day Sale

Monday, March 12th, 2018

10% OFF All OD Green Belts and Wallets



Kyle Lamb Joins Panteao’s Cadre of Instructors

Monday, March 12th, 2018

Columbia, SC, March 12, 2018 – Panteao Productions is happy to announce the addition of Sergeant Major (retired) Kyle Lamb to the cadre of instructors available from Panteao’s online firearm training center. For those that may not be familiar with Kyle or his company, Viking Tactics, Kyle spent over 21 years in the United States Army, with over 15 of that in 1st SFOD-D Delta Force. He has participated in many conflicts including Desert Storm, Bosnia, Iraq, as well as in the battle made famous by the movie Black Hawk Down in Mogadishu, Somalia. Kyle is the Founder and President of Viking Tactics, a tactical training and gear business. He is also a member of Warriors Heart Foundation. Kyle appears on several television shows and has written books called, Green Eyes and Black Rifles, Stay in the Fight, and his latest book, Leadership in the Shadows.

The first video Panteao is filming with Kyle Lamb is “Make Ready with Kyle Lamb: Pistol 1.5” which is being filming in April and expected to be released in May of this year.

“I’m very happy to be working with Kyle Lamb on his upcoming instructional videos,” said Fernando Coelho, President/CEO of Panteao Productions. Fernando also said, “While Kyle has produced his own great series of videos at Viking Tactics, I felt having his knowledge also available from Panteao would be a great asset to our viewers and further help spread his training.”


The Panteao instructional videos with Kyle Lamb will be available on DVD from both Panteao as well as Viking Tactics. Digital Download versions of his videos will be available from Panteao in SD and HD format. His videos will be available streaming in Ultra HD and HD video to the Panteao streaming video subscribers, allowing his content to be watched from a PC or Mac, from a phone or tablet with one of the Panteao Make Ready mobile apps, or on television via the Panteao Make Ready channel on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, or Apple TV.
