SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Archive for 2018

US Elite Thanksgiving Sale

Monday, November 19th, 2018

Thank you for making  U.S. Elite the #1 market leader for Arc’teryx LEAF and Salomon Forces. Take 25% off when you shop LEAF and Forces Black Friday Sale happening now.

Starting Thanksgiving Day, use coupon code TURKEY at checkout for a 20% off discount on any item that is not on sale. This will not work with gift cards, The DropZone or past purchases. Sorry, this will not stack with other coupon codes or military discount.  Ends Tuesday, Nov. 27.

Soldier Systems Exclusive: Use coupon code SSDROPZONE and take an extra 10% off The Dropzone. Valid from Nov. 22-27.

Also save big on the following premium tactical brands:

Take 50% off on Magpul Apparel

Save 20% off on Lowa Task Force until 11/27

Lowest prices for the Season! Save big on Reebok Tactical until 12/10

Save 25% off on Outdoor Research until 11/26

Suunto save 30% from 11/23 to 12/26

Aftershokz 30% off sale starts 11/22 and ends 11/26

Looking for stocking stuffer deals? Make sure you join our newsletter and get exclusive deals for Oakley SI, High Speed Gear, Blue Force Gear, Velocity Systems and more!

From our family to yours, have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration!


Monday, November 19th, 2018

Not your father’s MARCH belt.

Over the past year, CRO has been developing a scalable and modular load-carriage system for medics. The system is designed to scale up or down based on mission set and is the latest in a product line designed exclusively for the ground medic. See more at CROMEDICALGEAR.COM

The MARCH Belt was designed to work on the CRO Gunfighter™ Belt, a very well made inner/outer gun belt featuring horizontal and vertical PALs to allow for scaling the pouches based on need. The belt is extremely rigid and holds in place for extended wear.

In addition to the CRO Gunfighter™ Belt, The MARCH Belt is sold with five pouches and two tourniquet covers. The Small and Medium Gen Med pouches have CRO’s signature bungee retention panel with vertical pockets to allow customization. They are designed to open flat or be set to open at varying degrees depending on the medic’s preference. The rear pouch is a tear-away design and features the same inside setup as the Hybrid IFAK™.

This versatile product promotes the necessity of working off the body to deliver as many advanced interventions as possible in the shortest amount of time. This is a step forward towards dropping the med bag all-together.

The MARCH Belt will be available on GSA and other DoD contract vehicles in the coming weeks. For more information please visit or email

25% Off Salomons and Arc’teryx at O P Tactical!

Monday, November 19th, 2018

Get Arc’teryx Apparel and Salomon Footwear for 25% off now! We have a ton of Dead Bird and Salomons in stock now and ready to ship for $5 Flat Rate to most USA addresses. Prices are marked down, no coupon needed. This is your last chance at these deals for the rest of the year. Don’t miss out, get some now! See website for details

The Baldwin Files – The Army Green Uniform

Monday, November 19th, 2018

This article is about Pinks & Greens or OGs or whatever we eventually call the newly approved U.S. Army dress uniform. However, it is about larger concepts as well. When I was a lieutenant in the 2nd Bn, 505th PIR, 1985-88, I had the great good fortune to get to spend time with LTG(R) James Gavin (picture right). He had been the WWII commander of the 505th and later the 82nd Airborne Division. He made four combat jumps during the war and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) twice. During the mid-80s, he was our honorary Colonel of the Regiment. He took the ceremonial duties seriously and came to almost all of our unit events during that time. I took every opportunity to talk to him and we even had a couple of one-on-one discussions about leadership. It was an honor and an education. When General Gavin’s health began to fail, COL(R) Benjamin Vandervoort took over the duty. Vandervoort had commanded the 2nd Battalion during the war and he too had earned two DSCs. He was played by John Wayne in the movie “The Longest Day” and did break his ankle during the Normandy jump. He recovered, jumped into Holland, and was seriously wounded by German mortar fire at Nijmegen three months later.

From a professional development perspective, I have had many such fortuitous encounters over the years. Heck, I had Aaron Banks over to my house for dinner and beers when I was a Detachment Commander in 5th Group and spent an afternoon chatting with John Singlaub in the Group area on one warm summer day. Both were WWII Jedburghs and Special Forces legends. Therefore, these historical figures are perhaps a little more real and relevant to me than they may be for the current generation of soldiers. Big wars make big heroes and fewer and fewer of these giants are still with us. We may never be blessed with their likes again. I have talked a great deal about symbolism before. How important it is to appreciate and perpetuate unit histories, heraldry and special customs. These intangibles are not trivial. Instead, they are key building blocks in creating and sustaining unique group identities and unit cohesion. However, symbols only have as much power as we consciously imbue in them. If leaders teach soldiers that the service uniform is anachronistic and superfluous they will treat it that way rather than displaying the appropriate respect. Not esteem for the clothing item itself, but rather for what the uniform represents. That should not happen. Good units revere their symbols and take pride in their uniforms.

The Army has made this fundamental mistake many times. Despite having won a worldwide war on multiple continents, the Army actually suffered an identity crisis and loss of confidence after 1945. Because of the atomic bomb, there was a growing belief – even within the ranks – that traditional ground combat itself was obsolete. Rapid post-war demobilization gutted experienced officer and NCO leadership. Tiny budgets barely supported constabulary duties in occupied countries like Germany and Japan. Readiness, training and basic unit cohesion was not a priority. This leads us to Task Force Smith and the dark early days of the Korean Conflict. Marine Corps funding and state of training was not significantly better that the Army’s. However, there were considerably different levels of esprit between the Army and Marines. This disparity is evident in the retreat from Chosin Reservoir. In that campaign, Marine units maintained good order and performed notably better than many Army units. It was not gear or tactical training that made the difference but rather a shared unit identity and stubborn pride that proved to be the critical factor. Make no mistake, symbols like the Eagle, Globe and Anchor (EGA) and the uniform of a Marine only mean something in combat because the Corps makes the concerted effort to give those items significance and power.

Unfortunately, the brutal but ultimately indecisive Korean Conflict did nothing to reestablish Army confidence in itself. Rather, the “lesson” of Korea was that the early and widespread use of atomic bombs would be necessary to avoid any future, similar strategic stalemate. Therefore, the Army decided it needed a new “modern” identity. That in turn meant discarding prominent symbols of the old Army. The Army dress uniform or “Dress Greens” that most of us grew up with was one of the misguided results. That new dress uniform was deliberately cut in a business rather than martial style. More obviously, the color had no historical connection with any previous Army uniform. Furthermore, although there was still conscription, the Army began – for the first time – to sell itself to the American people as a job rather than a profession. It was a huge mistake precisely because it erased a strong identity and replaced it with a muddled professional ethos that was inferior and less resilient.

The Army has an unfortunate habit of forgetting history and disregarding heraldry because, I suspect, there are too many people who do not think it is important for combat readiness. Those people are wrong. On the other hand, the Marine Corps has been exponentially more successful in avoiding similar identity pitfalls. For example, on the left side of the picture is GEN Dunford, the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, visiting Belleau Wood this last week. While his uniform is perhaps not identical to the early 20th Century Marine dress uniform, it is close enough that a WWII Marine would instantly recognize it, as would just about every American – and many people in other countries around the world. Are dress uniforms important in shaping that desirable and unbreakable unit identity?  I say yes. However, one need not take my word for it; the evidence is clear that the Marine Corps’ leadership thinks so and has thought so for generations.

It is no coincidence that the American people have much more difficulty in identifying their own soldiers. The Army has done a bad job of establishing an enduring “brand” or strong collective identity like the Corps. It is sad but all too true. The Army has had a strong sense of distinctiveness in the past, most notable during the post-Civil War period (1866-1898) and the post-WWI period (1920-1940). Both time periods saw an all-volunteer but woefully underfunded Army in which a career was no less than thirty years and selfless service was almost a given. The first era was indelibly shaped by leaders like Sherman and Sheridan and gave us the classic blue uniform. Leaders like MacArthur, Marshall and Eisenhower left their mark on the second while wearing P&Gs. It is only fitting, in my opinion, that we reestablish a link back to the uniforms of that period.

Some argue that because less than perfect or even bad decisions have been made about uniforms in the pass we must now forgo making any future decisions. Nonsense. When it becomes clear that a decision is not achieving the desired result it is the obligation of a leader to make a correction. Many of the mistakes in this arena were made in the name of cost cutting in one way, shape, or form. The Army has always been penny wise and pound foolish. Probably that is because the return on the investment in symbols and esprit de corps is only discernable in the toughest of situations. Others argue that dress uniforms have no utility because they are not worn often enough to be “cost effective.” Since when has the intrinsic value or the symbolic power of an item depended on frequency of use? Take the American Flag for example. It is unquestionably one of the most powerful symbols of our national identity. It has always been with me – whether it was visible on my uniform or not – because I have long since internalized its meaning and power. When going into battle, soldiers now wear it on our sleeves while Marines do not. Yet it accompanies and bolsters the resolve of all of us – visibly displayed or otherwise. A dress uniform may not get much use but it should nevertheless mean something when it is worn – no matter how infrequently.

Other times the Army has been driven by some vague sense that we needed to discard history in order to effectively move into the future. Wrong again. Service and Unit histories are cumulative, built over generations, and become more powerful over time. We do not shake the etch-a-sketch, erase unit histories and start over after each conflict. A point I tried to make about the 5th Special Forces Group Flash some time ago. Except for the 82nd, none of the WWII Airborne Divisions had a history. None of the 500 series Parachute Infantry Battalions or Regiments had a history. Leaders recognized the need so they expended a great deal of precious time and energy to build a collective identity. Mostly that involved symbolism. Jump Wings were essentially the paratroopers EGA, and jump boots clearly set him apart from all other soldiers. Moreover, creating that mystique was not a training distractor but rather essential in preparing those soldiers to prevail in combat. Today, Jump Wings and bloused jump boots may seem inconsequential and even unnecessary in a peacetime garrison environment, but they meant a great deal at Bastogne. Ask any man who was there.

I admit I have been surprised about how many people have waxed nostalgic over the old Dress Greens. By my recollection, from day one people were constantly bitching about how unmilitary they looked and especially about the god-awful color. As early as the mid-70s, surveys consistently showed that soldiers would have preferred to re-adopt a P&G type uniform. Several times, including the mid-80s, there was even serious movement in that direction. Instead, the Army doubled down and made the situation worse. First, as a cost saving measure the Army stopped issuing the well-liked Khaki summer Class-B uniform; then replaced the tan shirt – the last vestige of the older era uniforms – with a blue-green version also without any historical precedent. The last major decision that converted the Dress Blue, formal uniform, into the ASU actually ruined two uniforms at once. Kluging the purposes and the heraldry of both into a hybrid that serves neither purpose well. The blue pants and white shirt of the ASU make a particularly unflattering Class-B uniform. And it does not help unit cohesion that there is an accommodation for a wartime service unit badge on the ASU pocket, but no place for the current unit of assignment.

However, even now the situation is not hopeless. It is up to leaders. Uniform items can mean everything or nothing. The Green Beret for example is just a piece of dyed wool – but just try to take it away from someone who has earned it. The Airborne Maroon Beret was not important until GEN Rogers took in away in 1978. The Airborne community made their displeasure known until they got in back in 1983. If berets are not important, why are people still re-litigating the Ranger Beret decision twenty years later? These pieces of headgear are significant – as are badges, tabs and unit patches – but only in as much as they are a visible reflection of the unit’s identity and character. Unfortunately, as we all know, the Army failed to give the black beret any power when it became standardized service headgear. I expect better results from the P&Gs simply because they do reflect history, are indeed iconic, and the American people can actually tell that it is the uniform of a soldier.

As to the question of cost, a new dress uniform purchase – of any flavor – can be a considerable individual expenditure. However, in the time between announcement, availability and required to have dates, soldiers have the opportunity to plan and budget for the eventuality. Many soldiers need not worry at all. Approximately 75% of soldiers get out after one term or less, 50% of officers leave after completing their initial obligation. Because these uniform changeovers are deliberately spread out over years the majority of soldiers will never need to buy the new uniform and will leave service with whatever they were initially issued. Even if that were not true, I think the current Army leadership has made a decision that is good for the service. They have reembraced storied organizational history and it is long overdue. In fact, I would like the Army to go faster and further and issue P&Gs to all soldiers RFI style – the sooner the better. Moreover, it should come with a pamphlet that outlines the history AND the Army should pay for initial fittings and additional tailoring every three years or upon promotion to sergeant and each grade after.  It would be a small investment that could pay huge dividends. I also look forward to ASUs reverting to a cleaner formal “Dress Blue” status. No doubt P&Gs will provide a more suitable and professional looking Class-B configuration as well. In any case, the Army will only get out of this uniform change whatever leaders put into it.

Bottom line: Do I think a modern soldier – commissioned, warrant, noncommissioned or enlisted – can and should be proud to wear a dress uniform reminiscent of those worn before and during WWII thru Korea by leaders like: James Gavin, Matthew Ridgeway, Reuben Tucker, Robert Frederick, Aaron Banks, John Singlaub, Lewis Millet, Hal Moore, Audie Murphy and William Darby – just to name a few?  Damn right I do.

Administrative addendum: Earlier discussions on this site about this subject has been contentious at times and frankly overly personalized. We have all – myself included – resorted to ad hominem attacks when we are angry. I have said it before and will say it again; in adult and professional debates, smearing an opponent’s character does nothing to strengthen an argument, provide evidence in support of a position, or prove a point. Another thing, I am the soldier I am today because of NCOs. I actually sought a commission on the advice of an NCO. I came out on the SFC promotion list at just nine years of service (which at the time was fast for infantry). I was feeling confident in my enlisted career prospects at that point. My First Sergeant sat me down and gave me a different perspective. He said, “You are doing great. In four years, you will probably have my job. Or, in four years, you could be commanding an infantry company. I think you would be good at that too. Which would you prefer?” I thought about it and decided I was more intrigued by the challenge of command and dropped my OCS packet soon after.

In doing so, I benefited from the full support of my chain of command, NCOs and officers alike. These were the kind of professionals I grew up with and admire. They reinforced what I had always been taught. NCOs and officers are teammates and partners in building and leading units. I have never had time for anyone who – for any reason – cannot be a teammate deserving of full trust and confidence. I have done some things in my career, drunk and sober, that are worthy of a reasonable amount of ridicule. I have made more than my share of bad decisions that merit being called out. Good teammates – of all ranks – have consistently done that for me when necessary; and I am the better leader and person for it. While there has been a very few occasional exceptions – the odd bad leader – I have served in units where the relationship between almost all NCOs and officers has been one of mutual respect and shared purpose. That should be the standard. NCOs denigrating all officers or officers disparaging all NCOs is unhelpful, unprofessional, and unnecessary. Good leaders do not do that. It is never “us versus them” in good units.

Finally, I would never have the audacity to equate my service to those who saw combat in WWII, Korea or Vietnam. Those stalwart soldiers participated in engagements of a size, scope, duration, hardship and danger well beyond anything I ever experienced. However, I am confident enough that the length and girth of my professional “resume” is adequate when compared to most soldiers that have served since Vietnam. Not the longest or the most impressive…but not embarrassingly small either. So – although I do not see any sense in it – if someone feels any compelling need to measure his resume against mine to judge who is or is not a “real soldier,” I suppose we can go down that rabbit hole. However, I would prefer a more productive and reasoned discussion. I expect that a good number of people may take a divergent or even opposing position from mine. That is fine. I will not question your intellect, professionalism or your integrity just because we disagree. I only expect the same in return.

De Opresso Liber.

LTC Terry Baldwin, US Army (Ret) served on active duty from 1975-2011 in various Infantry and Special Forces assignments. SSD is blessed to have him as both reader and contributor.

ZEV Technologies Black Friday sale

Monday, November 19th, 2018

Special pricing on select slides, magwells, AR uppers, triggers and SKB rifle cases – while supplies last

Sale starts Monday November 19th and ends November 30th.

B&T USA Awarded The Contract To Supply The Westchester, NY Police Department With Integrally Suppressed APC9-SD Carbines

Monday, November 19th, 2018

Tampa, FL – Quick turnaround and unique capabilities, gave B&T USA the advantage in landing the recent RFQ to supply the Westchester NY Police Department with rapid deployment, 9mm carbines. B&T USA’s LE Division won the contract with the integrally suppressed APC9-SD Carbine equipped with Glock lower receivers.

Compact, lightweight and reliable, the APC9 carbines have been proven with countless European Law Enforcement agencies. The integrally suppressed APC9-SD models being supplied to the Westchester PD allow the Department to use their existing Glock magazines without the need to purchase any additional. B&T USA was awarded the contract by being able to deliver the 14 weapons within the specified 60-day requirement.

For more information on these products and other B&T products please visit our website

For information on becoming a B&T USA dealer please contact Jon Scott at B&T USA, +1 (813) 653-1200. Or email

2018 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sales List – Sponsored By Tactical Distributors

Monday, November 19th, 2018

Once again, Tactical Distributors is sponsoring our Black Friday/Cyber Monday master list, updated regularly with the latest sales info. To see the entire list, click here.

UPDATED: 2018 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sales Master List – Sponsored By Tactical Distributors

Sunday, November 18th, 2018

Just like in years past, we offer a consolidated list of the savings to be had for Black Friday as well as Cyber Monday.

Last updated at 252141Z Nov 2018.

Tactical Distributors

Updated Daily at

ZEV Technologies

Special pricing on select slides, magwells, AR uppers, triggers and SKB rifle cases – while supplies last

Sale starts Monday November 19th and ends November 30th.

TYR Tactical

Save up to 66% off all in-stock Medium Ultra Low Vis Ballistic Plates, Huron™ 3-Day Assault Packs, PICO, BPC & GPC Plate Carriers.

Take 20% off the Huron™ Mid-Weight Polartech Alpha Jacket.  This item is only available during Black Friday.  Get yours before they sell out!

Sale Dates: 11/20/18 – 11/27/18

No Coupon Code Required.

Offers available online only at

Terms & Conditions: While Supplies Last.  All Sales are Final. No Additional Discounts Apply on Sale Product.  Discount cannot be applied to past purchases. No advanced purchase or inventory reservations. Hard armor plates do not ship outside of the United States


It’s BLACKTAC Deal Days! Help everyone on your list Stay Frosty with 30% off sitewide thru Cyber Monday, promo code BLACKTAC. See site for details.

US Elite

Thank you for making  U.S. Elite the #1 market leader for Arc’teryx LEAF and Salomon Forces. Take 25% off when you shop LEAF and Forces Black Friday Sale happening now.

Starting Thanksgiving Day, use coupon code TURKEY at checkout for a 20% off discount on any item that is not on sale. This will not work with gift cards, The DropZone or past purchases. Sorry, this will not stack with other coupon codes or military discount.  Ends Tuesday, Nov. 27.

Soldier Systems Exclusive: Use coupon code SSDROPZONE and take an extra 10% off The Dropzone. Valid from Nov. 22-27.

Also save big on the following premium tactical brands:

Take 50% off on Magpul Apparel

Save 20% off on Lowa Task Force until 11/27

Lowest prices for the Season! Save big on Reebok Tactical until 12/10

Save 25% off on Outdoor Research until 11/26

Suunto save 30% from 11/23 to 12/26

Aftershokz 30% off sale starts 11/22 and ends 11/26

Looking for stocking stuffer deals? Make sure you join our newsletter and get exclusive deals for Oakley SI, High Speed Gear, Blue Force Gear, Velocity Systems and more!

From our family to yours, have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration!


Black Friday:

Select products up to 75% off and FREE SHIPPING on orders $100 or more. Sale starts Friday 11.23.2018 at 12:01 AM PST and sale ends 11:59 PM PST 11.26.2018 OR while supplies last.

Cyber Monday:

Select products (different than Black Friday Promo) up to 50% off and FREE SHIPPING on orders $100 or more. Sale starts Monday 11.26.2018 at 12:01 AM PST and sale ends 11:59 PM PST 11.26.2018 OR while supplies last.


And just like that…the 2018 holiday season is upon us!  Between November 21st and November 30th, TangoDown® customers can enjoy 10% off orders up to $125 and 15% off orders over $125.

When placing your order during promotion periods, keep in mind our order system runs on Pacific time and must be placed by 11:59pm (PST) on November 30th for the order to qualify for the promotion.  No offer code is needed, just shop and save!

In addition to the above listed promotion, TangoDown® will be offering additional sales periodically, which can be found on our social media only (hint -think of heavy shopping days during Thanksgiving).  There will be a little something to please everyone who might be shopping for gifts…or even purchasing for themselves.  Make sure to look for the date/time these social promotions are valid.  The social media promotions are valid with the 10-15% off discount listed above.  Don’t miss out & find our social media here:



SKD Tactical

RE Factor Tactical

The discount amounts will go as follows:

Friday- 30% OFF
Saturday- 25% OFF
Sunday- 25% OFF
Monday- 25% OFF

All items will be included in the sale except for BlackPoint Tactical/ Holster products. The sale cannot be combined with other sales or discounts.

Customers will have to use Promo Code: “BLACKFRI” at checkout to take advantage of the sale.

O P Tactical

Starting on Black Friday, 23 November, use coupon code BFDAY18 for store-wide savings! Everything from new Spiritus Systems MK4 Chassis and parts, Mayflower APC’s, Surefire Lights, Altama OTB Maritime Boots, and more will be on sale. See below for the deals breakdown:

• Use coupon code BFDAY18 for 10% off site-wide starting at 12:01am EST Friday, get 12% off Saturday and Sunday, and then a whopping 15% on Cyber Monday. Some exclusions apply, see website for details starting Friday.

• 25% off all Arc’teryx LEAF now through 26 November. Items marked down, no coupon needed.

• 25% off all Salomon Boots now through 2 December.  Items marked down, no coupon needed.

The best deals of the year are in stock and available here, don’t miss out on these great savings!


Grey Ghost Precision


As we count our blessings on this Thanksgiving Day, we count ourselves extremely lucky to have customers like you. Thank you for making this year a great success. We wish you a very happy Thanksgiving and joyful holiday season.

Please Enjoy 25% off store wide items.


215 Gear

215 GEAR Weekend Sale Starts 0900 22NOV-0900 27NOV

15%-40% off through-out the site

Any reader to enter the following code SSD215 in the comments section of their order will receive a Free Moral Patch of their choice with any Hat Purchase.

Proven Arms & Outfitters

Deals on Firearms, Optics, Apparel, Knives, Tactical Gear, Ammo and More

ABERDEEN, N.C. – (November 2018)- Proven Arms & Outfitters Black Friday sale begins in store and online November 23rd through November 25that their locations in Tacoma, Washington, and Woodbridge, Virginia, and online at Customers can save hundreds on incredible deals on phenomenal products. Plus, they’ll have the opportunity to purchase products at closeout and clearance prices that are so low they can’t be advertised.

Don’t miss out on our Cyber Monday Sale November 26th!  Sign up for our email list and you’ll see the promotions first! These exclusive deals are while supplies last, so don’t miss out.

Stay tuned and look forward to more exciting announcements coming from Proven Arms & Outfitters very soon!



Forget the mall this Friday and shop TNVC for some of our deepest discounts ever, in stock and ready to ship!

For 2018 we will be offering the battle-proven TNV/Sentinel with L-3 OMNI VIII Thin-Filmed tubes for $750 off for our lowest price ever of $7,149.99 along with the newest BNVD system, the AB Night Vision Ruggedized Night Vision Goggle (RNVG) with L-3 OMNI VIII Thin-Filmed tubes for $500 off for a total price of $6,899!

Prices have never been lower, and there has never been a better time to get a set of Binocular Night Vision Goggles built in-house with TNVC’s industry leading 5 year warranty, and custom-spec’ed, hand-matched L-3 image intensifier tubes guaranteed to meet or exceed current U.S. military OMNI VIII specifications.


We will also be offering our EXCLUSIVE 4D Tactical Zero G DELUXE Retrofit Combat Liner, the most comfortable helmet pad set on the market for $95 (regular price $110), along with:

Crye Precision NightCaps for $75 (regular price $95), or $140 with an Ops-Core VAS Helmet Shroud (regular price, $100; black only), Black VAS shrouds will also be available separately for $75.

Wilcox L4 G11-ARMY USGI Bayonet Style mount for $265

TNVC Torch PRO MK II for $209

TNVC TM-14 MK 3 PVS-14 Weapons Mount Kit with Aimpoint Twist Base for $185 (regular price $201, TM-14 available separately for $70)

TNVC Tele Vue Night Vision A-Focal Astronomy Adapter for $49 (regular price $65)

Unity Tactical SPARK Marker Light (red) for $12

Sale begins Friday, November 23rd and lasts until Saturday, December 1st!


*Black Friday TNV/Sentinels and AB Night Vision RNVGs available in black housings only, while supplies last

Chase Tactical


20% OFF through 11/23
Coupon Code: BLACK20

Bravo Company USA




Maxim Defense

St Cloud, MN  – Maxim Defense is having a sitewide Black Friday sale now through Tuesday, November 26th. The sale will offer a 20% discount on all Maxim products and Free Shipping. In addition, Maxim is offering deep deep discounts on its Maxim CQB 9mm pistol bundle, their 9mm CQB Pistol w/standard pistol weight spring and buffer and a 9mm BCG. The normally priced 9mm Pistol bundle retails for $604.95 and will be on sale for $390.00. The 9mm Pistol with buffer and spring retailing for $450.00 will be on sale for $295.00 and Universal 9mm BCG that retails for $209.00 will be selling for $135.00

To learn more and take advantage of these spectacular deals visit

Max Velocity Tactical

SALE! 10% Discount! Special Operations Rig (SOR) – Black Friday thru Cyber Monday!

Extreme Outfitters


Use discount code BLACKFRIDAY for 15% OFF and Free Shipping sitewide. Sale ends 11/26/18.


Direct Action

Direct Action is offering a discount on tactical gear from Black Friday to Cyber Monday. 20% off backpacks and bags and 10% off tactical equipment.

It’s the last promotion this year. Don’t miss it!

US Store

International Store

Grey Ghost Gear


Wild Things Gear

Wild Things Black Friday Sale! 30% off of select sale room items and 15% off of the entire site. Simply enter discount code “WTBF15” at checkout to receive the 15%. Click here to start shopping:



Geissele Automatics

Sale goes live on Friday!

Want a MK16 rail? Just pick a color!

Want a MK4 Federal rail? Just pick a color!

Want great savings on the best accessories in the market? Just wait a few more days!

Samson Manufacturing

The month-long Black Friday Sale from Samson Manufacturing, Inc. continues their offering 20% off all in-stock Evolution Series Handguards and Accessories.

Standard Evolution Series handguards and Evolution KeyMod handguards feature a free-floating AR-15 rail system. These handguards are available in lengths of 7″, 7.6”, 9″, 10″, 11″, 12.37″ and 15″.  The Samson Evolution EX Series are available in 4″, 7”, 9″, and 12″ lengths.

Don’t forget, the M-LOK® and KeyMod SX Series Handguards and the black and natural Shield Carry Contour Magazine Extensions are 20% off through the end of November.

Smith & Wesson

Outdoor Element

Black Friday Special:
Buy 2 and get 1 free  plus free shipping in the USA!

Use Coupon Code OEBF2018 expires 26 Nov 2018

5.11 Tactical

Sparrows Lock Picks

NEMO Equipment

When the best things in life aren’t things, what makes a good holiday gift? We have a few ideas.

Save 25% on select tents, sleeping bags, pads, pillows, and camp furniture, now through November 26th by entering code CHEERSTOGEAR at checkout.


Arisaka Thanksgiving Sale

12% off site wide with discount code “thanks

November 19-26




ADAPTIVX is offering 20% discount for any in stock items. Any item currently discounted on our site will receive the additional discount when you apply the Black Friday code. Don’t forget, all products include Free Shipping to the contingent 48. Happy Holidays from our team at ADAPTIVX!

Kota Longboards

Warrior Culture Gear






1620 Workwear

EVER 25% Off-Everything! Use Code BFCM

Gunmag Warehouse


Please note the free shipping offer is valid through Friday 11/23 and will become valid again on cyber Monday.



Agilite are having their once-a-year Mega Sale with UP TO 50% OFF STOREWIDE & FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE as well as Daily Mega Deals! Limited Stock Available-While Stocks Last.

NO COUPON CODES NEEDED, Discounts add automatically.

Sale Runs from 10:00 EST-Midnight Monday Nov 26th EST.


Take %15 store-wide and save in our biggest sales event of the year. Discount will be automatically applied after adding to the cart.







• M.U.B.


Tyrant Designs

Spectre Miniatures

T.Rex Arms

T.Rex Arms is thankful for an eventful year full of challenges and growth, and also grateful for our customers, who have been a great source of input and encouragement as we have sought to grow our company beyond holster manufacturing. This Black Friday, everything we stock is on sale from November 23-26. We are offering 15% off all Kydex products, various sales on all optics, lights, weapon accessories, medical gear, war belt equipment, and plate carrier setups, and free shipping on all orders over $50.

Combat Flip Flops

Bastion Gear


Get 25% off storewide and 45% off threaded barrels from 12:00AM EST 11/23/18 through 11:59PM EST 11/27/18.

*Offer valid from 11/23/18 at 12:00 am EST through 11/27/18 at 11:59 pm EST online at while supplies last. Discounts may not be combined with other offers or discounts including Pro Deal. No adjustments on previous purchases. Sale price cannot be carried over for future orders. Customer must abide by all state and federal regulations. Void where prohibited.

Kriss USA


Hello there,

The Buy One, Get One Free (BOGO) sale is the best deal possible at, so take advantage of this during your 2018 Black Friday shopping and pick up some Legacy series gear for yourself and for holiday gifts! Stock quantities are limited so order them now before they are sold out.

SAXX Underwear

FireForce Ventures

20% off EVERYTHING in store with the discount code: “FRIDAY” The code is only valid until Monday, 26 November 2018 at 11:59PM, when Cyber Monday has wrapped up.

Tactical Pro Shop

Dynamis Alliance

For vendors

This year’s Black Friday is right around the corner. We ask that companies send their listings to us at