SureFire XC3

Archive for March, 2019

US Army RECONDO School – 1960s At Ft Carson

Sunday, March 24th, 2019

This documentary showcases the US Army RECONDO (Reconnaissance Commando) school. This was a 4th Infantry Division hosted at Fort Carson, Colorado’s Camp Red Devil during the late 1960s and early 70s. Other posts had similar programs based on the course taught in Vietnam to prepare Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol members for their mission.

Corps Strength: Transitional Disconnect, Road Blocks and Magical Thinking

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

This past weekend I spent some time on the road with our Anti-Terrorism/Anti-Piracy class. During all our courses we build time into the schedule to make trips outside of Pensacola to attend training from other bases/agencies and to enjoy some liberty together. I often learn more about my students and their countries on these trips than I do in the classroom, as things are always different (and more open), when you get away from the flag pole. In any case, during this recent trip I was accompanied by an active duty U.S. Navy Senior Chief. He’s currently dealing with some foot injuries and from that, weight gain. During the trip we discussed diet and PT quite a bit. He told me while his foot injury has made maintaining weight standards extra tough, he admitted that he’s struggled with weight for his entire Navy career. However, while speaking to him it was obvious that he had a lot of knowledge about diet and exercise. While it may seem counter-intuitive that a person who is overweight and out of shape would have good knowledge on this, but I’ve found this to be a very common thing.
As we all know, many people struggle with their weight and in our present age of 24/7 cable TV, social media and the internet the world is awash with diet and weight loss information (good and bad). There is also no doubt that people who struggle with their weight spend a lot of time and money trying all kinds of different plans. It’s a multi-billion dollar business and I personally know a lot of people who’ve attempted dozens of different diets and workout plans over the years. Sadly, the vast majority yielded very poor long term results. Why is this? You would think that with more information out there, the more success people would have. However, in most cases the opposite is true. The sad fact is, as more information and options have become available, obesity rates have skyrocketed?

The reasons for the rise in obesity rates are many: People are less physically active in both their jobs and recreation is one reason. The greater availability of processed/fast food is another. There are many more. However, putting aside the causes for now, I want to focus in on why with all the good info out their, most people (despite their obvious knowledge) can’t get a handle on this? Based on my own experience and observation, I have a simple theory.

This problem is what I call; “Transitional Disconnect”. Now, don’t get mental, this isn’t just some high brow physco babble. I’ve actually seen this occurrence in many areas of training. What it simply means (Master Gunny speak here), is an in ability to transition what you know, into successful action.

In this case the knowledge of diet and exercise into successful weight and fitness maintenance. Why do many people have this problem? It’s not a lack of will or motivation, nor is a lack of time or funds. I think the disconnect is much simpler and more practical; Road blocks. With the vast majority of these being self imposed.

When someone makes a decision to get in shape and lose some weight they normally seek out some advice. Which like we said before, isn’t hard to find. Yes, they could get some poor advice, true. But most of the time it’s easy enough to find enough of the tried and true basic stuff, at least enough to get them started. After that it’s time to transition that knowledge into action, this is obviously the hard part and to be successful you need a clear path going forward. But this is exactly where people will unknowingly insert roadblocks that will in short order derail their plan. There are many of these roadblocks, but there are three are the most common and biggest.

1. Attempting a too strict and/or complicated program: Any eating plan that requires a lot of special foods, restrictions and supplements is doomed from the start. I could give you dozens of examples and reasons why this is true. Just trust me, it’s true for 99.9% of the real world. Real foods, in the right amounts, is the only thing that works long term. The same goes for a PT program, try to get too fancy, too intense or just too much and you will injure yourself, or burn out.

2. Losing the balance: Success in anything is really a balancing act. Work vs. Play, Family vs. Career, etc, etc. Eating and working out is no different. To work long term, eating and PT must be a part of your life, support for your life, not your life. People who are trying to lose weight and get in shape very often get this out of balance. They spend way too much time and effort (which is mostly mental) on it. It just becomes too much and then, like trying to balance on a slack line with a 50lb kettlebell in one hand, they will surely fall. Not being negative here, just realistic.

3. Expecting instant results: This a big one. The overall world of today is about instant gratification. Cell phones and the internet allow us to stay connected anywhere and almost instantly obtain the information we want. We have become spoiled in that expectation and think that it should apply to everything, including physical conditioning and weight loss. The sad fact is the human body has not kept up (nor will it ever keep up) with technology. You can’t hit a button and lose 20lbs, or download the conditioning needed to run a marathon. Sorry, the human body doesn’t work in WiFi. But, people tend to give up pretty quick if they don’t see quick improvements.

The bottom line here is that you have to change your thinking first and from that remove the roadblocks to make this work. To expect success without these changes is what I call Magical Thinking; Meaning I’ll just go into this half ass, with a half ass plan and Shazam, it will work great, like magic? Yeah, ok let me know how that works out. Then again you don’t have to tell me, I already know. Getting and keeping your self in good shape isn’t magic, it’s a combination of basic knowledge, sound planning and consistent action. Look at your lifestyle, your routine, the way you eat. From that come up with a eating and PT program that fits into your life. The most successful plans start with small improvements around the edges, not drastic changes. For example, just replacing regular soda with diet (water is better), can make losing weight a lot easier. Consistently going for a walk after dinner is another. These things may seem way too easy, but it’s the small things that you consistently do long term, that always beat out the huge changes that you do for the short term. Now, before you say it, your life is no busier than the rest of us. Mine is balls out, with family, work, travel and play going 24/7. Ask any of my exhausted family and friends that hang out with me. But that’s my life style and while everyone is different, just about anyone can make this work. In my book Corps Strength I lay out in detail how to make good eating and exercise part of your life, not your life. These things aren’t really that hard. Certainly not as hard as people make them. The key here is to remove the roadblocks to your success and that starts (like everything), with the right thinking. Think about it. Till next month.

“Be Safe Always, be Good When you Can”

Semper Fi

Series3X Multitool with MultiCam G10 Scales

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

Multitasker Tools is proud to announce the limited release of our flagship Series3X multitool with genuine Multicam® pattern G10 scales. These are individually hydrodipped by B5 Systems, so no two are exactly the same. All other features, such as the CNC machined plier head, 3” D2 toolsteel knife blade with matte PVD coating, dual-lug M4 castle nut, magnetic 1/4” hex bit holder, etc. are the same as the regular Series3X.

Available soon at these select Multitasker dealers:

Big Tex Outdoors
Freedom Firearms
Gun Gallery JAX
MilSpec Retail
Rainier Arms
SKD Tactical
Tactical Distributors
Weapon Outfitters


DS Tactical (ETA April)

Chase Tactical Spring Cleaning Sale

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

15% OFF

Coupon Code: SPRING15

Sale runs through March 25th

GEN Patton Wearing The Green Hornet

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

You’ve probably heard the story that GEN George Patton created a uniform for tankers. As you can imagine, it was never adopted.

Made from Dark Green gaberdine, in order to hide stains, it was dubbed “The Green Hornet” by the press, after a popular radio program at the time. It featured Gold buttons down the side along with pockets on the front of the thighs of the trousers for improved access while seated in a tank. The uniform was topped off with a football helmet said to come from the Washington Redskins.

Unfortunately, only one example was ever crafted, but the Armor Museum had two copies made because the original has sustained extensive UV damage over the years.

Meprolight USA Introduces the MEPRO MOR PRO

Friday, March 22nd, 2019

Originally developed for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the MEPRO MOR PRO is a multi-purpose, multi-activated red dot reflex sight with laser pointers.

Middletown, Penn. (March 2019) – Meprolight USA®, the US sales and marketing division of Meprolight®, a world leader in a variety of optic solutions from electro-optics sights, self-illuminated night sights, and innovative pistol sights, introduces the MEPRO MOR PRO, a multi-purpose reflex sight with two laser pointers (visible and IR).

Developed for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the MEPRO MOR PRO allows for quick, instinctive accurate target acquisition with one or both eyes open and also allows for fast transition between long-range and CQC scenarios. The MEPRO MOR PRO offers operators the ultimate in reflex sight versatility providing complete confidence in low light, daytime conditions and seamlessly integrates into day/night operation. The passive reflex is self-illuminated for any time use and the active reflex offers an extra bright LED dot for special lighting circumstances. Red or green laser pointers for urban or close quarter scenarios can easily be activated. An IR laser pointer for covert operations gives the user the ultimate advantage. The MEPRO MOR PRO’s combined zeroing system co-aligns the aiming pattern and the two laser pointers into a single zeroing procedure, saving time and increasing accuracy.

Made to withstand harsh weather and temperature conditions, the MEPRO MOR PRO easily withstands the user’s physical stress or extreme firing situations. It features a large 30 diameter lens that allows a large field of view for rapid target acquisition with four reticle options: bullseye, triangle, open “x” and 2.2/4.3 MOA.

The MEPRO MOR PRO, built to the highest of military standards, has a Constant and Momentary PTL mode and an automatic PTL failure detection. The sight also has a two-battery compartment for redundancy and to extend operational hours, yet even when working with just one battery, the MEPRO MOR PRO’s performance remains optimal. It mounts to a Picatinny rail and its lightweight, rugged construction will make the MEPRO MOR PRO the go-to reflex sight for any professional. MSRP starts at $1,299.00.

Retailers can now order Meprolight products, including new 2019 products from Meprolight USA, the US-based division of Meprolight, at or call 833-MEPROLIGHT (833-637-7654).

Stay current with Meprolight USA on our Facebook page.

Griffin Armament – EXPLORR

Friday, March 22nd, 2019

Unknown to many, Griffin Armament was a technology innovator in tubeless silencer design, developing the first commercially available tubeless suppressors in 2010, The Recce Series (gen 1).   Tubeless designs although relatively featureless compared to user serviceable or modular suppressors do have a unique advantage in that they can be made very lightweight and durable.  Deleting the outer tube helps reduce weight of the system but also imposes other engineering hurdles that have to be overcome.  Griffin, having a solid R&D background in tubeless suppressors, sought to push the limits of what was capable by creating the EXPLORR™ series.  The goal was to create dedicated rifle suppressors as light as possible, including the mounting system, that nearly matched the lightweight specifications common to full titanium suppressors.  Once the program was completed, the consumer could have the lightest weight products available with better than currently available material durability in the existing class. By accomplishing this product goal, a new class of suppressors was created. Truly Lightweight and durable rifle suppressors.

Austin, Primary Owner and lead design engineer at Griffin Armament stated,

“Dedicated suppressors still have a place in the market despite so much popularity surrounding modular cans.  Modular cans are neat, but they are typically a jack of all trades stand in solution for consumers venturing into silencer ownership for the first time.  Once that user realizes the benefits of shooting a suppressor on a variety of their firearms, they usually look for more dedicated product options to fit certain interests in their shooting hobby.  This is the point where the consumer becomes very critical of performance, features, function, and price. We aim to offer a suppressor product for every consumer regardless of our own personal interests. Many people are satisfied with a modular or universal type suppressor, but most find themselves wanting to expand their collection once they get their first experience with suppressors.  The EXPLORR™ series was designed to provide users with the lightest, most accurate, and durable suppressors on the market, hands down.  You’ll find a host of special features on some of our cans, but the EXPLORR™ is a bit stripped down in terms of features but is packed in terms of weight specs and performance. This can family is designed for guys who love shooting rifles with cans. We’re excited to launch the EXPLORR™ and believe it will help keep Griffin at the forefront of suppressor offerings.  As always, I’d like to say thank you to all our great customers, without them we wouldn’t be able to have careers that we love. So thank you.”

EXPLORR™ Features
• Full 17-4 stainless steel billet construction
• Flawless wire EDM cut bores true to the mounting interface
• Fully H900 heat treated for increased service life
• Full TIG circumferentially welded
• Patented and Tuned HEDP™ (High efficiency dual purpose) baffles
• Accommodates the entire Taper Mount line of muzzle devices
• Rear mount body is the serialized component
• Front three-quarter inch Hex Cap, and rear wrench flats
• Front cap features cone flash hider

EXPLORR™ Model Information

EXPLORR™ .300 ( 30 Caliber)

Size: 6.4”x1.5” Weight: 12.5 ounce, Interface: Griffin Taper Mount

Materials: Fully H900 heat treated 17-4 Stainless Steel

Finish: Cerakote® C Series

SPL (Sound Pressure Level in Decibels) :
• 139DB (20” 308)
• 135DB (16” AR15, 5.56mm)
• 133DB (300BLK Supersonic 9”Barrel 120gr)
• 123DB (300BLK Subsonic 9” barrel 220gr)

What’s in the box:
• EXPLORR™ Suppressor
• Taper Mount Tactical Compensator (5/8×24 .30 Cal)
• Shim set
• Protective Pouch
• Manual & Lifetime Warranty literature


Size: 6.4”x1.5” Weight: 12.5 ounces, Interface: Griffin Taper Mount

Materials: Fully H900 heat treated 17-4 Stainless Steel

Finish: Cerakote® C Series

SPL (Sound Pressure Level in Decibels) :
• 138DB (24” 6.5CM)
• 135DB (16” AR15, 5.56mm)

What’s in the box:
• EXPLORR™ Suppressor
• Taper Mount Tactical Compensator (5/8×24 6.5MM)
• Shim set
• Protective Pouch
• Manual & Lifetime Warranty literature

EXPLORR™ .22 (.224 Cal / 5.56mm)

Size:  5.9”x1.5” Weight: 11.7 ounces  Interface: Griffin Taper Mount

Materials: Fully H900 heat treated 17-4 Stainless Steel

Finish: Cerakote® C Series

SPL (Sound Pressure Level in Decibels) :
• 135DB (14.5” AR15, 5.56mm)

What’s in the box:
• EXPLORR™ Suppressor
• Taper Mount Tactical Compensator (1/2×28 5.56MM)
• Shim set
• Protective Pouch
• Manual & Lifetime Warranty literature

Kit Badger – Pros and Cons of Security Contracting

Friday, March 22nd, 2019

Ivan from Kit Badger goes over the ups and down of working for a private security contractor.

Read all about it at