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Archive for the ‘2A’ Category

ASA Reports from Richmond – Virginia Ban on Suppressor Sales Passes Out Of Committee

Saturday, February 8th, 2020

Since the Commonwealth of Virginia turned blue last Fall, Democratic lawmakers have introduced a slate of anti-gun legislation, along with bills that would curtail freedom of speech.

The American Suppressor Association has been hard at work in Richmond, lobbying to prevent the banning of suppressors.

This is their report on the current state of affairs.

RICHMOND, VA — This morning the Virginia House Public Safety Committee voted 12 – 9 in favor of passing an amended version of House Bill 961. Knox Williams, President of the American Suppressor Association, was on hand to testify in opposition. The vote took place on party lines, with the exception of Delegate Joshua Cole (D-28), who abstained. Now that the bill has passed committee, the House of Delegates will have until Tuesday, February 11th to pass this legislation prior to the crossover deadline.

The amended version of HB 961 makes several key concessions regarding suppressors. Chief among them is that lawfully obtained suppressors in Virginia will no longer be subject to confiscation. That means, should the bill become law, anyone who possesses a suppressor in the state prior to July 1st would be able to keep them. ASA spoke with legislators who said that the educational groundwork laid by the Association over the past month – including meetings with every member of the committee or their staff – was a key factor in their decision to amend the suppressor provisions of the bill. While this is a step in the right direction, HB 961 remains a bill that we oppose.

When asked during the hearing by Delegate Sam Rasoul (D-11) to clarify our stance on the bill, Williams made the following statement:

“Our position is essentially that these have been heavily federally regulated since 1934 and that those federal regulations are more than exhaustive; that additional state level regulations should not be imposed upon suppressors.”

ASA would like to thank Chairman Patrick Hope (D-47) for granting us time during the hearing to provide expert testimony to the committee.

The new language, which was not made available until several minutes into Delegate Mark Levine’s (D-45) opening testimony, reads:

18.2-308.11. Import, sale, transfer, etc., of silencers; penalty.

For purposes of this section, “silencer” means any device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a firearm, including any part or combination of parts designed or intended for use in assembling or fabricating such a device.

It is unlawful for any person to import, sell, transfer, manufacture, or purchase a silencer, provided that a person may transfer a silencer in accordance with the provisions of the National Firearms Act (26 U.S.C. § 5801 et seq.). A violation of this section is punishable as a Class 6 felony.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to (i) any government officer, agent, or employee, or member of the Armed Forces of the United States, to the extent that such person is otherwise authorized to acquire a silencer and does so while acting within the scope of his duties; (ii) the manufacture of a silencer by a firearms manufacturer for the purpose of sale to any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States or to a law-enforcement agency in the Commonwealth for use by that agency or its employees, provided that the manufacturer is properly licensed under federal, state, and local laws; or (iii) the sale or transfer of a silencer to any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States or to a law-enforcement agency in the Commonwealth for use by that agency or its employees.

GAOS 20 – Freedom Frames

Thursday, February 6th, 2020

Firearms owners are always looking for ways to protect their valuables, yet have ready access to their guns.

Enter Freedom Frames. Sure, it looks like a mild mannered picture frame, but the picture slides up to reveal a secret compartment.

The compartment is full length and can be configured to conceal quite a few different items.

Freedom Frames are available in different sizes and finishes.

Why I Formed the American Suppressor Association by Knox Williams

Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

In December 2008 I was a broke college junior looking for extra cash to buy beer and take my girlfriend on dates. I loved guns, thought silencers were illegal (they’re not), and didn’t know what I wanted to do after graduation. Knowing how much I loved to shoot, a family friend of mine, who babysat for the owner of Advanced Armament Corp. (AAC), set up an interview for a paying internship that started in January. I aced the interview, landed the job, and walked through the doors at AAC for the first day of my internship not knowing that this $10/hour part time job would ultimately lead to the development of the American Suppressor Association.

Growing up the son of an audiologist, I always understood the importance of hearing protection. Before my first hunting trip at age 15, my mother made me a set of custom earplugs. She let me know in no uncertain terms that I was to wear them no matter what, because exposure to even a single gunshot can permanently damage your hearing. Like most teenage boys, I didn’t listen. As I settled the scope of my Remington 710 chambered in .30-06 on the vitals of the first deer I saw, I distinctly remember thinking that I should put my earplugs in. A half second later, when that button buck took a step forward, I pulled the trigger. My ears rang for three days.

When I graduated from the University of Georgia in 2010, I was hired full time at AAC as the Special Projects Coordinator. One of the first assignments in my new role was the development of AAC’s Can U, an interactive website designed to educate consumers on the legalities and functionalities of suppressors. In order to build out the content, I spent weeks researching every state’s laws and regulations as they pertained to suppressors. At the time, hunting with a suppressor was only legal in 22 states. When I realized my home state of Georgia was not one of them, I knew that I would do whatever it took to change the law because I didn’t want the next generation of hunters to jeopardize their hearing like I did.

As I began developing a plan to make hunting safer, I quickly realized two things:

1) At the time, no other NGOs were working on pro-suppressor reform. If we wanted to change suppressor laws, we would have to do it ourselves.

2) We would be far more effective if we were able to create a coalition to work together on our common goals.

It was out of these realizations that the idea for ASA was born.

Nearly a year later I organized an industry meeting in Washington, D.C. on August 19, 2011 to discuss the formation of an association with an attorney that specialized in the establishment of non-profits. The meeting was attended by representatives from AAC, Gemtech, Gun Trust Lawyer, M3 – Major Malfunction, NRA, SilencerCo, and SWR. By the end of the meeting, AAC, Gemtech, and SilencerCo each pledged $5,000 towards the development of a trade association. On September 8th, our articles of incorporation were approved, officially creating the American Silencer Association (ASA) – now known as the American Suppressor Association.

At the end of 2011, I left AAC with the intention of transitioning full time to ASA. However, we were unable to establish a full-time position, so I remained engaged with ASA in an unpaid capacity. For the next two years, I simultaneously consulted with Etymotic Research, a leading manufacturer of electronic hearing protection devices, and volunteered my time to advocate for suppressors and grow ASA. It wasn’t until December 2013 that I received my first paycheck when I assumed the role of Executive Director.

While Georgia was the impetus for my personal desire to leap into the political fray, the initial goals of our newfound association were more comprehensive. As stated in our initial pitch to industry, ASA sought to “further the pursuit of education, public relations, legislation, hunting applications, and military applications for the silencer industry.” Those goals remain largely unchanged to this day.

On July 1, 2014, as a result of over three years of work, my initial dream was realized when hunting with a suppressor became legal in Georgia. It was the eighth state that we helped flip. Despite this keystone victory, my desire to ensure that every law-abiding citizen in every state has the ability to own and use suppressors to help protect their hearing was magnified.

In 2015, ASA expanded by hiring Michael Williams, a full-time attorney who served as our General Counsel for nearly two years. During his tenure, he helped draft dozens of pieces of legislation, including the Hearing Protection Act. In September 2016, we added Owen Miller as the Director of Outreach. Prior to joining us, Owen was the Director of Compliance at Gemtech for over a decade. Since joining our team, Owen has helped ASA more than triple the ranks of our public membership.

Today, state legislation remains one of our top priorities. As a direct result of our lobbying and educational efforts, Iowa, Minnesota, and Vermont legalized suppressor ownership. Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming all legalized the use of suppressors while hunting.

For the past eight years, ASA has actively lobbied in 30 states, fought to ease the archaic restrictions on suppressors in D.C., testified in front of dozens of legislative bodies, hosted countless suppressor demonstrations for legislators, policymakers, media, and the public, and funded research proving the efficacy of suppressors. We are the boots on the ground in the fight to legalize and deregulate suppressors and are the front-line defense against the anti-suppressor factions that want them banned.

I tell you all of this to illustrate that the American Suppressor Association is an organization of, by, and for the gun community. We are not here simply to field a paycheck and stop working at 5:00 PM. Rather, we are committed personally and professionally to the advancement of suppressor advocacy. For the past six years, I have spent more nights in hotels than at home because I’m willing to do whatever it takes to expand and protect your right to protect your hearing.

Are you willing to stand with me?

The American Suppressor Association is calling on suppressor owners everywhere to make your voice heard by joining or making a donation to ASA today! Do so now through December 2nd, and you’ll be automatically entered to win one of 12 prizes worth more than $15,000. Your membership makes ASA’s voice stronger and provides the funding that allows ASA to stay active and engaged in the essential fight to protect and expand suppressor rights nationwide!

Visit CansNotBans.com for details and to enter.

SureFire Give Away for the ASA

Wednesday, November 13th, 2019

SureFire is donating a SOCOM556-RC2 suppressor & WARCOMP-556-1/2-28 as one of the many great prizes for the American Suppressor Association’s November Cans Not Bans Membership Giveaway! Make your voice heard by joining ASA today. Visit the American Suppressor Association to enter.

How to enter:

1-Year Membership = One entry to win

3-Year Membership = Three entries to win

Lifetime Membership = Ten entries to win

Already a member? You are already entered to win! Want more chances to win?

Each $25 in Donations = One entry to win

Contest ends Monday, December 2, 2019, at 11:59pm EST. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, at 5:00pm EST via the ASA’s website, Facebook and Instagram. Terms and Conditions apply.


About the ASA:

The American Suppressor Association is spearheading the fight to legalize and deregulate suppressors, and are the front line defense against the anti-suppressor factions that want them banned! Over the past eight years, ASA has actively lobbied in 30 states, fought to ease the archaic restrictions on suppressors in D.C., testified in front of dozens of legislative bodies, hosted countless suppressor demonstrations for legislators, media, and the public, and funded research proving the efficacy of suppressors. As a result of our work, Iowa, Minnesota, and Vermont legalized suppressor ownership, and 18 new states have legalized the use of suppressors while hunting, proposed ATF regulations on suppressor manufacturers were stopped, CLEO sign-offs were removed from all transfers, and transfer times are again beginning to drop.

Virginia – ASA Will Fight For Your Suppressor Rights

Monday, November 11th, 2019

On Tuesday, November 5th, Democrats took control of both chambers of the Virginia General Assembly. Following Governor Northam’s anti-gun special session in July, one thing is now abundantly clear:

With anti-gunners in control of all three branches of government, the right to own suppressors in Virginia is in jeopardy.

On July 8th, Delegate Mark Levine (D-45) introduced House Bill 4021, which seeks to ban and confiscate all 60,000+ lawfully obtained suppressors in Virginia. The American Suppressor Association was on hand in Richmond to oppose the bill during the special session and testified in opposition to the Virginia State Crime Commission on August 20th. Unfortunately, when the legislature reconvenes in January, we anticipate Delegate Levine’s misguided attempt to ban and confiscate these hearing safety devices to be among the anti-gun priorities that are quickly ushered through the legislature and signed into law.

“In my eight years fighting for suppressors, I’ve never faced a threat this serious,” said Knox Williams, President and Executive Director of the American Suppressor Association. “The American Suppressor Association believes owning a suppressor is a right, not a privilege, and we will fight tooth and nail for that right. Plain and simple, suppressors are a tool that help protect hearing. They are not the nefarious devices that anti-gunners want you to believe they are. Banning them won’t make Virginia safer; in fact, it will make shooting more dangerous for the tens of thousands of law-abiding Virginians who use suppressors to protect themselves from preventable hearing damage.”

The American Suppressor Association is spearheading the fight to defend your right to own suppressors in Virginia. However, we will not win this attack on your Second Amendment rights alone. Our opposition is well organized and incredibly well funded. To counter their campaign, we need your help now more than ever.

We are calling on suppressor owners everywhere to make your voice heard by joining or making a donation to ASA today! Do so now through December 2nd, and you’ll be automatically entered to win one of 12 prizes worth more than $15,000. Your membership makes our voice stronger and provides the funding that allows us to stay active and engaged in this essential fight! Visit CansNotBans.com for details and to enter.

Colt Statement Regarding Cessation Of Commercial AR-15 Production

Thursday, September 19th, 2019

Company Response to Questions about Colt Participation in Consumer Markets

WEST HARTFORD, Conn. (September 19th, 2019) – There have been numerous articles recently published about Colt’s participation in the commercial rifle market. Some of these articles have incorrectly stated or implied that Colt is not committed to the consumer market.  We want to assure you that Colt is committed to the Second Amendment, highly values its customers and continues to manufacture the world’s finest quality firearms for the consumer market. 

The fact of the matter is that over the last few years, the market for modern sporting rifles has experienced significant excess manufacturing capacity. Given this level of manufacturing capacity, we believe there is adequate supply for modern sporting rifles for the foreseeable future.  

On the other hand, our warfighters and law enforcement personnel continue to demand Colt rifles and we are fortunate enough to have been awarded significant military and law enforcement contracts.  Currently, these high-volume contracts are absorbing all of Colt’s manufacturing capacity for rifles.   Colt’s commitment to the consumer markets, however, is unwavering.  We continue to expand our network of dealers across the country and to supply them with expanding lines of the finest quality 1911s and revolvers.

At the end of the day, we believe it is good sense to follow consumer demand and to adjust as market dynamics change. Colt has been a stout supporter of the Second Amendment for over 180 years, remains so, and will continue to provide its customers with the finest quality firearms in the world.  

Very respectfully,

Dennis Veilleux, President and Chief Executive Officer

4th Annual Live Free or Die Shoot

Sunday, August 11th, 2019

Freedom Hill Gear and Inforce are very excited to announce the 4th Annual Live Free or Die Shoot! The focus of the event is on safety, education, and community.

The event will be held at Cheshire County Fish and Game (CCF&G) in Keene, NH on Saturday September 14, 2019 from 8:30AM-4:30PM. All tickets will include the limited edition Warrior Culture Gear Live Free or Die Shoot 2019 Shirt, Patch, and as always the Kickass BBQ by CC&D’s!

The CCF&G facility is a growing facility allowing many shooting events, participants, and vendors to participate in events such as the Live Free or Die Shoot. Gates and onsite registration open at 8:30am and a mandatory safety brief will be held at 9am. A cease-fire will be called from 12PM-1PM for lunch and demonstrations. Lunch and drinks will be provided for all attendees. The event will wind down at 4:30PM with giveaways at that time.

The Live Free or Die Shoot includes training by (Rob Pincus, Tatiana Whitlock, Mark Palazio, and Chris Sullivan). There will be many Industry Manufacturers and Vendors with special trainings & exclusive discounts at this event. Of the many Manufacturers there, Parker Mountain Machine will be running the Machine-Gun Shoot, Atomic Ammunition will be sponsoring the 2-Gun Course, and at the end of the event there will be many giveaways & raffle prizes you don’t want to miss!

Space is limited as registered attendees will be capped at 200 participants max. Early registration is encouraged. For more information and online registration available at www.freedomhillgear.com.

Freedom Shooting Center to Celebrate National Shooting Sports Month

Monday, August 5th, 2019

Virginia Beach, VA – Freedom Shooting Center today announced its involvement in National Shooting Sports Month, in partnership with the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).

Created to encourage participation in the shooting sports and emphasize firearms safety, National Shooting Sports Month will take place throughout the month of August.

“We are truly excited to see NSSF promoting National Shooting Sports Month,” said Carlo Galinato of Freedom Shooting Center.. “This is the perfect incentive for our regular customers to introduce someone new to the sports they enjoy and for those who haven’t been out target shooting lately to get back out there for some practice. We’re also offering great discounts on gear in the pro shop. So if you’re a fan of the shooting sports or just want to give target shooting a try, come visit us to see what we have to offer.”

“Last year’s National Shooting Sports Month was a tremendous success, thanks to hundreds of ranges and retailers across the country reminding people about the fun and excitement of target shooting,” said Zach Snow, NSSF Director, Retail & Range Business Development. “We’re thrilled to have Freedom Shooting Center join in continuing the celebration of the shooting sports this year.”

Whether you’re an experienced target shooter, a hunter or a person just becoming interested in acquiring your first firearm and learning how to shoot, NSSF invites you to head out to the range during National Shooting Sports Month so you can improve your shooting and firearm safety skills.

Visit letsgoshooting.org to learn more.

Be sure to “Like” NSSF’s Facebook page to see how others across the country are celebrating this special event. NSSF and Freedom Shooting Center encourage you to share your National Shooting Sports Month experience on social media and to use the hashtag #LetsGoShooting.