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Archive for the ‘Comms’ Category

Warrior Expo – Kopis Mobile

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Our friends at Kopis Mobile showed us the latest version of their NTtv which allows users to share imagery from networked cameras.

Network Tactical Television is a portable, scalable and low cost video sharing system that combines Commercially available, Off The Shelf (COTS) digital camera and palmtop, mobile computing, or smart phone equipment with Kopis Mobile’s integration solution to provide users with a unique view of the operational mission. They do this by creating their own WiFi mesh network or connecting to tactical 4G LTE networks or tactical wave relay radios.


Although Kopis can adapt the NTtv technology to most any camera and handheld devices, they’ve created a turnkey solution which you see above. This is great for those organizations who haven’t fielded anything yet and are starting a new capability. It includes cameras, smart phones, video encoder, and battery as well as the pouches to integrate the solution unto armor or other load carrying platforms.


Warrior West – Harris Communications Falcon III Multi-Channel Manpack

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

Harris Communications is displaying their new Falcon III Multi-Channel Manpack radio.


At 14 lbs, it offers two identical channels (30-2500MHz, 25 KHz to 10 MHz Bandwidth, 20W SATCOM, 20W L-Band, 10W VHF/UHF LOS) with an optional third channel upgrade for future enhancements. Additionally, it supports the following waveforms: SINCGARS, SRW, DAMA, VULOS, IW, HAVEQUICK, MUOS, ANW2 and WNW.

The Falcon III utilizes current PRC-117G accessories and utilizes a single battery.

Available for order now with shipments coming in October.


Warrior West -TEA Headsets – INVISIO V60-HYBRID System

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

One of the other things that caught my eye in the TEA booth is the new INVISIO V60-HYBRID System.


Designed for extreme high noise environments, the heart of this mic is a new INVISIO V60 Control with a built-in wireless module that allows users to remotely transmit on up to 2 different channels from the rail of their weapon. The V60 provides the capability of simultaneously connecting 3 different com sources (or up to 4 independant channels) and is compatibile with practically any type of 2-way radio (including the new Rifleman and MBITR2 radios), vehicle/aircraft/watercraft ICS, mobile phones or smart devices, tablets, etc.

It’s considered a hybrid design because it utilizes the INVISIO X5 dual in-ear headset with hear pro and enhanced situation awareness combined with the TEA Hybrid Rail/Lapel Mounted High Performance Boom Microphone. When connected the Hybrid Rail Boom (HRB) becomes the primary microphone for all transmissions and the advanced split audio is received in the X5 in-ear headset. The HRB utilizes a rugged high performance/noise canceling boom microphone which provides ultimate voice clarity in the most extreme high noise environments users are exposed to while operating, such as rotary wing aircraft, watercrafts or ATV’s. The rigid but flexible boom stays in place even during free fall or when exposed to high airspeeds.


Warrior West – TEA Headsets Releases New U94 MFF PTT Kit

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

The new U94 MFF PTT Kit features several improvements.


They’ve recessed the auxiliary input port connection for a strong seal and improved strain relief to hold up to the strain of parachute deployment.


TEA has also improved the ergonomics of the remote PTT to provide a more contoured fit around the user’s hand.



ADS Inc Releases New C4ISR Catalog

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

ADS Inc. has released their latest catalog featuring a full line of C4ISR equipment and solutions from a variety of vendors.


For this catalog, I wrote an article intended to introduce readers to the function and usage of Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

Click to view .pdf

You can sign up to download the catalog here: shop.adsinc.com/ads-catalogs/c4isr-catalog

Look for articles featuring some of these C4ISR technologies during this week’s Warrior Expo West.

Darley Defense Days – Tactical Support Equipment

Friday, April 18th, 2014


The Universal Uninterrupted Power Supply for the PRC-117G is a portable power device designed for use in the ruck, the operations center, and on vehicular platforms. Made from billet aluminum with a hard anodized Black finish, the UUPS is weather resistant and capable of operating in temperatures from -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C).


The UUPS features two power input receptacles and a built-in zero-wait switch, for connection to multiple power sources including BA-5590 batteries, worldwide AC power, and military vehicle power. The use of two BA-5590 cables allows the user to hot swap batteries for continuous radio use. What all of this means is that you can enjoy uninterrupted power to your 117 and won’t have to turn it off to swap batteries.

An auxiliary power port also allows the UUPS to power external devices such as loudspeakers, handheld radios, and network devices. The aux connector interfaces with standard speaker power cables from Harris.

For more information, contact sales@tserecon.com.


Darley Defense Days – Shakespeare Company

Thursday, April 17th, 2014


The RamHead Tactical SATCOM Antenna is designed as a wearable hands-free way to send and receive real time information via satellite. It provides high quality voice communications for both mounted and dismounted operations.


Frequency – 225MHz-500MHz
Polarization – Linear
Input Power – 25 Watts (Max)
Gain – 2.14dBi
VSWR – 2.5:1 or less

The RamHead has been tested and proven with the following radios and accessories:

– PRC 152
– PRC 117F and 117G
– PRC 148
– PSC-5
– KMW1031 amplifier
– TSE-RAMP-25 amplifier
– TSE-AMP-MB-50 @ 20 watts

Available from Shakespeare Company, LLC.


Darley Defense Days – OTTO

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014


You may recognize one or both of these hand mics from your issue radios. We thought you should know that OTTO has been producing these for as long as we can remember, and they are available as replacement parts or upgrades for your current systems.
