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Archive for the ‘Foreign’ Category

SpecOps Introduces Roggenwolf Camo to Line

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Polish brand SpecOps has been working with Australian camo developer ROGGENWOLF to introduce uniforms in the WARG pattern. The uniform design is the SpecOps MBS-1 type uniform cut, in both WARG-forest and WARG-desert camo versions.

This uniform will be run against A-TACS, MULTICAM, HYDE-DEFINITION and MIRAGE camo patterns for the upcoming Polish Army camo trials in 2011.

PenCott-Snowdrift Camouflage

Sunday, January 9th, 2011

While the US Army might not be interested in introducing a new camouflage pattern for snow, Hyde Definition has introduced their new PenCott-Snowdriftâ„¢ pattern.

Hyde Definition’s strategy is to introduce disruptive elements to the plain white background normally found in traditional snow camo uniforms. As you can see, they are mimicking the shadows and debris usually found in these environments.

Snugpak Adds MultiCam

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

Considering the British military adopted a MultiCam derivative camouflage dubbed Multi Terrain Pattern, it’s no wonder MultiCam is becoming a big hit with UK manufacturers. Considering the US Army and Air Force have also adopted MultiCam for operations in Afghanistan under the name of OCP and that the Australians have followed suit, it’s quite simply good business. Oddly enough, MultiCam has done more to unite the English speaking militaries than anything since the adoption of 5.56mm. It seems that only Canada is the odd fellow in this one.

But I digress. UK manufacturer Snugpak has begun to introduce clothing in the MultiCam pattern. Long popular with UK and Allied Soldiers, Snugpak’s loft insulation garments compress well. The Sleeka has begun to show up for sale in a reversible MultiCam to Tan variant. Look for more garments and availability in the US soon.

New North Korean Uniforms Concern South

Tuesday, December 28th, 2010

Adopted in the mid-2000’s the North Korean Army’s Woodland camouflage is causing some concern for the South Korean military who have begun to notice its use on the DMZ.

As you can see in this photo taken 10 Oct 2010, the uniform strongly resembles the old US Woodland pattern and by extension the South Korean Woodland pattern which was adopted by their military in 1992. While the patterns are similar there are obvious differences in color and shapes.

Tensions being what they are, there is concern in the South that the uniforms are being used by NK Special Forces who are conducting infiltration operations of the South. This is prompting South Korea to step up their timetable to field new “digital” camouflage uniforms to their forces.

After a camo development program conducted in 2009-2010, the Republic of Korea is said to adopt this pattern in 2011. ROK Special Forces have been using a pixelated pattern for several years already and there is some conjecture that they will retain this pattern in spite of the upcoming change to the general purpose forces uniform.

SMARTCAMO Color Changing Camouflage Materials from Hyperstealth

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

We ran across this the other day and we have to say up front that if this stuff is real, then why is the US Army getting ready to invest millions of dollars in the Family of Camouflage Patterns program?

According to a recent release by Hyperstealth, CEO Guy Cramer presented the new wonder fabric at the Brussels International Camouflage Symposium held in October. His presentation was entitled “Fractals in Camouflage and the Future of Adaptive Materials for Mobile Concealment” and included a video glimpse of SMARTCAMOâ„¢ technology. Unfortunately, according to Hyperstealth, the “US Military” has requested that he not reveal the video to the public.

Oddly enough, Hyperstealth CEO Guy Cramer was at the Army’s Camo Improvement Industry Day and not a peep was uttered about this. Granted, the Army was pretty open about not looking for out of the ordinary solutions but something like this? That promises to blend into any background would make our troops all but invisible? Why bother at all with developing camo patterns that are really just compromises?

So, if this is real, let’s see it. I don’t know if you can put a price on true adaptive camouflage, particularly for the individual Soldier, but if SMARTCAMOâ„¢’s works, let’s adopt it.

I’ll admit, I’m skeptical. If something sounds to good to be true, it generally is but if this is what they say it is, it’s a huge leap ahead for anyone who adopts the technology. Read the whole press release here and decide for yourself.

Stuff We Didn’t Write About

Sunday, December 19th, 2010

USTC Holdings Buys Xe Services For Estimated $200 Million

EcoRoamer: High-tech, zombie-proof survival RV

Analysing data is the future for journalists

Russia’s chic uniform ‘sends soldiers to hospital’

Tactical Pants Blog Interviews Creator of 5.11 Pants Liz Robbins

The Gear Junkie Scoop: Hydrapak E-LITE VEST

Body Armor with Batteries (I love it when someone outside this industry thinks they discovered something new to write about.)

New Combat Shirt from Poland

Monday, December 6th, 2010

Polish company, SPECOPS has introduced a new combat shirt with a torso made from POLARTEC Power Dry FR material. Available in two versions, the standard model features NYCO IRR-treated shoulders and an FR version made from Tencate’s DEFENDER-M. For both models the shoulder pockets feature PALS webbing to accommodate small pouches. The elbows are reinforced with SUPERFABRIC ceramic laminates and are compatible with d3o shock-absorbing inserts.

Save 30% with Unleashed Tactical

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

Just this week we wrote about UTE’s new website and products and then they turn around and publish this on their blog:

For five days we’re offering an incredible 30% discount on all products in our covert and performance tactical range of products. The discount code will be published on our Facebook page and will be active from midnight tonight GMT. You need to go to our Facebook page and click “Become a Fan”. The banner on the left will have the discount code.