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Archive for the ‘Industry’ Category

Warrior Protection and Readiness Coalition Welcomes Textile Industry Leaders

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

The Warrior Protection and Readiness Coalition (the WPRC) is pleased to announce that three leaders in the textile and protective fabric industry have joined the effort to provide a unified voice for operational readiness and warfighter safety.

As of July 1, 2010, DuPont, the International Textile Group (ITG) and TenCate Protective Fabrics USA (TenCate) are all members of the expanding WPRC. These companies will join with WPRC counterparts in the effort to educate leaders on issues of warfighter protection and enable adequate funding for the development and procurement of first class Operational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) for American warfighters.

DuPont, ITG and TenCate collectively provide thousands of American manufacturing jobs and supply the U.S. military with the most technologically advanced protective fibers and fabrics in the world. These companies understand both the need to provide American warfighters with the best technology available, and the major role that the OCIE industry plays in the U.S. economy. The WPRC leadership is pleased to count these leading firms as allies in the ongoing effort to better equip and protect American warfighters.

In addition to DuPont, ITG and TenCate, members of the WPRC include ADS Inc., Darn Tough, Insight Technology, Integrated Wave Technologies, London Bridge Trading Company, Milliken, New Balance, Otis, Pelican, Sperian, Surefire, Wiley X and W. L. Gore. Additional leaders in the OCIE industry are expected to join as this effort gains momentum. For more information on the Warrior Protection and Readiness Coalition please visit www.warriorprotection.net.

Warrior Expo East – Presented by ADS ADS

Monday, July 12th, 2010

This week the Virginia Beach Convention Center becomes a tactical version of Macy’s at Christmas time. Any product you have imagined and some you haven’t will be displayed in over 180 booths. This is THE show you don’t want to miss. Unlike other major trade shows, only products and firms with proven track records have been invited. You won’t waste your time looking at electric golf ball washers or being accosted by a guy selling armadillo jerky.

Just take a couple of minutes to peruse the show brochure. In addition to some one-on-one time with reps from the hottest brands, there are also a variety of seminars and breakout sessions to improve your understanding of the logistics side of this business.

Warrior Expo East 2010 Show Guide

There’s still time to register. Just visit www.adsinc.com/warriorexpo to make it happen.

Phokus Research Group LLC

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

Awhile back two active duty Navy types came up with a great idea but they didn’t really know how to turn the concept into a marketable product. So they set about figuring it out and the result is Phokus Research Group, LLC. In addition to their subject matter expertise, they have an excellent mentor/partner who has been very successful in the business world. Additionally, they have partnered with a manufacturer responsible for numerous successful products in the outdoor and water sports market. Now that they’ve worked the kinks out of the administrative side of things, two new technologies are hitting the market; the CBR (RaDD Pak) backpack and their original product the Phokus Aid.

The Phokus Aid is brilliant and everyone will be using it because it allows the user to maintain “infinity” focus with the AN/PVS-14, while providing clarity at critical distances of 10 feet and closer without requiring re-focus. You just flip the Phokus Aid up or down in order to use.

From the beginning they based the business on the concept of “By the Operator for the Operator” so what you see here is just the beginning. If you are still serving but have come up with a better mousetrap, we highly recommend that you speak with Phokus Research Group. They understand where are you are coming from and if your idea makes the cut, can help you navigate the numerous issues you will encounter including protecting your intellectual property. We are very impressed with their products as well as their staff and will be keeping a watch on what they cook up.


Juggernaut Defense

Monday, June 28th, 2010

We regularly field questions from industry seeking help with a design. Whether the issue is ergonomics, packaging a set of electronics to fit on a rifle, or the integration of several disparate systems we send everyone to one place; Juggernaut Defense. Celebrating their 10th Anniversary this year, they bring experience in defense, public safety, firefighting, and law enforcement and you’d be amazed at some of the programs they have worked on. Their capabilities include not only industrial design and mechanical engineering but they can also conduct embedded research to learn more about how the customer operates in order to deliver the proper solution. Once it’s designed they can also prepare a full test and evaluation of the item. No one else offers this level of support to a client. If you are in the need of any of these services it is definitely worth checking Juggernaut Defense out.


SOFIC 2010 – It’s a Wrap

Friday, June 18th, 2010

Brought to you by Extreme Outfitters

The mood was lighthearted and foot traffic was brisk on third and last day of the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference Thursday.

More than 300 vendors worked under the banner “Accelerating the Force” and welcomed long lines of anxious patrons who sought refuge from the heat in the air-conditioned Tampa Convention Center.

Richard “Dick” A Cheniae of Bates boots from Virginia Beach, Virginia, said he was disappointed in the overall low turnout.

Bernadette Sumner of Wide Open Industries of Exton, Pennsylvania, said that although the number of patrons was limited, those who did show up were interested in their blast mitigating vehicle seats.

“We had lots of vendors,” Sumner said. “It was good for networking.”

Larry Connolly of Moorefield Training Center from Moorefield, West Virginia had his own challenges promoting a new business that offers firearms training, combat driving and special tactics.

“We’re a new company, so we hope to get our name out there,” Connolly said. “We’re making good contacts and meeting with some clients face-to-face as opposed to email or on the phone. We’re such a comprehensive company that we can support everything they need to do.”

Moorefield’s strengths include a positive location – only two hours drive away from Washington, D.C. – and the fact that they conduct all their training on a single piece of property.”

“The biggest challenge is trying to explain who we are and what do,” Connolly said. “The turnout was good, (especially) seeing all the different vendors.”

Connolly, like many others, used the opportunity to network with others in the industry to establish collaborative efforts between those who provide goods and services, until they can return next year.


PSP and Revision Terminate Arrangement

Friday, June 18th, 2010

In a press release issued earlier this week, Pacific Safety Products and Revision announced they have agreed to terminate the arrangement agreement made last month wherein Revision would pay Cdn $0.18 per share for PSP stock. PSP was unable to garner sufficient support among its shareholders to ratify the sale. PSP will reimburse Revision for $150,000 in transaction costs.

However, PSP has announced the sale of its headborne system assets to Revision for $1,275,000. Mr. David Scott, Chief Executive Officer of PSP stated: “The headborne program was established by PSP to develop new protection products for future market opportunities. To date the Company has made advances in the development of products; however, significant further investment is required in order to capitalize on these anticipated market opportunities. Given the state of the industry and the current economic conditions, the Company simply does not have the capital required to continue its headborne R&D program and Revision’s offer provides the Company with the opportunity to monetize this asset.” One example of the technologies developed by PSP is the Tactical Impact Protection System. Their headborne systems division is the crown jewel of PSP and will be a perfect addition to Revision which began their own headborne work over a year ago.


Thursday, June 17th, 2010

Brought to you Extreme Outfitters

The second day of the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference Wednesday saw a surge of patrons at the 10 a.m. opening and again just after lunch.

More than 300 vendors worked under the banner “Accelerating the Force” and welcomed long lines of anxious patrons who sought refuge from the heat in the air-conditioned Tampa Convention Center.

Montgomery Marketing Incorporated of Montgomery, Alabama, teamed up with product associates from Extreme Outfitters of Jacksonville, North Carolina, to highlight Granite Tactical Gear’s line of packs, pouches and sleep shelters.

Hundreds of special operators from the military, law enforcement and contracting community also had a chance to view the Recon series of sleeping bags, Walkstools and pouches and NATO tourniquets and pouches – just to name a few products from Extreme’s over 250 vendors. For more information visit www.tacticaledge.com.

Patron Michelle Kalphat of Army Research Laboratories in Orlando, Florida tested a 60-pound stuffed version of the Granite Tactical Gear Chief Patrol pack and was thankful for her work outs prior to the show.

“That time in the gym paid off,” said Kalphat, who was wearing a dress and tactical high heel shoes.

Elsewhere a team from Princeton Tec lighting from Trenton, New Jersey, was thankful for the increased traffic they experienced on day two of the event, where associate Ryan Ditta saw unique opportunities to network and promote his products.

“We hope to show the customer – the end user – the capabilities that Princeton Tech has,” Ditta said.

Princeton Tec associate David Cozzone said they thought the event went very well.

“We’ve met some very good end users and decision makers,” Cozzone said. “There could be a few more, but we have another day.”

Both Ditta and Cozzone expressed a desire to focus more on the quality of their contacts rather than just the quantity of people they might meet in a large crowd.

“It was definitely busier today more people who trust our brand,” Ditta said. “There were more people (Wednesday than Tuesday) to give us valuable feedback.”

There really weren’t any surprises for the Princeton Tec team, because they have been to literally hundreds of trade shows before.

Still, they still have tasks to perform with goals to achieve.

“The biggest challenge we found is trying to stand out like a little fish in a big sea,” Ditta said. “We have technologically-advanced products that are consistently engineered for this market and we want to find our niche and stand out as a leader.”

“We’re very passionate about the military and anxious to get our products in their hands because we know their lives may depend on it,” Cozzone said.

The networking opportunities between manufacturing, marketing and product developers will likely lead to future collaborations that should have a positive impact on the Special Operations community.

At one such networking event during an after-product-show party gathering Wednesday night, in a popular game of skill, Team Extreme handily beat teams from Princeton Tec and Outdoor Marketing Alliance of Birmington, Alabama, three times in a row for friendly bragging rights – at least for the evening.

The conference exhibit hall is scheduled to be open one final day from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thursday.

Eric Steinkopff
Extreme Outfitters Staff

Blackhawk Founder Mike Noell Announces Retirement

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

Blackhawk Products Group founder Mike Noell recently announced his retirement as President of Blackhawk Products Group. Based on his experience in the first Iraq war with gear that gave out, Mike decided to start a business that would design and manufacture reliable individual equipment. Soldier Systems Daily has known Mike since he founded the Hampton Roads-based Blackhawk almost 20 years ago and we cannot think of anyone else who has been as successful at developing as enterprising a marketing schema nor widespread brand recognition. In fact, he parlayed that success into Blackhawk’s recent acquisition by ATK. While we are sorry to see him go, Mike has always been a builder and an innovator so we don’t expect him to stay idle for long. We look forward to seeing where he directs his energy in the future. Congratulations Mike and family!