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Archive for the ‘Maritime’ Category

SCUBAPRO Sunday – Pirates

Sunday, December 5th, 2021

“Been to Disney World one too many times? Have we, Captain Ron?”
During the American Revolution, George Washington, while serving as head of the Continental army during the siege of Boston in 1775, started using pirates to help attack the British where they were most vulnerable on the sea. “Finding that we were not likely to do much in the land way, I fitted out several privateers, or rather armed vessels, on behalf of the Continent. With an offer of a percentage of spoils as an inducement, the call for citizen sailors to hijack inbound supply ships tapped the same vein of self-interest and comradeship that had led the colonies to seek independence in the first place.” Although private piracy proved detrimental to the Royal Navy, it ultimately helped turn the British public against the war.

“He said gorilla. Not guerrilla. Guer, go. HUGE difference kids,” Martin Harvey

A pirate is a seaman who threatens, seizes, or destroys any ship at high seas and often even harbors at the shore. Besides, they have been involved in many other criminal activities, such as piracy and the slave trade. Without any legal rights, the pirates are doing it for personal reasons. And they were regarded as criminals in all countries because those attacks were illegal acts. Piracy was punishable by death almost everywhere during the times when it was at its height. The critical difference between them and the privateers or buccaneers, about whom we can also claim that they were some sort of pirates, but not treated like criminals, is also the legality of their acts.

The U.S. allowed about 1,700 private warships to cruise the ocean, searching for British prizes during the Revolution, when a cash-strapped Congress could not launch an efficient navy of its own at the time. These revolutionary privateers carried congressional commissions, effectively legalized pirates, which outlawed attacks on neutral ships and prisoners’ mistreatment but otherwise allowed them free rein to rob and plunder. Most privateers were motivated by greed as much as by patriotism.

However, Washington was also outfitting a fleet of lightly armed schooners, and the debate over the navy took place in Congress. Although most members thought the idea of a navy insane, the Marine Committee was formed to oversee the production of 13 frigates.

Meanwhile, with its deep-rooted culture of fishing, shipbuilding, and ocean trade, Massachusetts considered whether to unleash its citizens by allowing state-sponsored privateering. Throughout history, governments at war have used the authority under international law to authorize independent operators to transport enemy merchant cargoes. There had already been incidents off the Massachusetts coast of scavenging looting crews abandoning ship down one side as local marauders clambered up the other side wielding clubs and cutlasses; the loot from these raids had to give them visions of bigger gains to come. To legalize privateering, the government would provide the colony with an instant navy for little to no cost.

In March of 1776, Congress followed suit and ordered that all British ships be considered “fair game for civilian warships.” After months of bitter debate on the general theme of business and patriotism, Philadelphia leaders embraced trade, going so far as to provide signed preprinted applications for commissions complete with blank spaces where names of ships, captains and owners could be inserted with minimal fuss. An early proponent of privateering, John Adams, appreciated, “I was always extremely interested in it.” Privateers had to pay monetary obligations to ensure their proper conduct under regulations. Although it is only fragmentary, incomplete information, more than 1,700 Letters of Marque were granted during the American Revolution. Approximately 800 privateers were commissioned and are frequently attributed with burning, looting, and capturing around 600 British ships.

Following congressional recognition of privateering, privateers flocked from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Most had reputations for contraband, quirkiness, and eccentricity until this point. Most privateers just smuggled items throughout the Royal Navy’s blockade.

Weapons shortages resulted in delays in securing gunpowder, but some, like the Brown brothers, managed to solve the problem by converting their iron foundry to cannon-making. The Brown brothers were accused of charging ‘extortioners’ prices for guns for Congress’ frigates, giving preference to their vessels and advertising for crews with promises of quick fortunes, congenial captains, ample alcohol, and a thrilling opportunity to smite “the tyrant’s pilferers.”

Privateering was a natural fit for the brothers, and they immediately began cutting gun ports through the trade ships’ bulwarks and clearing holds to make room for more crewmen needed to sail the captured prizes home for auction. They were also named a member of the congressional committee that oversaw Congress’ frigates’ construction.

In 1777, the Ranger, an 18-gun sloop captained by a young John Paul Jones, sailed across the Atlantic with a vow “to draw off the enemy’s attention by attacking their defenseless structures,” a plan fulfilled the following spring in his daring hit-and-run raid on the British port of Whitehaven. However, Richard Grenville’s prediction that he would do infinite damage to their shipping was realized by the pirates he so loathed. While still skeptical of America’s ability to defeat them on the battlefield, the British were forced to concede one point about the rebel privateers that diplomats on the European Continent had noted in July 1776: “What is certain on the side of the Americans is their activity at sea and the ships of the Crown they are capturing.”.

In the Caribbean alone, whose position as the hub of Britain’s New World trade made it the primary hunting ground for at least a hundred New England privateers by May 1776, maritime losses reached over $2 million within a year. Royal Navy captains in the West Indies learned that a storm was approaching, but their superiors had no clue. “Time is running out,” they urged their companion, “for our journey to the English Channel.”

Before then, most American vessels carried goods such as tobacco and paper to trade for European munitions. The privateers among them were adventurous predators who might provision in French and Spanish ports but rarely sold prizes there (doing so violated those nations’ neutrality agreements with Britain), instead dispatching them back to America for appraisal and auction.

The first ship that sailed into Europe was the 16-gun Continental brig named Reprisal. Under its captain, Lambert Wickes, and carrying Benjamin Franklin to France to serve as an ambassador, the Reprisal sailed to Europe in December 1776 to join the endeavor to create an international alliance. Reprisal then set out to plunder the seas, capturing 13 merchant vessels before being chased into a French harbor by an enemy frigate.

Small privateers like Retaliation and most other ships were forced to flee before a frigate’s firepower, which could hurl a barrage of hurtling metal from up to two dozen 12-pound cannons mounted along each side. The frigate HMS Brune, for instance, destroyed a 12-gun schooner with a single broadside and significantly damaged a 9-gun schooner. In trying to treat the wounded among Volunteer’s crewmen, the boarding party found the vessel “so much damaged that we hardly had time to get them all on board before she sank.” Similarly, a Boston privateer, Speedwell, carrying 14 guns and 90 men, took a frigate’s broadside “between wind and water” (the portion of the hull usually below the waterline but exposed to the air the vessel is heeled over in the wind). The study revealed that “she was lost at sea immediately, and all her crew perished during the voyage.”

On May 17, 1777, another American captain, Gustavus Conyngham, sailed aboard Surprise with 25 men from the French port of Dunkirk and intercepted Prince of Orange, a mail steamer plying between Holland and the British port of Harwich.

In the late 1700s, British political and military leaders denounced the Revenge’s hit-and-run combat style and the many other warships now swarming European waters. For the people in Parliament, the pirates were an immoral group of terrorists to be exterminated. One report of the capture of a supply ship alleged that “rebels stripped the killed and wounded, robbed every article of clothes, bedding, and provisions belonging to the sick, burned the cutter and added every insult to the distress.” And any foe that would, “against the laws of God and Man,” fire on a vessel under a flag of truce deserved, it was declared in Parliament after one such incident, “all the horrors of rebellion,” by which was meant no mercy.

Privateers comprised two distinct ventures. A Letter of Marque permitted merchants to attack any hostile vessel they encountered along their commercial voyage. A privateer commission was issued to those who were commissioned to attack enemy merchant shipping. The primary objective was to engage a lightly armed commercial ship.

Privateers of every type of vessel were pressed into service. The largest 18th-century ship was the 600-ton, 26-gun ship Caesar out of Boston. Simultaneously, crew sizes were as little as a few men in a whaleboat and as high as 200 aboard a fully equipped privateer. Vessels designated for Privateering and Letters of Marque were launched from places up and down the east coast.

Privateers didn’t usually fly the black pirate flags; they flew a flag that looked very similar to the “Don’t tread on me flag.” Privateers that could effectively convince their opponent that the opposition was futile did the best. When that plan failed, it often resulted in extremely violent fighting with unpredictable results. Many of the pirates were captured or sank when the situation wasn’t going their way. Most did not raise the pirate flags that we know of today, but there were two basic types, Black and Red, if they did. The black was raised when you planned to raid the ship but didn’t plan on killing everyone and the Red Flag or “no quarter giving” or “the blood flag” meant they planned to kill everyone, and no mercy was to be given. It also didn’t always have to have a skull and bones. It was up to the captains what it would look like, and most pirates didn’t fly them. Those flags were used truly by pirates not necessarily by privateers.

Despite all the hardships, the crippling of British commercial shipping was highly effective, and fortunes destined to aid the founding of the new Republic were made. It is estimated that American privateers’ total economic damage was about $18 million, or about $302 million in today’s dollars during the war.

George Washington recognized early in the war that his best strategy was to “sink Britain under the disgrace and expense of war.” To survive against the formidable British military, countless small- and large-scale offensive operations needed to be conducted and maintained to keep the enemy off balance, under strain, and demoralized.

SCUBAPRO Sunday is a weekly feature focusing on maritime equipment, operations and history.

SCUBAPRO Sunday – Ryans Orphans

Sunday, November 21st, 2021

For Frogman, the battle of Tarawa marks the birth of the UDT and the start of a very long history for Naval Special Warfare. Because the Higgins boats that were taking the Marines to shore got stuck on coral reefs, the Marines would have to jump out in some case far from shore. More Marines drowned or died in the water from enemy fire then killed in the next two days of fighting. So, the Navy came up with the Underwater Demolition Teams to recon landing sights to make sure the Marines could land. 

But for the Marines, it was another day in an already long history. The Battle of Tarawa was fought on 20–23 November 1943. It took place at the Tarawa Atoll in the Gilbert Islands, in the Pacific Theater of WW2 and was part of Operation Galvanic, the U.S. invasion of the Gilberts. Nearly 6,400 Japanese, Koreans (forced labor by the japenese), and Americans died in the fighting, mostly on and around the small island of Betio, in the extreme southwest of Tarawa Atoll. The U.S. had similar casualties in previous campaigns, like the six months of the Guadalcanal Campaign, but the losses on Tarawa happened in just 76 hours.

The Battle of Tarawa was the first American offensive in the critical central Pacific region. It was also the first time in the Pacific War that the United States had faced severe japanese opposition while conducting an amphibious landing. Previous landings met little or no initial resistance. As the Japanese strategy was to let them land and attack after they let their guard down. (but that didn’t work against the USMC). On Tarawa, the 4,500 Japanese defenders were well-supplied and well-prepared, and they fought almost to the last man, exacting a heavy toll. The Japanese said it would take the U.S. “one million men 100 years to take Tarawa.” That is saying a lot for a piece of land that was only 3 miles long and about 800m wide. The Japanese had fortified the island with about 500 pillboxes, four eight-inch gun turrets, and numerous artillery and machine-gun emplacements. A coral and log seawall ringed most of the island, and 13mm dual-purpose anti-boat/antiaircraft machine guns protected the beaches.  

On the morning of November 20, following a naval bombardment, the first wave of Marines approached Betio’s northern shore in Higgins boats. The men encountered lower tides than expected and were forced to abandon their Higgins Boats on the reef that surrounded Betio and wade hundreds of yards to shore under intense enemy fire. When the Marines reached the Red beach, they struggled to move past the sea walls and establish a secure beachhead. By the end of the day, the Marines held the extreme western tip of the island, as well as a small beachhead in the center of the northern beach. In total, it amounted to less than a quarter of a mile.

There were immediate issues from the start. The naval gunfire stopped at 0900, while the Marines in their Landing Vehicles, Tracked (LVT), were still 4,000 yards offshore. Because of the lower-than-expected tide, the Higgins boats carrying later waves would not be able to make it over the reefs in the bay. As the Marines approached the shore, they realized the naval bombardment had been rather ineffective. They started taking heavy fire from the Japanese as they made their way across the lagoon.

Assault companies, K and L, suffered over 50 percent casualties in the first two hours of the assault. The following waves were in even more trouble. Embarked in Higgins Boats, they had no choice but to unload at the reef due to the low tide. They had to wade ashore over 500 yards under heavy fire.

This was how the men of L company under Major Mike Ryan made it ashore. Rather than leading his men directly into the carnage of Red Beach 1, Ryan followed a lone Marine he had seen breach the seawall at the edge of Red Beach 1 and Green Beach, the designated landing area that comprised the western end of the island. Ryan’s landing point caught the eye of other Marines coming ashore and they headed towards Ryan’s position.

As more Marines from successive waves and other survivors worked their way to the west end of the island, Ryan took command and began to form a composite battalion from the troops he had. These men would come to be known as “Ryan’s Orphans.”

On the beach, the Marines of 3/2 continued to fight for their lives. After managing to wrangle two anti-tank guns onto the beach, they realized they were too short to fire over the seawall. As japanese tanks approached their positions, cries went up to “lift them over!” Men raced to get the guns atop the seawall just in time for the gunners to drive off the Japanese tanks. Maj. Ryan’s Orphans and others had acquired a pair of Sherman tanks. Learning as they went, the Marines coordinated assaults on pillboxes with infantry and tank fire. This gave the Marines on Betio their most significant advance of the day as Ryan’s orphans were able to advance 500 meters inland.

3rd Battalion was severely mauled in the initial assault on Betio. Surrounded by strong Japanese fortifications, the survivors on Red Beach 1 would fight for their lives for the remainder of the battle. Ryan’s orphans made a significant contribution to the battle in opening up Green Beach, so men of the 6th Marine Regiment could come ashore to reinforce the battered survivors. Now reformed, 3/2 would take part in one of the final assaults to secure the island, helping to reduce the dedicated Japanese fortification at the confluence of Red Beaches 1 and 2.

By November 23, 1943, after 76 hours of fighting, the battle for Betio was over. More than 1,000 Marines and sailors had been killed, and nearly 2,300 were wounded. Of the roughly 4,800 Japanese defenders, about 97% were thought to have been killed. Only 146 prisoners were captured.

Maj Ryan was awarded a Navy Cross. Four Marines would be awarded the Medal of Honor for their actions during the battle — three of them posthumously.

The military learned vital lessons from the invasion of Tarawa. The organization of amphibious landings was changed, and by D-Day, they would be far more effective. The tactics techniques and procedures of using tanks and infantry together to fight a well-intrenched enemy and other lessons learned would be used for the rest of the war. To this day, the lesson learned on Tarawa is used as the base for all amphibious operations.

SCUBAPRO Sunday is a weekly feature focusing on maritime equipment, operations and history.

Mustang Foam Expansion

Wednesday, November 17th, 2021

Products Launch Spring 2022

For years, Mustang Survival’s recreational product offering has revolved around 3 key activities: fishing, sailing and paddling. In 2020, the brand expanded its offering and expertise in paddling foam flotation by bringing U.S. PFD expert MTI (Marine Technologies International) into the Mustang family. New for 2022, the formerly MTI-designed Vibe, Destiny and Rebel vests are now updated to align with the Mustang family of PFDs. The Underdog is also a new addition, expanding this growing collection of recreational PFDs.

With these additions to the foam floatation line, Mustang Survival now offers foam PFDs for everyone – from weekend warriors to performance-minded racers, as well as our canine companions, engineered for function and safety, and designed for all-day comfort.

Vibe Foam Vest – Harmonized

This low-profile pull-over foam life vest features a minimalist open-sided design to allow exceptional mobility and ventilation for sailing, SUPing, or whitewater paddling.

Product Details:
Size S/M, L/XL
Colors: black and red
Low profile pullover entry with side buckle
Z-Strap cinch system for a comfortable and secure fit
200D nylon shell is soft and durable
Padded adjustable neoprene shoulders create all-day comfort
Daisy chain attachments on the back secure equipment
Back loops and attachment point for a tow or SUP Leash Release Belt
Fleeced-lined tunnel pocket warms hands
A large top-entry mesh pocket with a key clip keeps personal items handy
Reflective trim on the front, back, and shoulders enhances visibility in low light conditions
Tethered signal whistle for emergencies
Approval: Harmonized Level 70 – USA and Canada (Meets minimum life vest buoyancy of 15.7 LBS

MSRP:  Vibe Foam Vest — USD $109.99/ CDN $149.99

Destiny Foam Vest – Harmonized

This women’s specific front entry life vest, designed for paddling and sailing, includes the supportive Adjust-a-bust system and large mesh pockets for organizing gear.

Product Details:
Size S/M, L/XL
Front entry with zipper for convenient donning and doffing
200D nylon shell is soft and durable
Women-specific fit has six points of adjustment
Adjust-a-Bust fit system provides support and prevents riding-up
Padded adjustable neoprene shoulders create all-day comfort
Fleeced-lined pockets with tethered loops warm hands
Large zippered mesh pockets with a key clip keep personal items safe
Reflective trim on the front, back, and shoulders enhances visibility in low light conditions
Tethered signal whistle for emergencies
Approval: Harmonized Level 70 – USA and Canada (Meets minimum life vest buoyancy of 15.7 LBS)

MSRP: Destiny Foam Vest — USD $119.99/ CDN $159.99

Rebel Foam Vest – Harmonized

This high-performance front entry women’s foam vest features an Adjust-a-bust system for support and Z-Strap cinch to create a comfortable, secure fit for serious paddlers and sailors.

Product Details:
Size S/M, L/XL
Front entry with zipper for convenient donning and doffing
Z-Strap cinch system for a comfortable and secure fit
210/420D ripstop nylon shell is durable
Women’s specific fit has six points of adjustment
Adjust-a-Bust fit system provides support and prevents riding-up
Padded adjustable neoprene shoulders create all-day comfort
Daisy chain attachments secure essentials
Lash tab for affixing gear
Fleeced-lined pockets with tethered loops warm hands
Expanding cargo pockets with a key clip keep personal items accessible
Reflective trim on the front, back, and shoulders enhances visibility in low light conditions
Tethered signal whistle for emergencies
Approval: Harmonized Level 70 – USA and Canada (Meets minimum life vest buoyancy of 15.7 LBS)

MSRP: Rebel Foam Vest — USD $159.99/ CDN $209.99

Underdog Foam Floatation

This PFD is for your best friend. The cape-style design has four adjustment points to ensure a secure fit on every dog. Constructed to support the pup’s natural swim angle and provide maximum mobility, most of the buoyancy is under their neck and chest. USCG-approved fabrics, including durable Cordura on the belly and neck panels, make this an ideal choice for keeping your pet safe and comfortable on the water.

Product Details:
Size XS – XL
Cordura reinforcement on belly and neck add abrasion resistance
3D mesh on the back offers breathability
Four points of adjustment for fitting different breeds
Reinforced webbing carry handle is durable
Attachment point for a leash
Reflective panels for enhanced visibility in low light conditions

MSRP: Underdog Foam Flotation — USD $59.99 / CDN $79.99

SCUBAPRO Sunday – Adding Pockets

Sunday, November 14th, 2021

Typically, when you are diving, you want to stay as streamlined as possible. It will help keep you on time and help you use less air. But sometimes you have more things to carry so you might need to add more storage. The major problem with pockets on your thighs or hips is the drag it will create. When these pockets are full, they add about two to four inches to your profile. You can wear your BDU’s, and that will add pockets to your legs and arms. If you chose to wear a uniform, I would recommend the Patagonia Jungle uniform. It is super light and dries fast. You can also add pouches onto your gear belt, or you can put one or two onto your rebreather straps. An old school M16 pouch is great for a spare mask or extra fin straps. You can cut the grenade pouches off of the sides to reduce the drag. Here are a few after-market pockets options that can help you streamline your profile without sacrificing your gear needs or altering your existing gear in any way.

SCUBAPRO HYBRID CARGO SHORTS form-fit to your body like you were born wearing a pair. On the underside of the nylon panels, a micro-plush interior makes the shorts warm and cozy. This fleece fabric absorbs less water, which keeps heat against the body, increasing overall warmth. They also dry quickly. They can be worn by themselves, over a wetsuit, or if you need a little more warmth, they are great for over dive skins in warm water. They are also useful for items that need to be at the ready or if you need to tuck something away while diving.

The SCUBAPRO Hybrid Cargo Pants are made from 1mm X-Foam neoprene for warmth and durable nylon for stretch and comfort. They have an adjustable waist belt that includes an easy-to-use male/female squeeze buckle closure. Abrasion-resistant fabric on the seat panel provides additional protection. Highly versatile they are great for water jump, over the beach operations or combat swimmer where you don’t need a think wetsuit, but you want all the protection a wetsuit would provide.

The SCUBAPRO Hydros Pro Cargo Thigh Pocket (full pocket with clips and straps) can provide the same storage as the Cargo shorts that capacity. Ideal for storing swimmer slates, lights, marker buoys, spare masks, compact cameras. Quick attachment via clips & thigh strap. The pocket has a large flap with a squeeze-style” side-release buckle closure. Bellow pocket design and large flap make access to stowed items easy and secure. The most significant feature is if you don’t need additional storage capacity, you can just remove the pocket for a more streamlined profile.

The SCUBAPRO Hydros Pro BCD Ninja Pocket is ideal for storing swimmer slates, lights, marker buoys, spare masks, compact cameras. Quick deploy when needed, roll-up when not. Pocket has a large flap with squeeze-style” side-release buckle closure. Bellow pocket design and large flap make access to stowed items easy and secure. All of the SCUBAPRO pockets are made from durable nylon fabric for strength and durability.

Another option is to glue pockets onto your wetsuit/ drysuit. This is way more permit, so make sure you get it right. You can do it yourself, but unless you have done things like this before, I would recommend having someone that has done it before showing you how to do it or have them do it. There are a lot of YouTube videos out there and articles about how to do this. There are pockets you can buy just for this purpose.

Click here to see a bunch of DIY instruction for gluing pockets to your suit.

SCUBAPRO Sunday is a weekly feature focusing on maritime equipment, operations and history.

Poseidon Kronos Tactical LPU from Fenris Consult

Friday, November 5th, 2021

Norway’s Fenris Consult AS recently contacted us about their Poseidon Tactical LPU, a Damage Resistant Life Preserver.

Over the past few years, there have been several instances of maritime operators having lost their lives due to damaged or failing equipment.

Combined with more aggressive and well-armed opposing entities, odds are this will happen again in the not-so-distant future.
Simultaneously, the development of “tactical” LPUs haven’t really gone anywhere – military issued LPUs are generally low quality, relatively large in size, and they haven’t really offered much.

David Manzi of Safe Defence PTY Ltd, trading as Poseidon AU, has been associated with the Aviation, Maritime and Land Safety and Survival Solutions for more than 38 years.
Poseidon® has numerous cutting-edge solutions, and regularly takes on custom development for professional end users. Poseidon also offers unique technical solutions, such as the Damage Resistant Technology for their LPUs.

While testing potential candidates for the procurement of a brand new LPU, a NATO maritime- focused, amphibious unit realized none of the existing candidates were up to the task. They wanted an LPU with the best possible qualities, new technology and all the top life-saving properties, while keeping the footprint on the users as low as possible.
Poseidon® set out to make the best tactical LPU possible, and six months later this resulted in the Poseidon Kronos.

Poseidon Kronos LPU shown here mounted on the Crib Gogh VAULT system – a world first tested with a life preserver meeting the future PPE compatibility protocols also meeting STANAG 2895

The Poseidon Kronos boasts a unique technology called Damage Resistant Technology – if you stab the LPU with an edged weapon through-and-through, it will still inflate fully.
If a maritime police officer are shot through the LPU and falls over board, the LPU will still inflate fully and make sure the officer keeps his head above water and safe from drowning until he is recovered.

In addition, the Poseidon Kronos offers 306N of buoyancy, FR materials (FAR 25.853), inflation redundancy, ISO12402 In-water Performance and TSO-C13g compliance conformant with a Human Test Subject of a fully kitted combat solder in full body armor and load bearing vest, plus 55kg loaded to the chest region of the test subject, with Independent NATA Lab certified testing.

The ability to shoulder the weapon with the Inflation cells in the packed format and fully inflated ensures the combat soldier is not compromised in his/her combat duties.
For enquiries contact Fenris Consult at

SCUBAPRO Sunday – UK Royal Marines

Sunday, October 31st, 2021

The Royal Marines are a maritime-focused, amphibious light infantry unit that can deploy on short notice to support the United Kingdom Government’s military and diplomatic objectives worldwide. They are designed for highly maneuverable operational situations. The Corps provides lead element expertise for the NATO Northern Flank and are optimized for high altitude operations as the United Kingdom Armed Forces’ specialists in cold-weather combat.

The Royal Marines were formed to serve as the infantry of the Royal Navy. On 28 October 1664, the first unit of what would become the Royal Marines was formed. The Duke of York and Albany’s Maritime Regiment of Foot was renamed the Admiral’s Regiment after the Duke of York and Albany’s Maritime Regiment of Foot was disbanded. In 1672, the title ‘Marines’ first appeared in records. The Marine Regiments were then disbanded and re-established whenever the United Kingdom’s overseas colonies were threatened. His Majesty’s Marine Forces were established in 1755 and placed under Admiralty authority at Chatham, Plymouth, and Portsmouth. For many years after that, the Marines were connected with these communities. They were given the title Royal Marines by George III in 1802. The Royal Marines engaged in the ill-fated Gallipoli landings during World War One. The Royal Marines fought in several battles on the Western Front. During the conflict, the Royal Marines were awarded five Victoria Crosses.

The Royal Marines fought against the Chinese in the two opium wars, the Crimean War and the Boxer Rebellion in China during the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812. The Royal Marines engaged in the ill-fated Gallipoli landings during World War One. The Royal Marines fought in a number of battles on the Western Front. During the conflict, the Royal Marines were awarded five Victoria Crosses. The Royal Marines’ artillery and infantry units were combined in 1923 to become the Corps of Royal Marines. During World War II, the commando role so closely identified with the Royal Marines was developed. The Royal Marines commando groups that had fought in Norway, North Africa, and Dieppe were combined with the Army commandos. In 1943, the Special Service Brigade was formed, and the overall command structure was designated as the Special Service Brigade. During WWII, there were four Special Service Brigades, and the Royal Marines served in each of them. During the conflict, nine Royal Marines Commandos units were formed, ranging from 40 to 48 men.

During WWII, these commando battalions took part in numerous wars, including Italy, D-Day, and Antwerp.

During World War II, the Royal Marines received one Victoria Cross. The Army Commandos were abolished in 1946, leaving the commando function to the Royal Marines. The Royal Marines served in the Korean War, Malaya, Suez in 1956, Northern Ireland, and the Falklands War in 1982 after 1945. Together with the Parachute Regiment, the Royal Marines were regarded as the Task Force’s spearhead in the effort to expel Argentine soldiers from the Falkland Islands. The Royal Marines fought at Mount Kent, Mount Harriet, and Two Sisters before ‘yomping’ into Port Stanley after San Carlos Bay. In the Falklands, the Special Boat Service (SBS) played a major, if more hidden, role, successfully attacking a key Argentinean stronghold at Fanning Head, which overlooked San Carlos Bay. Since the Falklands War, the Royal Marines have served in the Balkans, Sierra Leone, East Timor, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

SCUBAPRO Sunday is a weekly feature focusing on maritime equipment, operations and history.

SCUBAPRO Sunday – Seahawk 2

Sunday, October 24th, 2021

The SCUBAPRO Seahawk 2 was redesigned and improved in 2019. It is an all-purpose back inflation BCD features a new ergonomic shoulder design with rotating buckles and a new soft, reinforced backpack; this makes the improved Seahawk 2 much lighter than its predecessor and extremely easy to fold and pack. The stainless-steel Super Cinch tank band is positioned a little lower than before, and an additional hook and loop strap has been added to secure the tank when diving. Other new features include a 2″ (50mm) waist strap with a lightweight cam buckle, redesigned cargo pockets, and a new range of airway and valve fittings. Offering a streamlined shape yet substantial buoyant lift when needed, the Seahawk 2 is the perfect choice for divers looking for freedom of movement, comfort, and stability when cruising the depths. Quick-release shoulder buckles and adjustable shoulder straps, adjustable sternum strap, and waist strap all improve fit. All these straps are equipped with squeeze-style” quick-release buckles for easy donning and doffing.

Ergonomic shoulder design with rotating buckles improves fit, helps distribute the load, and enhances stability. Reinforced soft backpack with high-grip tank patch and inner padding add to comfort, reduce overall weight, and make it easy to fold and pack. Super Cinch stainless steel tank band system is positioned lower and teamed with a second hook and loop strap to secure the tank for transport and diving. 2″ (50mm) waist strap with lightweight plastic buckle lets you fine-tune adjustments for a perfect fit. Two large zippered pockets have been redesigned, providing lots of cargo-carrying capability. 1000-denier nylon outer bladder and 420-denier nylon inner, with urethane laminate interior and radio frequency (RF) welded seams for maximum resistance to punctures and abrasion. A high-quality air cell offers a streamlined shape when deflated and substantial buoyant lift when inflated. The BCD provides 54 lbs. (24.5 kg) of lift in all sizes.

Quick-release integrated weight pouches secure with low-profile buckles. Two rear trim pouches help create a comfortable swimming position. Pouches accommodate 12 lbs. (5.5 kg) each. Two back trim pockets counterbalance front weights and provide a well-balanced swimming position with 10 lbs. (4.54 kg) capacity. BC comes equipped with a Balanced Power Inflator (BPI). SCUBAPRO’s BPI’s, corrugated hose, elbow, and low-profile dump valves using the latest technology for full safety and comfort. The BPI is equipped with a cable-activated pull-dump mechanism on the left shoulder. There are a right shoulder and right lower rear over-pressure relief/pull-dump valves, both equipped with pull cords for ease of trimming buoyancy.

SCUBAPRO Sunday – Salvage Divers of the USS Cole, the Untold Story of the Navy Divers Who Recovered the Fallen, Help Save the Ship

Sunday, October 17th, 2021

Detachment Alpha of Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit 2 aboard the USNS Catawba with the USS Cole and the MV Blue Marlin in the background. Photo courtesy of Mike Shields.

On the morning of Oct. 13, 2000, Chief Warrant Officer Frank Perna and his team of US Navy divers were sipping cappuccinos at an open-air coffee shop, enjoying a beautiful Italian morning in the Port of Bari, when the distinct ringtone of Perna’s cell phone cut the casual banter and light mood.

The divers, deployed with Detachment Alpha of Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit 2 aboard the USNS Mohawk, turned their attention to their officer in charge as he picked up the phone and listened intently. Mike Shields, now a retired master chief master diver, could tell the call was serious.

“I understand,” Perna said into the phone before hanging up. “We will be ready.”

Less than 24 hours earlier, the USS Cole, a US Navy guided-missile destroyer, was docked in Yemen’s Aden harbor for a planned refueling when al Qaeda suicide bombers in a small boat packed with at least 400 pounds of explosives steered their craft into the Cole’s left side. The blast ripped a 1,600-square-foot hole in its hull, killing 17 American sailors and wounding 39.

Aqueous Film Forming Foam flame retardant floats on top of the water, preventing any fuel from igniting near the damaged left-side hull of the USS Cole in October 2000. Photo courtesy of Mike Shields.

A skilled diver with extensive experience in underwater salvage and recovery operations, Perna had worked on several high-profile dive operations. He participated in salvage and recovery operations for Trans World Airlines Flight 800 and the USS Arthur W. Radford after its collision at sea with a Saudi Arabian container vessel.

Perna looked up at his team, who stared back with anticipation.

“The USS Cole was damaged from an explosion while in port,” he told them. “We are going to Yemen to assist the crew in recovery and salvage of the ship.”

The 12 men who composed Detachment Alpha launched into planning and preparing for a daunting mission: They would locate missing sailors, assist in stabilizing the ship, recover evidence, and perform structural inspections of the Cole after a terrorist attack.

“We immediately started pulling resources and gear to support several different diving and salvage scenarios,” Shields told Coffee or Die Magazine recently. “Because we were going to be somewhat isolated in Yemen, we knew everything we brought had to serve several purposes.”

The USS Cole (DDG-67) is towed by the Navy tug vessel USNS Catawba to a staging point in the Yemeni harbor of Aden to await transportation by the Norwegian-owned, semi-submersible heavy-lift ship MV Blue Marlin. US Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Don L. Maes.

The next day, the hand-picked team of Navy divers landed in Yemen with all the necessary dive systems to support the numerous planned and unplanned tasks of diving into and under a critically damaged ship. They loaded their gear onto two flatbed trucks and departed the airport with a sketchy Yemeni military escort. As they passed through several military checkpoints, Perna and his team began to feel the gravity of the situation.

When they arrived at the port, most of the team went to work setting up gear and readying a dive site near the ship while Perna and his senior leaders went to assess the damage. The sight shocked them. The ship was blackened by the explosion, listing slightly to the left, and without electrical power. The only light was from the green glow of the pier lights.

“Our first glimpse of the ship that night will be forever fixed in our minds,” Perna told Coffee or Die.

As Shields took in the damage and saw the Cole’s battle-weary crew members sleeping on mattresses scattered randomly on the ship’s weather decks, his shock turned into determination.

Sailors from the USS Cole rest on the helicopter deck in Yemen, Oct. 13, 2000, the day after a suicide bomber attacked the ship in the port of Aden, Yemen. US Navy photo by Jim Watson.

“Get in the water,” he thought. “Get the Cole back.”

On the morning of Oct. 15, 2000, the divers began the first phase of their mission. Several sailors were still missing in the flooded spaces below, and the men of Alpha Detachment had to get them out and repair or salvage what they could as soon as possible.

With flooding in the ship still posing a significant threat to electrical and engineering spaces, time was not on Alpha’s side. They determined which areas of the ship to search, identified a centralized location to set up a dive station, and planned how to safely enter the spaces they needed to reach. They boarded the Cole, set up gear, and began diving from inside the flooded spaces.

With the utmost care and respect, the Navy divers recovered missing Cole sailors. When a sailor was recovered, the divers paused their work to observe a moment of silence and honor the dead. They draped a flag over each fallen soul and escorted them down the pier to be taken back home.

“It’s a very heavy feeling in your heart to see one of your own covered in the flag,” Perna said. “It’s hard to check your emotions and refocus attention back to the task at hand, but you’ve got to push it back down because we’re doing a dangerous job.”

Gunner’s mate Petty Officer 2nd Class Don Schappert prepares to enter the lower levels of the flooded engine room assisted by hull maintenance technician Petty Officer 2nd Class Brett Husbeck. Photo courtesy of Mike Shields.

In addition to recovering the fallen, Alpha had to stop the flooding into the only engine room that was still operational. Reaching the damaged area required navigating through 50 feet of razor-sharp mangled steel, reduced visibility, and a thick layer of engine fuel building on the surface of the water. To get in and out of the water, the Navy divers had to travel through a layer of oil that they worried might catch fire if something sparked. The team deployed a fire retardant over the surface as a preventive measure.

Shields, who was familiar with the layout of the Cole from conducting routine maintenance on the ship the previous year, was one of two divers who suited up, went below the surface through an auxiliary shaft, and made their way slowly to the engine room. They couldn’t see anything and kept bumping into loose gear and debris floating around the spaces.

Making things even worse, the divers’ life-giving tether lines of air, communication, and light power — their “umbilicals” — were constantly hanging up or snagging on unknown obstructions. With every valuable foot gained, the divers had to stop to free themselves.

“We were blindly feeling around for landmarks that would take us to where we thought the flooding was coming from,” Shields recalled.

Using memories of what the engine room would have looked like, Shields and his dive buddy felt around and found landmarks to orient themselves by, eventually finding the cause of the flooding. They filled it with a 3-inch braided ship’s mooring line covered in a thick layer of electrical putty.

“We filled in the crack and effectively stopped all flooding,” Shields said.

Stopping the flooding saved the ship from sinking and prevented what could have been a total loss.

Mike Shields descends into a flooded engine room through a ventilation shaft on the USS Cole in October 2000. Photo courtesy of Mike Shields.

The next day, the Cole’s diesel generator stopped running, and members of the dive team had to locate and secure the damaged piping and reroute pressure through alternate channels back to the generators. Navigating underwater in the damaged area again proved challenging. Bulkheads were blown inward, all non-watertight doors had broken from their hinges, filing cabinets lay scattered across the deck, and visibility was reduced to less than 3 inches.

The Navy divers spent a lot of time rerouting valves controlling pressure, fuel, oil, or air to their secondary and tertiary systems to help offset the ship’s left-side listing. With the major flooding stopped and the Cole stable, the team focused on reviewing and assessing the massive opening the blast had ripped in the left side of the ship’s hull.

“It was nothing less than devastating,” Perna said. “The most disturbing sight was the extensive damage inside the ship. The blast from the explosion had torn 30-35 feet into the center of the ship.”

The explosion was so powerful that the deck had blown upward and fused onto the bulkhead where an office once sat. Crew members who’d been eating on the mess decks reported that the blast’s power created a visible wave that traveled across the deck.

The divers created a staging area just aft of the blast area on the Cole’s left side so they could easily access the outside space and assist the FBI and several other agencies in gathering information and documenting evidence for future investigations.

Hull maintenance technician Petty Officer 2nd Class Brett Husbeck, left, and engineman Petty Officer 2nd Class Mike Shields, right, conduct dive operations in a flooded engine on the USS Cole. Photo courtesy of Mike Shields.

Outfitted with thick rubber wetsuits, dive knives, and iconic yellow Kirby Morgan MK 21 diving helmets, divers splashed into the hot Persian Gulf water and entered the blast area.

“Everything was surreal about diving on board and into a ship with an extensive hole in the side of its hull,” Perna said. “The fact that you can dive inside the ship, turn around, and see the sunlight cascading into the enormous space is beyond explanation.”

On Oct. 17, 2000, Navy divers prepared to search the flooded main engine room, which suffered extensive damage in the blast and was essentially a total loss. Confirming primary and secondary routes with engineers and the crew, Perna and his team devised a plan to move through the ship’s ventilation-shaft system to access the previously unreachable space.

Before entering the cramped shaft, divers wrapped fire hoses around their umbilicals for protection, modified their gear to slim down their profiles, and slipped into wetsuits to protect themselves from the environmental hazards of fuel, oil, and razor-blade-like steel. The divers inched their way to the main engine room, a feat Perna and Shields likened to John McClane crawling through the ventilation shafts of Nakatomi Plaza in Die Hard.

Damage to the USS Cole. Photo courtesy of Mike Shields.

Watching closed-circuit video systems, engineers from the Cole and the USS Donald Cook guided the Navy divers as they moved through sheared bulkheads, buckled decks, broken pipes, and wires that created an immense “spider web” of destruction. Metal shavings sparkled as the divers’ lights scanned the engine room.

“We could feel the change in densities between fuel and water,” Perna recalled. “Everything fouled our umbilicals in the engine room. Pieces of broken equipment fell from the overhead as we disturbed their delicate balance.”

In that unforgiving, stifling space, the men of Detachment Alpha recovered three more missing sailors.

Over the following 10 days, from Oct. 18 through Oct. 28, the Navy divers recovered personal items from the flooded spaces and sifted through the fine sand on the seafloor for anything that might have belonged to the fallen. They searched every flooded compartment, including areas deemed too dangerous to enter safely, recovering all remaining missing sailors and assisting FBI investigators in collecting evidence. The divers inspected every inch of the blast area, looking for evidence of the explosive device. The FBI was keenly interested in anything that might help its investigation to identify the terrorists or the composition of the bomb.

A diver descends a ladder in the flooded engine room. Photo courtesy of Mike Shields.

The Navy divers also worked to mend damaged areas of the Cole and helped prepare the ship for its journey back to the United States. They relieved pressure in the main structural supports by drilling holes at the ends of the significant cracks, alleviating stress and preventing the damage from spreading. Once the necessary repairs were made, the team prepped the ship for a journey out to sea.

The challenge was to keep the ship from listing over to the left side. The Cole’s crew worried that the repairs made to stop the flooding might be damaged once in the open ocean.

“We had the idea to hedge our bets and have some contingencies in place if something happened,” Shields said.

The USS Cole is towed from the port of Aden, Yemen. Photo courtesy of the US Navy.

They ran several hydraulic pumps to the critical spaces and had discharge lines over the side in case a space started to fill with water.

On Oct. 29, the USS Cole slowly moved away from the pier with a small crew aboard to monitor the ship. Supported by tugboats and a tow line from the USNS Catawba, the Cole made the journey from the coast of Yemen to the MV Blue Marlin, a 700-foot-long Norwegian heavy-lift transport ship 23 miles out at sea.

When the Cole reached the Blue Marlin, the Blue Marlin partially submerged its lower deck and floated it under the damaged Cole. Once in place, the ship slowly rose to the surface, gently lifting the Cole from the ocean and resting the mighty ship on the Blue Marlin’s deck.

The MV Blue Marlin transports the USS Cole from Yemen following the attack on the ship in 2000. Photo courtesy of the US Navy.

With the Cole on the Blue Marlin, Shields and his divers checked the ship for flooding once more and found that their work had held. Shields gave the thumbs-up to higher, climbed the side railing, and dove into the ocean, swimming back to his team on the Catawba.

The entire docking evolution took nearly 24 hours to complete. With the Cole securely aboard the Blue Marlin’s deck, they made the trip back to the United States.

The Navy divers’ contributions were instrumental, Perna said. In a small amount of time, the team got the diesel generator back online, rerouted the ship’s air system, set up and operated emergency dewatering equipment, and provided air recharging service to the FBI and explosive ordnance disposal divers.

The guided-missile destroyer USS Cole arrives for a scheduled port visit to Souda Bay, Greece, July 19, 2012. The Cole, home-ported at Naval Station Norfolk, is on a scheduled deployment and is operating in the US 6th Fleet area of responsibility. US Navy photo by Paul Farley.

“No one person can accomplish them alone,” Perna said. “I was grateful to have such a fine and experienced diving and salvage team. I am indebted to and extremely proud of the divers in Detachment Alpha who made it all possible.”

The Detachment Alpha divers safely conducted 37 dives with more than 76 hours of subsurface work during the Cole operation. The ship was fully restored to service within 18 months of the attack in Yemen. The men of Detachment Alpha played a vital role in the operation that ensured the USS Cole’s ability to sail freely today.

A US sailor visits the USS Cole Memorial on the 18th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the ship. Seventeen sailors were killed, and another 39 were wounded in the attack. US Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Justin Wolpert.

The Men of Detachment Alpha:

CWO3 Frank Perna
ENCS (MDV/SG) Lyle Becker
BMC (SW/DV) David Hunter
ETC (SG/DV) Terry Breaux
HMC (DV) Don Adams
HT2 (DV) Don Husbeck
GM2 (SS/DV) Roger Ziliak
STG2 (SW/DV) Donald Schappert
IS3 (DV) Greg Sutherland
EN2 (DV) Mike Shields
BM2 (DV) Mike Allison
GM3 (DV) Sean Baker

This is reposted with permission from Jayme Pastoric