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DPAA Recovery Team Works to Bring Home WWII Service Member in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Friday, June 14th, 2024


A Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) recovery team finished a joint field activity (JFA) in Bosnia and Herzegovina on May 31, 2024. They worked carefully with local officials and the U.S. Embassy to attempt to recover the remains of a U.S. service member missing since World War II. This team, composed of specialists from various fields, is united by a common mission: to bring our fallen heroes back home.

DPAA conducts extensive historical research on each case before excavation. Matt Cheser, a historian working at DPAA assigned to the Bosnian region, emphasized the importance of the work.

“There are still approximately 12 personnel missing from World War II in Bosnia,” Cheser stated. “It is our sacred obligation to bring them home.”

DPAA is committed to providing closure and peace to the families of the missing. To achieve this, each team deploys either a forensic anthropologist or forensic archaeologist as a scientific recovery expert (SRE) to study each case and lead excavations. This recovery team’s SRE, Dr. Laurel Freas, a DPAA forensic anthropologist, has been with the agency for 15 years. She explained how her extensive experience has prepared her for this mission.

“Every field mission I’ve done in the past has taught me important lessons that help me prepare for each new, upcoming mission,” Freas said. “For this mission, the most valuable past experiences relate to traveling to a new country, interacting with local officials we’ve never met before and who’ve never collaborated with DPAA before, and working with the team to bridge our differences in culture and language to convey the humanitarian nature of the agency’s mission.”

Freas highlighted the importance of earning trust and support from local officials.

“On this mission, we’ve been very fortunate to have excellent support from the local health inspector who has jurisdiction over the site where we were working,” said Freas. “I attribute that to the professionalism and dedication of the entire team.”

Garnering support from local officials is imperative to mission success but each mission and case are special and hold their own unique set of challenges.

“On most of my past missions, we were working in remote and isolated areas that are difficult to find, and even harder to get to,” said Freas. “On this mission, we’ve been working in and around a well-known local memorial monument, with all the concerns and sensitivities that go with that. It’s very important that we be conscious of our activities at all times, to make sure we’re always being respectful to the space we are working in.”

To face this challenge head-on and ensure collaboration success, DPAA works in partnership with multiple different organizations, commands, and programs. They acquire short term individual augmentees (STIA), such as linguists, who are valuable assets on every recovery team. Among the team members was U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Nikola Bozic, a STIA linguist who previously assisted the DPAA in investigating this case back in 2022. Bozic’s unique language skills and cultural awareness proved invaluable for navigating the complex cultural landscape of Bosnia. His expertise, combined with the wonderful hospitality of the local officials, ensured the entire mission ran smoothly.

“Growing up in Bosnia has had a profound impact on how I approached various situations during our mission,” Bozic shared. “My deep understanding of the local culture and customs has allowed me to bridge the gap in understanding how the local community perceives our team’s efforts. This understanding has been crucial in navigating sensitive conversations and building trust, leading to more successful operations.”

To gain a better understanding of not only the language but the cultures and customs, linguist such as Bozic undergo extensive training in their backgrounds. Bozic received further training from the Air Force Cultural Language Center, specifically through the Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) and eMentor language training.

“This training has equipped me with practical skills for current and future DPAA missions or partnerships,” Bozic noted. “It has underscored the importance of cultural understanding in our missions.”

Prior to 2022, Bozic never thought that his training would contribute to such an operation.

“I was initially unaware of what DPAA does,” said Bozic. “However, after participating in DPAA missions, I can confidently say that these were the most fulfilling experiences of my military career. These missions allowed me to contribute to a noble cause and help bring back our missing service members. If given the opportunity to be part of DPAA’s missions, I highly recommend seizing the chance to do something that you will remember positively for the rest of your life.”

Bozic is one of the many linguists invited back by DPAA to increase mission success. He, like other STIAs, returns because he holds a deep belief in DPAA’s mission.

“It’s a noble cause dedicated to locating and bringing home the remains of missing service members.” Bozic said. “The tireless work of DPAA signifies its commitment to fulfilling the promise made to our service members that they will never be forgotten or left behind. This dedication offers reassurance to families that one day, their loved ones’ remains will be located and returned home.”

Freas echoed this feeling, stating, “I feel incredibly honored and privileged to be a part of DPAA and contribute to the Agency’s mission. I am proud of the work we do to provide answers to the families of the missing.”

As the DPAA team continues its work in Bosnia, they carry with them the hope and determination to bring closure to the families of those who served and sacrificed so much during World War II. Their efforts are a testament to the enduring promise that no service member will ever be forgotten.

See the full image gallery here:  Bosnia and Herzegovina

By SSgt John Miller

Remembering An American Warrior – CPT Larry Dring (USA, Ret)

Monday, May 27th, 2024

When I was a kid, I read about Larry Dring’s Army exploits and they definitely influenced my own service. For example, I influenced my career in some unconventional ways and was often in hot water over being in the wrong uniform.

Unfortunately, he passed away even before I joined the Army myself, but I often went back and read the accounts written by SF Veteran Jim Morris and published in Soldier of Fortune magazine and now found in the book, “The Guerrilla Trilogy”. To me, Larry Dring was a hero.

Today is the anniversary of his death and I thought I’d introduce this legend to my readers.

Awhile ago, I ran across a great memorial website, complete with scans of the SOF articles, and found out that Larry’s son also served in the Army. They put a lot of work into it, so be sure to go check it out.


Memorial Day

Monday, May 27th, 2024

Memorial Day, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May, originated in 1868 as Decoration Day. The day was established as a time for the nation to come together after the Civil War to decorate the graves of fallen Civil War Soldiers with flowers. Decoration Day was officially changed to Memorial Day in 1971, extending the observance to honor all Americans who died while in military service.

Pictured: A Civil War Veteran salutes with a Boy Scout and a Soldier at a grave-site in Oak Woods Cemetery, Chicago, Ill., Decoration Day, 1927.

It’s okay to enjoy today, but please give a moment of your time to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for this great nation.

Chicago Daily News photo courtesy of The Library of Congress

FirstSpear Friday Focus: Remembrance

Friday, May 24th, 2024

As Memorial Day approaches on Monday, we at FS take time to reflect on the sacrifice’s on behalf of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. The price of freedom isn’t free.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Distinguished Flying Cross Posthumously Awarded to 2 Air Commandos

Sunday, May 19th, 2024


Air Commandos, families, community leaders, and friends gathered at Hurlburt Field to honor Maj Randell Voas and Senior Master Sgt JB Lackey.  The commander of Air Force Special Operations Command posthumously presented the Distinguished Flying Cross to Maj. Voas and Senior Master Sgt. Lackey during a ceremony here today for actions taken April 9, 2010, during a combat mission near Qalat, Afghanistan.

Mrs. Jill Voas, widow of Voas, a CV-22B pilot, and Mrs. Cassie Lackey, widow of Lackey, a CV-22B flight engineer, accepted the medals from Lt. Gen. Tony Bauernfeind, commander of Air Force Special Operations at the Voas-Lackey Roundabout, named in honor of the two men, who were members of the 8th Special Operations Squadron here.

Voas and Lackey were critical to executing an emergency landing of their CV-22B, callsign Rooster 73. Their superior airmanship saved the lives of two crew and fourteen servicemembers aboard the aircraft.

1 servicemember and 1 interpreter, as well as Voas and Lackey, were killed in the mishap.

“Randy and JB did not have the option to sit back and let the situation unfold around them. They recognized the danger and through their expertise and their professionalism took action to lessen the impact of a compounding situation,” said Bauernfeind. “Every day that we put on our uniform, we stand on the shoulders of giants those who came before us paved the path we walk, including Randy and JB,” Bauernfeind added.

This is the second award for Lackey, who received a Distinguished Flying Cross for actions in combat in 2002.

The Distinguished Flying Cross is awarded to any officer or enlisted person of the armed forces of the United States for heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight.

“We are honored to recognize their exemplary airmanship, calmness during duress and dedication to our Joint Force. Maj. Voas’s and Senior Master Sgt. Lackey’s heroism and courage in the face of disaster is a shining example of the spirit and determination that we ask of all Air Commandos,” said Bauernfeind. “They are loved, greatly missed, and will never be forgotten.” 

By Lucelia Ball


Thursday, April 25th, 2024

I want to thank you for being a friend. As every year, I’ll tip back a pint this evening in memory of all the ANZAC troops, from World War One’s Battle of Gallipoli to the battle fought today. I’ll think of friends in both the Australian and New Zealand militaries and good times deployed to bad places.

Special Warfare Training Wing Unveils Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center

Wednesday, April 17th, 2024


The Special Warfare Training Wing hosts the grand opening of the Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center at Joint Base San Antonio, Lackland-Chapman Training Annex, Apr. 2, 2024.

“This is a historic day for the Special Warfare Training Wing and the Air Force Special Warfare community as we come together to honor Master Sergeant Mike Maltz”, said U.S. Air Force Col. Nathan Colunga, SWTW commander. “Our ceremony today represents the culmination of years of work from countless individuals who turned the Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center from an idea into reality.”

The aquatic training center is named after U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Michael Maltz, a fallen pararescueman who made the ultimate sacrifice on Mar. 23, 2003 alongside five other crewmembers of an HH-60G helicopter when it struck a mountain during an aerial refueling attempt on the way to rescue two injured children near Ghazni, Afghanistan, living up to the pararescue motto, “That Others May Live”.

Maltz enlisted in the Air Force in 1978, serving as an apprentice cable splicer before successfully cross-training into the pararescue career field. Maltz earned his maroon beret in December 1985 and was recognized as the class Honor Graduate for his superb leadership qualities and academic excellence.

“Mike was a legend in the pararescue career field, he was admired and respected by all”, said U.S. Air Force Col. Edward “Tre’” Irick, a combat rescue officer and current SWTW deputy commander. “He was the face of pararescue recruiting and became one of the most revered Indoctrination Course instructors of my generation. He forged many of the Special Warfare Airmen who prosecuted the Global War on Terror and I can personally attest to his commitment to develop Airmen because he taught me water confidence skills when I was a young lieutenant. We honor him today by continuing to share stories about his commitment to excellence as we forge the next generation of Special Warfare Airmen.”

First initiated in 2010 and championed by the 21st Chief of Staff of the Air Force, U.S. Air Force Gen. David Goldfein (ret.), construction on the Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center began in mid-2021, finishing in early 2024. The construction was a collaborative effort between the Air Force Civil Engineer Center, the Fort Worth District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the 802nd Civil Engineer Squadron, the Special Warfare Training Support Squadron and various contractors.

“We would like to thank all the stakeholders who came together to build the Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center,” said Colunga. “Your professionalism, speed, and tenacity in helping us build this facility is deeply appreciated. This facility will be used by countless Special Warfare trainees on their journeys to become Air Force Special Warfare operators.

The Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center is 76,000 square feet, consisting of two enclosed, climate-controlled indoor swimming pools of varying depths geared to meet the training needs for the Air Force’s global combat operations. The aquatic training center will also feature classrooms, restrooms, locker rooms, showers, various medical spaces for treatment and rehabilitation, and a human performance center.

“Today’s ceremony marks a major milestone towards realizing Chapman Training Annex as the home of Air Force Special Warfare training,” said Colunga. “The Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Center will undoubtedly be a force multiplier in our mission set, and it is only fitting that all of our trainees who will come through this facility must aim to live up to the character of Mike Maltz.”  

By Special Warfare Training Wing Public Affairs

Special Warfare Training Wing

Dedication Ceremony Honors SrA Daniel Sanchez

Sunday, April 14th, 2024


Members of the Special Tactics community past and present, and the family of Senior Airman Danny Sanchez gathered for a dedication ceremony of the Special Tactics Training Squadron Schroeder Building auditorium, Apr. 8.

The 720th Special Tactics Group commander, Col. Matthew Psilos, presided over the ceremony.

“This dedication ensures Danny will never be forgotten and that we will always keep his family close,” said Psilos. “He chose to stand between the enemy and all the people he loves and respects, and every American citizen that day.”

Sanchez was killed-in-action in the vicinity of Kajran District, Afghanistan, when his team came under enemy insurgent fire within the Afghan National Army partner force. He was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star with Valor while engaged in ground combat from Aug. 4, 2010, to Sept. 16, 2010.

A large plaque donning his scarlet beret, Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals, and name were unveiled before Special Tactics leaders, and friends and family members of Sanchez, including his mother and half-brother.

“It is a duty and privilege to honor his sacrifices,” said Psilos. “May the next generation understand that obligation and carry it on for years to come.”

A native of El Paso, Texas, Sanchez enlisted in the Air Force on Jun. 27, 2006. After graduating Basic Training, he successfully completed the Combat Control training pipeline and reported to the 23rd Special Tactics Squadron. Sanchez’s military decorations include the Bronze Star Medal with Valor, Purple Heart, Air Force Combat Action Medal, and Afghanistan Campaign Medal.

By Capt Savannah Stephens, 24th Special Operations Wing Public Affairs