Powertraveller is a European company that produces a full line of charging devices. While they aren’t a “tactical” company, you are going to find products that are perfect for use in the field whether on duty or just having fun. Each one of their chargers is intended for a slightly different application but can be used in conjunction with other powertraveller devices to increase versatility.
The powermonkey-eXplorer can power most cell phones (96 hours), iPods (40 hours) and other mp3/mp4 players (6 hours), PDAs (48 hours), as well as portable game devices (5 hours). Versatility is it’s middle name and can be recharged via its integral solar panel, AC, or USB. Additionally, it comes with multiple tips called monkey nuts to accommodate various devices as well as adapters for use in 150 countries.
The MiniGorilla is designed to be used with the latest netbooks, but can also charge an iPad when used with the gorilla-pad connector. It also has use with camcorders, e-readers, and even many cell phones. It can be charged via AC or with the separate solargorilla charger. Think of the solargorilla as a big brother to the powermonkey.
The powergorilla can charge any device up to 24 volts, but the real draw is the extra 2-5 hours of power that it can add to your laptop or Macbook as well as its ability to charge multiple devices. It can be charged via AC or with the separate solargorilla charger, and like the minigorilla requires the gorilla-pad connector to charge an iPad.
You can pick up the powertraveller products at Extreme Outfitters.