Conducting tactical operations using Night Vision (NV) equipment requires knowledge, understanding, and tactical competency with both NV equipment and tactics. 1 Minute Out and Emerging Tactical Solutions have combined forces to offer our NVG Operator Course. This is a course we developed and have trained hundreds of Local, County, State and Federal SWAT Officers throughout the United States. We take a crawl, walk, run format to this training as we believe it is important to form a solid foundation to build on. We teach tactically sound techniques and procedures. This course is restricted to LE/MIL and is the ONLY NVG Course to be adopted by the National Tactical Officers Association as an official NTOA course offering.
Available as a 2, 3, or more day custom course that covers a systematic approach to equipment selection, it’s use, advantages and limitations. We cover legal and training issues, as well as operational considerations through classroom discussions, practical exercises, live fire range drills, and scenario based field problems using marking rounds. We travel nationwide to offer this training and can customize this course to meet your needs. In this course we combine the best of both L.E. Tactical use of NVG’s and the best in U.S. Military Special Operations TTP’s and lessons learned providing you with the most comprehensive and relevant information on the use of NVG’s.
Sergeant Major (r) Jamey Caldwell, spent more than 21 years in the United States Army, serving his entire career in Special Operations. SGM Caldwell served 7 years with the 75th Ranger Regiment then spent the following 14 years in a Special Missions Unit that maintained a high operational tempo in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and numerous other countries in the world. He has deployed to combat 14 times and has conducted well over 500 missions. SGM Caldwell has been awarded three medals for valorous actions in combat while under direct fire from the enemy. During his career SGM Caldwell has consistently dedicated himself to the success of the mission and put the unit’s goals in front of his own. He has been sought after for his leadership skills, planning, leading combat operations, teaching marksmanship skills and CQB, culminating from years of adaptive thinking in combat situations.
Pat Hickcox is a retired Sergeant with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and a founding board member for the Arizona Tactical Officers Association. Pat served 8 years in the U.S. Army including a combat deployment to Iraq from 2004 to 2005 as a Civil Affairs Team Sergeant. Pat developed the course curriculum and is the lead instructor for the NTOA’s NVG course. He is also the owner of Emerging Tactical Solutions, a night vision sales and training company.
Here are the dates of the next two courses and how to enroll:
Sept 24/25 Longmont, Colorado
Enroll at www.emergingtacticalsolutions.com/NVG-Operator-Training-Course-p/ets.nvg.002
Oct 10/11 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Enroll at candgtraining.com/products/night-vision-operators-course-allison-park-pa-10-10-11-2018