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Archive for the ‘weapons’ Category

US Army Seeks IDEAs for Next Generation Squad Weapons

Wednesday, September 18th, 2019

The US Army is all-in on upgrading its Small Arms for Close Combat Forces to a Next Generation Squad Weapons configuration.

Not only have the proceeded to Phase II of their search for a new Automatic Rifle and Carbine chambered in 6.8mm by downselecting weapons from General Dynamics OTS, SIG SAUER and AAI Textron Systems, but they’ve just put out a call to industry asking for their NGSW IDEAs.

Through the Innovative Designs & Engineering Assessment (IDEA) Program, Project Manager Soldier Weapons, is seeking information on new, innovative, enabling technologies that can be applied to NGSW weapons, fire control, and/or ammunition. These technologies will be used for experimentation, technical evaluation, and/or assessment of operational utility focused on enhancing system performance, sustainment, and/or training. This information will advise/inform future NGSW requirements and may compliment or be integrated into existing programs such as the NGSW weapons, ammunition, and fire control.

With so many parallel efforts going on at once, it’s obvious they want these weapons to be ready as quickly as possible.

Vendors who want to participate have until the end of the year to submit, but my advice is to send a submission in as soon as possible, for proper consideration.

MDM 19 – See The BE Meyers & Co MAWL- X1 In The OSS Suppressor Booth

Tuesday, September 17th, 2019

The new MAWL-X1 addition to BE Meyers & Co’s Modular Advanced Weapon Laser family. The MAWL-X1 features Near-Infrared / Visible lasers, EC2 Endcap and Dark Earth finish.

Here, you can see it is mounted to a representative H&K M27, mounted with the OSS Helix Suppressor.

You can see MAWL-X1 in person for the first time in the OSS booth #1629.

MDM 2019: UVision Will Present its Hero Series of Loitering Munition Systems

Tuesday, September 17th, 2019

An integrated solution will be showcased detailing Hero Multi-Canister Launcher mounted on an Oshkosh JLTV


MDM, Modern Day Marine Exhibition, Marine Corps Base, Quantico, September 17-19, Stand 1335

September 12, 2019. UVision Air Ltd. – a global leader in the area of Loitering Munition Systems of all sizes for a variety of missions? will present its HERO series of Loitering Munitions at Modern Day Marine for the first time. An integrated solution will be showcased detailing UVision multi-canister launcher mounted on an Oshkosh JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle).


According to Jim Truxel, CEO of UVision USA and former Marine, “As pioneers in the area of Loitering Munition Systems, UVision is responsive to the rapidly changing needs of modern battlespaces. The company’s solutions are optimized for a variety of platforms, applications and scenarios ? delivering advanced capabilities that ensure combat superiority as well as survivability for even the most complex missions.”

UVision will present the Hero-120, as well as the Hero-30 with multi-canister launcher mounted on an unmanned vehicle, at the company’s stand (#1335) in Modern Day Marine. In addition, an integration of the Hero-120 and Hero-400EC multi-canister launcher mounted on board the Oshkosh JLTV will be on display at the Oshkosh stand (#1703). Once integrated with a HERO loitering weapon system, this fast, agile and powerful Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, with C4ISR capabilities, is the most ideal for complex missions to deploy to the battle. UVision’s Hero-400EC will also be showcased at the US Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) at the exhibition.

UVision systems are easily adapted to a wide range of maritime, land, and airborne platforms. At MDM, the company will demonstrate its unique advanced yet user friendly Simulator, for MDM attendees to experience through the show.

UVision Air Ltd. took a strategic decision at the beginning of 2019 with the establishment of UVision-USA Corporation. This commitment by UVision to increase it presences in the United States and become a local source for our military customers reinforces UVision’s long-term strategic plan and dedication to support the US Warfighters.


Rheinmetall – The Leading One-Stop-Shop for 40mm Systems

Thursday, September 12th, 2019

In the infantry toolbox, the versatile 40 mm ammunition pallet closes the gap between hand grenade and mortar. It therefore serves as a veritable combat multiplier for infantry and other dismounted troops. Rheinmetall is one of the world’s leading suppliers of ammunition, weapon systems and fire control systems and therefore acts as a one-stop shop for 40mm systems.

Widely used today, the Group’s 40 mm x 46 low-velocity ammunition (LV, velocity: 78 m/s) is available in many different versions, including HE/fragmentation, shaped charge with fragmentation jacket (HEDP/high explosive dual purpose) as well a number of other service and practice rounds, together with non-lethal payloads such as kinetic impact munitions or irritant. The range of ammunition is constantly being expanded and new capabilities added. Rheinmetall’s 40mm LV ammunition can be fired from all standard standalone and underslung grenade launchers such as the M79 “Blooper”, the M320, HK269, Milkor launchers, the M203 and the SCAR EGLM/ Mk13 Mod 0.

Rheinmetall is now the leading maker of new 40mm medium-velocity (MV, ca. 100 m/s) ammunition. This product portfolio includes the new generation of 40mm MV ammunition, which has a maximum effective range of 800 metres, doubling the operator’s reach and providing a flatter trajectory for those crucial close-in, accurately placed shots. Rheinmetall’s MV ammunition is currently undergoing NATO qualification. The 40mm MV ammunition family will soon be available in service and practice versions. It can be used with the multi- shot grenade launchers Milkor US M32A1 and AV 140. Furthermore, Rheinmetall’s 40mm Magazine-Fed Grenade Launcher (MFGL) is currently under development.

The Group’s 40 mm x 53 high-velocity ammunition reaches a velocity of 240 m/s and has a maximum effective range of 2,200 metres. Here, too, the Group supplies a wide assortment of different cartridges, including newly developed HE and HEDP airburst ammunition, programmed by an infrared programming unit.

The new multipurpose 40mm HV-HEDP IM ESD (High Velocity-High Explosive Dual Purpose, Insensitive Munition, Electronic Self-Destruct) cartridge is ideal for engaging and defeating lightly armoured and soft targets. It has a newly developed shaped charge cone capable of penetrating 80 millimetres of rolled homogeneous armour (RHA) grade K. It is the only 40 mm ammunition on the market today with this kind of penetration performance. A unique nose fuse incorporating an electronic self-destruct (ESD) mechanism is optimized for high-sensitivity detonation against both hard and area targets. This system results in a dud rate significantly below that of a typical pyrotechnic or spin decay self-destruct mechanism.

The excellent accuracy of the Rheinmetall 40mm HV-HEDP cartridge is a result of its patented, proprietary propulsion unit. At extreme temperatures, e.g. resulting from a fuel fire, the RWM 40mm IM’s improved propulsion system prevents separation of the projectile and propulsion unit. The 40 mmx53 HEDP IM ESD is equipped with qualified IM explosives. The 40 mm HV-HEDP IM ESD grenade is suitable for use in all NATO-standard weapon systems, including the HK GMG, as well as the MK19 and the MK47 grenade launchers.

Rheinmetall’s programmable 40 mm x 53 Airburst Munition (ABM) constitutes another important new capability, allowing troops to engage targets (e.g. snipers) taking cover in trenches, behind stonewalls, etc. The Group’s 40 mm x 53 ABM is fully qualified for use by the Bundeswehr and Dutch armed forces. The Bundeswehr has fielded this ammunition under the designation DM131.

Rheinmetall’s family of fire control systems enhances combat effectiveness enormously. It provides users with a broad range of enhanced capabilities, increasing the effectiveness of the gunner while maximizing the potential of the host weapon system and munitions being utilized. The family consists of different fire control solutions, providing increased accuracy and performance: Vingmate FCS 4500 for high-velocity automatic grenade launchers and heavy machine guns, MR-500 and MR-800 for low- and medium-velocity 40mm grenade launchers and Vingmate SL 1000 for shoulder-launched weapons.

The Vingmate FCS 4500 fire control system is one of the world’s leading fire control systems for automatic grenade launchers. It is fitted with a thermal imager, a combined tripod and gun cradle. It is thus suitable for various 40mm automatic grenade launchers such as the MK19 and HK GMG but also for heavy .50 cal. machine guns like the FN M2/ Browning M2, or even 20mm automatic cannon such as the GAM B01. Vingmate FCS 4500 is designed to permit programming of airburst rounds via an infrared laser beam as they leave the barrel.

The MR-800 and MR-500 can also programme airburst rounds via infrared signal. While the MR-800 features an integrated IR programmer, a similar unit can be connected to the MR- 500. The MR-500 is a manually adjusted clip-on aiming system specifically developed for low- and medium-velocity 40mm grenade launchers and shoulder launched rockets (e.g. M72/AT4). Incorporating an infrared target marker, an infrared illuminator and a red dot sight, the device weighs only about 11 ounces (300 grams). It is suitable for both underslung and standalone grenade launchers. The system can also store variable ballistic tables, two of which can be selected using a dedicated selector switch. The MR-500 is suitable for left- handed and right-handed shooters, and is powered by a CR123 battery. If desired, the MR- 500 can communicate with external devices such as Rheinmetall’s newly developed TAC- Ray Ballistic clip-on (rifle-mounted) laser rangefinder. The TAC-Ray Ballistic which is available in different variations is an extremely compact device capable of measuring targets out to 2,000 meters and includes visible and IR laser pointers and illuminators.

Once again, the manually adjustable MR-500, as an extension of the motor-driven MR-800 and Vingmate SL, underscores Rheinmetall’s status as a one-stop shop for 40mm weapons technology, and other shoulder-launched weapons. It joins other fire control units from the Vingmate family such as the Vingmate FCS 4500 for automatic grenade launchers under contract with US SOCOM.

DSEI 19 – SIG Next Gen Automatic Rifle Ammo Soft Bag

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

We got a better look at the ammo bag for SIG’s Next Generation Weapon Automatic Rifle candidate in 6.8 x 51mm.

Available in 50, 100, or 200 round capacity, this soft bag has a clip integrated at the top to attach it to the MG.

The belt links start with a spoon which is inserted into the feedtray and pulled through the other side to seat the first round.

DSEI 19 – Spuhr Enclosed Receiver System Project

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

Following up on the sneak peek of Spuhr AB’s mystery receiver we showed last week is a bit more information on what they are referring to as the Enclosed Receiver System Project. This is strictly a prototype.

The concept was borne out after Håkan Spuhr purchased his first AR-10 in 2011. Since then he has been interested in eliminating impact shifts caused by loading stress on the Rifle via bipods and other forces. He felt the best answer was to make the receiver into a single piece.

The Receiver is a monocoque design, combining what are traditionally, upper and lowers. The Receiver Extensive swivels to the right, out of the way in order to remove the bolt. The bolt and barrel are of standard design. You may also notice that the Pistol Grip Module swings forward for maintenance. We were not allowed to photograph the interior.

As you can see, the Receiver is also reinforced at the front with a buttress-like affair. The controls are ambidextrous.

Of particular note is the Magazine Release on the Left side. It fits into an indent so that it won’t accidentally be pushed while patrolling.

There are also Spuhr mounts on either side of the Receiver.

This is so new that it doesn’t have an actual name yet. More details to follow.

Two in one – Rheinmetall’s New 60mm Mortar for Infantry and Special Forces

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

At DSEI 2019 in London, the international defence community will get its first-ever look at Rheinmetall’s new 60mm mortar for infantry and special operators. The RSG60 features innovative design and engineering characteristics which make this indirect fire system very light and easy to handle. A few quick manual adjustments turn the 15.8 kg standard infantry version into a commando mortar weighing just 6.8 kg, with no need for tools. This makes the RSG60 a two-in-one solution. In addition, Rheinmetall has developed an ergonomic new quick-release carrier system for the RSG60, meaning that the weapon is ready for action or transport in a matter of seconds. Together with the carrier system, the infantry version of the RSG60 weighs just 23 kilos.

Depending on the ammunition and charges, the standard version can attain ranges of up 3,200 metres. Equipped with a thirty centimetre-longer barrel, the range increases by around 500 metres. The commando variant of the RSG60 has a range of around 2,000 metres.

About 70 centimetres long, the barrel is made of steel with a carbon fibre over-wrap. This assures the necessary stability at the same time as lower weight, resulting in a barrel that weighs around 30 percent less than a conventional steel mortar. The base plate is made of carbon fibre composite material. The novel design of this indirect fire weapon not only saves space, it can be set up and ready to fire in a matter of seconds. Furthermore, by loosening the retaining bolts, it is possible to separate the RSG60 from the base plate in around thirty seconds, transforming it into lighter-weight commando mortar.

Development of the new mortar began in October 2017 at Rheinmetall Waffe Munition. Rheinmetall’s objective was to augment the Group’s versatile family of 60mm ammunition and existing Rheinmetall Electronics fire control technology with a matching, future-oriented weapon system. Right from the start, development work therefore focused on low weight, speed and ergonomics.

The RSG60 has repeatedly undergone successful test firing.

SIG SAUER to Showcase U.S. Army Next Generation Weapons Selection at Upcoming Defense & Security Equipment International Show (DSEI)

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

NEWINGTON, N.H., (September 9, 2019) – SIG SAUER, Inc. will be showcasing the complete SIG SAUER weapons system selected by the U.S. Army in the down-select process for the Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW), at the Defense & Security Equipment International Show (DSEI) in London, September 10-13 at the ExCel London Convention Center. 

Displayed in the SIG SAUER Stand (#N4-235), will be the complete SIG SAUER system, including the:  

NGSW-AR, Lightweight Machine Gun: a weapon with the firepower and range of a machine  gun, coupled with  the precision  and ergonomics of a rifle.  The SIG SAUER Lightweight Machine Gun is an ultra-light, medium caliber machine gun with AR ergonomics, and chambered in 6.8mm hybrid ammunition.  Features include quick detach magazines, side opening feed tray, increased available 1913 rail space for night vision and enablers, folding tock, and suppressor.  

NGSW-Rifle: a lightweight carbine, chambered in 6.8mm hybrid ammunition that features a free-floating reinforced M-LOK™ handguard, side-charging handle, full ambidextrous controls, folding stock, and suppressor.  

6.8mm Hybrid Ammunition: a completely new cartridge offering greater ballistic performance in a smaller package, that’s designed for increased penetration at greater distances with increased velocity and accuracy.  

Suppressors: a fast, easy quick-detach system for ease of use that’s designed and engineered to reduce harmful backflow to promote soldier and reduce overall signature. 
