FirstSpear TV

Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

Hopefully, You See It Here Last

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

Yes, it was funny the first time we saw it. Not so funny the second time. And after seeing this, and many other memes over and over they get a little stale. In fact, after awhile, they become downright offensive.

We try not to do it very often, but yes, we’re guilty of mindless zombie posting of internet memes. Sorry. At least with this one, “Hopefully, You See It Here Last.”

Found on /k/

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Sometimes we see the funniest stuff on /k/. Very sage advice indeed.


Saturday, March 17th, 2012

Try Pimp My Gun

Coming Soon to an Action Flick Near You

Sunday, March 11th, 2012

At first I thought this was a joke. It isn’t. I guess we can all take off our hats to “engineering.”

Making its debut at IWA, the Arsenal Firearms AF2011-A1 (“Twenty Eleven” for aficionados) is a double barreled (and actioned) version of the 1911. It can be ordered either with 2 independent triggers and one sear group (left or right, with user-interchangeability for right or left operations) or with 2 triggers permanently joined and the choice of 1 or 2 sear groups.

The AF2011-A1 is available in mirror finish Deep Blue (aka pimp) or with a 3400 Vickers surface hardness White Ash Nitrite coating.

The Weapon As Art

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

‘The Weapon As Art’, or at least I hope that is what they are going for. Phase 5 Tactical created this pimped out AR-style pistol for urban clothier Illest. Phase 5 is only building 10 of the limited edition Illest PDWs so the chance of running across one at your next street race is pretty slim.

According to an article on the urban lifestyle website by Phase 5 owner Ken Montes, “This very limited, Illest/Phase 5 CQC Pistol showcases the Illest lifestyle blended with Phase 5 Tactical’s ability to bring life to a dream.”

Now, don’t be hatin’. SSD is fully behind responsible gun ownership, even if we don’t get the practicality of a blinged gat. If anything, the Illest PDW is an interesting amalgamation of the ‘Fast n Furious’ and Black Rifles subcultures.

A Weapons Factory Below SoHo?

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Well, sort of. According to a cool article in Gizmodo, The Specialists LTD is a family owned business located in the SoHo district of NYC that manufactures and provides lookalike weapons to the film industry.

Thanks NH

Not Recommended for Grunts – The .959 Rifle

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

Sometimes you need something with some uumph. In the summer of 1914 an older British volunteer is said to have knocked a German aircraft down with a mounted 2-gauge fowling piece. Correia’s Owen Pitt used a custom Saiga to go after dangerous prey and Buettner’s Jazen Parker a HATT to do the same thing. Authors are going to need to consider this now.

It’s a .959 caliber rifle; 2,400 grain $40 bullet driven by 240 grains of powder.

Read about it over on BOLO Report.

When Live Armor Testing Goes Wrong

Sunday, February 5th, 2012

At least make sure your buddy can aim.