There lots of money being pumped into updating the clothing used by CANSOFCOM. First, we mentioned the new Distinctive Environmental Uniform unveiled during CANSEC. It is a dress uniform based on the Pinks and Greens worn by members of the World War Two-era Devil’s Brigade, a combined commando unit made up of American and Canadian troops.
Then, back in August we reported on the Advanced Special Operations Forces Combat Uniform. In September, Public Works and Government Services Canada released a tender for a two-piece FR Flight Suit in MultiCam for SOF aircrews. But their latest requirement may be the most interesting. Issued on October 2nd, the tender seeks manufacturers for Special Operations Forces Distinctive Service Uniform (SDSU). Essentially, they want MultiCam variants of the standard Canadian combat clothing called the Enhanced Combat Uniform, which normally features the CADPAT print. If the name means anything, these will likely be worn as garrison uniforms while the Advanced SOF Combat Uniforms will be used in combat as well as during combat focused training. The SDSU will help tie the command to the Canadian Forces, yet offer them their distinctive use of the MultiCam pattern. These will likely supplant the Peerless Garment manufactured uniforms, currently worn in garrison by members of the command and also be worn at service schools.
The tender seeks bids for SDSUs manufactured in both the 50/50 NYCO used in American uniforms as well as a 100% Nylon fabric. There is also a placeholder in the solicitation for a DND supplied fabric. Below are drawings of the ECU uniform cut.
All of this is in the heals of a procurement of new cold weather clothing, issued last year.
CANSOFCOM is considered the fourth Canadian Armed Forces environment; essentially, a service unto itself. Despite cuts to the Canadian Department of National Defense, the command looks to add over 600 new personnel in the near future, along with an increase of $1.5 billion to their budget over the coming years.
To summarise, once this all done, CANSOFCOM will have their own versions of Dress Uniform (DEU), Garrison Uniform (DSU), Combat Uniform (ACU) Flight Suit and Environmental Ensemble.