SIG SAUER - Never Settle

TWN Industries Releases Highly Anticipated A-TACS iX Pattern

February 21st, 2016


PRINCETON, FL – February 18, 2016 – TWN Industries Inc., the leading Water Transfer Printing supplier, releases A-TACS iX (Intermediate Xtreme) Camo hydrographic pattern. This is the first in a new generation of camouflage patterns from Digital Concealment Systems. A-TACS iX is the flagship pattern in a new “X series” line of camouflage patterns from DCS–what will become a complete multi-environmental concealment solution. A-TACS iX utilizes the very latest in printing and camouflage design technology combined with the perfect blend of colors from the already popular A-TACS AU and FG camouflage patterns to create a pattern with vastly improved depth and definition. A-TACS iX Camo also incorporates enhanced edge detail in the transitional areas between light and shadow within the pattern to create the added illusion of depth while maintaining the unique A-TACS Camo “pattern within a pattern” concept. New A-TACS iX Camo is best suited for transitional environments with a blended mix of intermediate greens and desert tans.

Soon, DCS will follow the launch of its new iX pattern with running changes to the already popular AU and FG variants to further integrate them into the “X” series of camouflage patterns. For more information, visit A-TACS Camo online at or, contact Clint Hoover at

A-TACS iX water transfer printing film is available exclusively through TWN Industries, Inc. Three meter accessory packs are available immediately. Part number for A-TACS iX is WTP-854. To find a TWN Certified Decorator who can decorate products for you or to purchase film, call 305-258-9622.

Combat Flipflops – SITREP For The Unarmed Forces

February 21st, 2016

Combat Flipflops has released this SITREP on their production and ongoing efforts:


Every Spring, fighters come out of their winter slumber and raise havoc on the oppressed. You responded.

Since the successful Combat Flip Flops mission in the Shark Tank, you’ve put over 40 Afghan girls in school for a year and cleared over 2300 square meters of land mines. The Stoke is real!

We’re backordered on almost all products, so here is the promised by monthly production update:

Afghanistan: All shemaghs and sarongs are in production in our three facilities in Afghanistan. All items are on track for delivery per the timeline listed on the product page and order receipt.

Colombia: Our Brothers and Sisters in the Southern Hemisphere are slaying flip flops at record levels. The Stoke is strong in Colombia and all orders are due in

Laos: We’re landing jewelry later this week and shipping over the weekend. If you don’t receive a shipping update this weekend, your order is due in Mid-march per product description and item receipt.

America: T-shirts are in production. We hit a small delay. They were supposed to ship this week, but will be shipping next week. Claymore bags are in production and due in for delivery per the product description and your receipt.

Friends Tell Friends About Crimson Trace

February 21st, 2016

Kimber Ultra Carry

(Wilsonville, OR)—Gun owners are well known for talking to other gun owners with the discussion topics ranging from the most recent pistol purchase, to ammo availability, and to a favorite concealed-carry handgun. More and more of those conversations now include information and discussion about Crimson Trace laser sights. Friends tell friends about Crimson Trace products—and the benefits of having a laser sight installed on a firearm.

“I had a chance today to show several friends (and even two strangers) at my local gun range how the laser improves one’s aim and accuracy,” wrote Mr. J. Greene from South Carolina. “I know they were impressed.” This is an example of the stream of favorable customer testimonial letters received at Crimson Trace.

There is plenty to write—and talk—about. With more than 200 laser sights, and with more green laser sights than the rest of the laser industry combined, Crimson Trace is clearly the nation’s leading laser sight manufacturer. Additionally, the diverse Crimson Trace products fit on specific revolvers, and on pistols by leading manufacturers such as Kimber, Glock, Smith and Wesson, Ruger and others. Crimson Trace products such as Lasergrips are precision engineered to be perfect replacement grips on a large group of firearms. Installation generally requires the use of a screw driver and does not require special gunsmithing skills.

Another point that Crimson Trace laser sight owners tell other gun owners is about the company’s Free Batteries for Life program—the only owner assistance of this type in the industry. The Wilsonville, Oregon based company recently expanded its FREE batteries program to cover nearly all Crimson Trace product categories, such as Lasergrips, Rail Master, Laserguard, Lightguard and others, except the Defender series and some Bodyguard products. To enter the Crimson Trace Free Batteries For Life program, customers should call the company’s customer care center (800-442-2406), go to and register online, or complete and mail the registration card included with the product at purchase.

Customer Service is a way of corporate life that Crimson Trace takes great pride in, and letters arrive frequently about the caring and professional service provided by the company’s customer service team. Those dedicated Crimson Trace customers also relay information about events ranging from self-defense uses to training experiences that result in improved accuracy. Crimson Trace customers regularly tell friends about the company—and its many products.

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

February 21st, 2016

We’ll just call this one Caged Violence. 

Discontinued Boy Scout Merit Badges – Stalking

February 20th, 2016

In the past, we told you about the discontinued Master-at-Arms Badge.  On a similar note is the Stalking merit badge which was one of the original 57 merit badges issued by the Boy Scouts of America in 1911. It replaced the 1910 Stalker “Badge of Merit”.  The term “Stalking” should be familiar to SSD readers, a technique that I also referred to as tracking. The badge was temporarily reissued as “Tracking” under the 2010 Historic Merit Badge Program.  Unfortunately it, along with the handful of other 2010 badges were only temporary.  

These are the Stalking merit badge requirements from 1938 until it was discontinued in 1952.

-Demonstrate by means of a stalking game or otherwise, ability to stalk skillfully in shelter and wind, etc., showing how to proceed noiselessly and “freeze” when occasion demands.

-Know and recognize the tracks of ten different kinds of animals or birds in his vicinity, three of which may be domestic.

-Submit satisfactory evidence that he has trailed two different kinds of wild animals or birds on ordinary ground far enough to determine the direction in which they were going, and their gait or speed. Give names of animals or birds trailed, their direction of travel, and describe gait and speed; or submit satisfactory evidence that he has trailed six different kinds of wild animal or birds in snow, sand, dust, or mud, far enough to determine the direction in which they were going, and their gait or speed. Give names of animals or birds, their direction of travel, and describe gait and speed.

-Submit satisfactory evidence that he has tracked a human being and deduced from the trail whether it was a man or woman, young or old, the gait or speed, and also give any other information deduced.

-Submit evidence the he has scored at least 30 points from the following groups: [Group (f) and 4 of the 5 groups (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) must be represented in the score of 30 and at least 7 points must be scored from (a), (b), or (c)].

-Make a clear recognizable photograph of:

(a) Live bird away from nest 4 points each

(b) Live woodchuck or smaller wild animal 3 points each

(c) Live wild animal larger than woodchuck 4 points each

(d) Live bird on nest 3 points each

(e) Tracks of live wild animal or bird 2 points each

(f) Make satisfactory plaster cast of wild animal or bird tracks with identification imprint on back of cast 2 points each

Gunfighter Moment – Pat McNamara

February 20th, 2016

Plateaus in training suck. I write often here on ways to bridge gaps and come off of plateaus but I do not always follow my own advice.

One course of fire I run in nearly all of my courses is a fifty yard, four position rifle shoot on IPSC targets. Five shots are taken from each position of standing, kneeling, sitting and prone. The shoot is timed and penalties are one second added for ‘C’ zone and head, two seconds added for ‘D’ zone shots and five seconds added for misses.

My wheel house, or plateau, was 25. For years! This is usually better than most in my classes but I accepted it as my normal. I knew that if I burned it down in 18 seconds, I would throw six or seven shots into the ‘C’ zone. I was accepting mediocrity in my personal performance because by way of comparison, it was still a rockin score.

Last week in California, nursing a bad knee and elbow, I switched mental strategy. I turned off my analytical mind and switched from thinking mode to trusting mode. One’s body works well enough. It’s our minds that get in the way and distort one’s ability to perform at the next level.

I shot a 19.8 with two seconds penalty for a 21.8. Now the Roger Bannister effect has consumed me. Pretty sure I will break 20 in the next week or so.

If you haven’t shot this before, you should try it. Love to hear some scores. BTW, anything under 35 in total score is pretty good. Sub 30 is bad ass.

Patrick McNamara
SGM, US Army (Ret)

Patrick McNamara spent twenty-two years in the United States Army in a myriad of special operations units. When he worked in the premier Special Missions Unit, he became an impeccable marksman, shooting with accurate, lethal results and tactical effectiveness. McNamara has trained tactical applications of shooting to people of all levels of marksmanship, from varsity level soldiers, and police officers who work the streets to civilians with little to no time behind the trigger.

His military experience quickly taught him that there is more to tactical marksmanship than merely squeezing the trigger. Utilizing his years of experience, McNamara developed a training methodology that is safe, effective and combat relevant and encourages a continuous thought process. This methodology teaches how to maintain safety at all times and choose targets that force accountability, as well as provides courses covering several categories, including individual, collective, on line and standards.

While serving as his Unit’s Marksmanship NCO, he developed his own marksmanship club with NRA, CMP, and USPSA affiliations. Mac ran monthly IPSC matches and ran semi annual military marksmanship championships to encourage marksmanship fundamentals and competitiveness throughout the Army.He retired from the Army’s premier hostage rescue unit as a Sergeant Major and is the author of T.A.P.S. (Tactical Application of Practical Shooting). He also served as the Principle of TMACS Inc.

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer some words of wisdom.


February 20th, 2016

D3O TRUST Helmet Pad System Integrated into 3M Combat Ballistic Helmets

February 19th, 2016

D3O partner 3M™, has launched the 3M™ Combat Ballistic Helmets and 3M™ Combat High Cut Ballistic Helmets featuring D3O® technology. Using D3O® advanced materials, the new helmet range is designed to provide a high level of protection against both ballistic penetration and fragmentation.

3M™ Combat Ballistic Helmets and 3M™ Combat High Cut Ballistic Helmets are manufactured by Ceradyne, Inc., a 3M™ company. 3M™ strive to set the standard for confidence and trust in protective gear by providing rugged and reliable equipment, utilising the best materials and production processes from around the world. Today, thousands of 3M protection solutions are within the Department of Defence and Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security and across US State and local agencies.

With weight starting at just 2lbs to provide improved comfort and mobility, it is the hidden tech core, which gives these helmets the edge. A collaboration with D3O, the ground-breaking impact protection and shock absorption specialists, the helmets are integrated with the D3O® TRUST helmet pad system that absorbs energy upon impact.

For more information on 3M helmet solutions, please visit: