GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Post SHOT Show Wrapup – Blue Force Gear Running Man

February 1st, 2016

If you were at SHOT Show, you may have seen this guy running across the rooftop of Blue Force Gear’s booth.

Anyone recognize the mask?

Post SHOT Show Follow Up – DRIFIRE

February 1st, 2016

DRIFIRE created this DriRelease performance T-shirt in Grey for an Air Force customer. It’s shown here with a Coyote shirt.


Post SHOT Show Wrapup – S&S Precision Performance Denim In Khaki

January 31st, 2016

When S&S Precision launched their latest iteration of their Performance Denim, they mentioned that they’d be releasing alternative colors in the coming months. At SHOT Show, they had this Khaki variant and they look great.


Post SHOT Show Wrapup – FlexSystems

January 31st, 2016

Like many in the firearms and tactical products industries, we turn to FlexSystems for our SHOT Show giveaway morale patches.  Their products are American made and they bend over backwards to get you your PVC patches on time.  They also make a wide variety of other PVC items such as key rings, tags and stickers.  We just received a sample of another project they accomplished for Primary Weapons Systems.

This clear mat has the image applied to the reverse side so it won’t come off while you are displaying your items.  It came out great and is just another example of the cool things FlexSystems can do to help you promote your business.  


Post SHOT Show Wrapup – Galactac AR500 Ballistic Armor Suit

January 31st, 2016


Artist Ryan B. Flowers has been selling his Mandalorian-inspired Galactac armor sets for a while now, but this is the first time one’s been made of actual ballistic armor, and it has some high-profile industry names behind its creation. Ballistic armor manufacturer AR500, Heckler & Koch, SureFire, SOG Knives, Team Wendy, Armasight, and TEA Headsets all threw their support, and products, into the development of what is essentially a set of contemporary ballistic Mandalorian armor. This set was floating around the SHOT Show floor, spending its time between the H&K and AR500 booths, the later where we found it and took a few photos for your perusal.

Stay tuned for the further info on the development of this suit at a later date.

You can get a set of the non ballistic armor at www.galac-tac.com/home.

For The Ladies – Kitanica’s Women’s All Season Pants

January 31st, 2016

WASPs in Pencott Badlands pattern! Specially made by their ace sewer Suna!



AWG Trains Cadets In Adaptive Soldier Leader Training and Education

January 31st, 2016

The U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group assists U.S. Army Cadet Command with Adaptive Soldier Leader Training and Education at Fort A.P. Hill.

Corps Strength – IPAL

January 30th, 2016

In my present position as an instructor at the Navy’s International Training Center (NITC) I teach many different subjects in several of the different courses we run here. However, my favorite course is the International Professional Advanced Leadership course (IPAL). It’s my favorite because frankly I wrote most of the curriculum, developed the Leadership Reaction Course and (to the constant worry of my Navy CO) run the PT program. I designed this course based on the model of the Marine Corps SNCO career course and it’s open to all branches of international military, LE and Intel services. In the last five years we’ve had students attend from over 60 different countries, that have all levels of military experience, training and physical conditioning.

Before our last IPAL class started we learned that we would have a student that was a 46 year old police officer from a small African country. Now I didn’t give it a second thought, however there was considerable worry and concern over this persons ability to handle our PT program. I assured the command that if he was just in good general health and had no physical limitations he would be fine as this wasn’t my first bus ride training out of shape, older people. However after several meetings generated even more concern from the head shed, it was recommended that he be given the “option” of attending PT, or not. I flatly dismissed that and I strongly reminded everyone that this course is first and last, a leadership course and it was inconceivable that we would allow one student to “Opt out” of what the rest of the class would be required to do, PT or otherwise. IMO this went against every basic tenet of leadership training I had every learned. It turned out to be a heated debate and I ended up having to standing on some desks in full Master Gunny mode to make my case.

In the end the CO sided with me and it was decided that he be required to PT with the rest of the class, BUT I was directed to be very mindful of his advanced age when we ran PT, (Advanced? I found this funny as they seemed to forget that the PT instructor was 55). In any case the students arrived and the one in question looked exactly as you might have guessed; overall thin, with a slight gut and no visible muscle tone. He was about 15 years older than the next oldest student. After questioning them (as I always do), about what their PT program was, it was apparent that this senior police officer had done very little in the way of PT during his adult life. However he was professional and actually seemed excited to have the opportunity to get learn about fitness and to participate in a structured program.

Now there is only so much you can do in six weeks and the overall goal of our program is train students in how to develop and maintain a PT program in their own country, not to bring them to a high level of fitness. However, while this isn’t Marine Boot camp or Ranger School, it’s no sissy program either. We run PT 3X a week for an hour each and gradually ramp up the intensity. The workouts are purposely structured to allow those that are in better, or worse condition to preform and improve at their own level. So there was no need to make special adjustments to the program for him. Over the six weeks he participated fully in all of the different sessions that we did. Yes, he was very slow (with some walking) on all the initial runs and he struggled with calisthenics. However, with encouragement from his classmates and staff ,he steadily improved. Along the way he lost body fat, gained strength and remained injury free. At the end of our course we made a Field Studies Program trip to San Diego. In between visiting the USS Theodore Roosevelt and MCRD San Diego we took a day off and made a hike up Mt. Woodson to the famous; “Potato Chip Rock” (see pic) just outside of the city. We made steep hike up the 3 mile trail with “Robo Cop” (this was the nickname the other students gave him) leading the way without a hitch. He remarked that he never would have considered doing something like this before he came to our course and felt that he was in the best shape of his life.


To the dismay of the head shed (and my great amusement), at the completion of the course he remarked at the final debrief that the PT program (and the hike), was his favorite part of the course. He also intended to continue his new fitness routine, AND to incorporate this with his officers when he returned home. Now the point of this story? It’s that people tend to seriously underestimate what can be done when it comes to getting in shape and improving their health. Especially if they’re presently out of shape, or haven’t exercised much in their life. This story is just one example of many that I have personally witnessed over the years. The fact is a simple and consistent exercise program can produce amazing results if people would give it a chance and it doesn’t matter how poor your present condition is or how old you are. Give yourself a chance and don’t listen to the doubters, especially if that doubter is yourself.

Be safe always, be good when you can.

Semper Fi

