
Posts Tagged ‘Aimpoint’

FirstSpear Media Range Day

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

FirstSpear, along with Renegade Armor, Wilcox, and Aimpoint, sponsored a media range day at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department firing range. Three ranges were set up, with the first two featuring rifles by H&K and LMT, and pistols by Nighthawk Custom and SIG Sauer. The third range featured something a bit more exotic: rifles by FERFRANS, who are known for their Delayed Sear Activation System. This system made the 7.5″ 5.56 SCW PDW very controllable when fired in full-auto. It’s also very likely this system was responsible for reducing the felt recoil of the 7.62 SOACR near 5.56 levels. Wilcox also had demonstrations of their breaching torch technology; seeing the torch used to melt through rebar as quickly as it did was impressive. Overall, it was a great media day that offered the chance to try out some truly fantastic firearms. And, I got to spend it with Tactical Fanboy who wrote this article from his perspective. BTW, the photo of him with the FERFRANS SOACR is a snapshot in time. There are no rounds in the gun and he has just been handed it by the RSO. Also, his finger isn’t on the trigger.

Meet Larry Vickers in Aimpoint Booth at SHOT Show

Friday, January 11th, 2013

Meet Larry Vickers, star of range and screen in the Aimpoint Booth #14573, daily from 10:30am – 12:00pm Tuesday – Friday.

Vickers at SHOT Show

LAV Talks Aimpoint

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

LAV explains the various attributes of Aimpoint sights.

“RB1” Limited Edition Aimpoint T-1 Micro 2MOA & LRP Mount

Monday, July 9th, 2012

UNOFFICIALLY referred to as the RB1 Limited Edition Aimpoint T-1 Micro, it features the new 2MOA red dot and is mated to an LRP Mount.

Redback One just received their first batch from Aimpoint Sweden. They are still discussing the availability of this product for commercial sales in the US. I am looking to upgrade my T-1 to the new 2MOA design so I can say that I’d like to have one. Who else is interested? or via Facebook at

NTOA – Aimpoint PRO

Sunday, September 18th, 2011


Restricted to Military, Gov’t, and LE only, the Aimpoint PRO features a COMP body and offers a 2 MOA dot as well as a NVG compatible lens. Additionally, the PRO comes with a mount with a removable shim to accommodate a variety of weapons. Ingeniously, Aimpoint also includes a sticker to record battery data.

This is a terrific balance of features and price and is, in my opinion, Aimpoint’s greatest value.

LE, Mil, and Gov’t customers contact Joe Strohman.

Special Ops Mission on the Military Channel

Sunday, August 9th, 2009

New from the Military Channel, Special Ops Mission debuts this week. Both TNVC and Aimpoint were on hand during filming to provide technical assistance part of this series.

Aug 13 “Operation Urban Terror” (shot at Linda Vista Hospital)
Aug 20 “Operation Covert Canyon” (shot at Covert Canyon)
Aug 27 “Operation Frozen Thunder” (shot at Crazzy’s Wassawagen, Angelus Oaks)
Sep 3 “Operation Freebird Down” (shot at Los Coyotes Band of Indians Reservation)
Sep 10 “Operation Pirate Guns” (shot at SS Lane Victory)
Sep 17 “Operation One Shot” (shot at National Security Associates, Cusseta, GA)

All episodes air on Discovery Military Channel Thursdays at 10 PM Eastern and Pacific. Consult local listings for other time zones. For more information, and free show clips, go to