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Posts Tagged ‘Bundeswehr’

SSD Saturday Night At The Movies Presents Classix: Die Luftwaffe der Bundeswehr 

Sunday, December 11th, 2016

Thulsa Doom turned me on to this cool Cold War-era (1968), German documentary, entitied “Classix: Die Luftwaffe der Bundeswehr zeigt ihr Können während der Übung „schneller Pfeil“ which showcases their aerial delivery and Close Air Support capabilities during exercise Fast Arrow. Watching an F104 deliver CAS is priceless.

It’s MultiTarnDruck for the Bundeswehr

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

The German Army has announced two new camouflage patterns for limited use.  First, is the MultiTarnDruck which translates to Multi Camouflage Pattern.  It’s a transitional pattern and will most likely supplant the German military’s limited use of MultiCam.  Interestingly, the German Government has taken steps to protect the patterns in much the same manner as the USMC protects MARPAT.  


Next up is SchneeTarmDruck or Snow Camo Pattern.  In this photo, the new pattern can be seen atop the current pattern.  These should start rolling into service once the German government provides industry with the specifications to print the patterns.


Photos: Bundeswehr

German Military’s Uniform Supplier Facing Bankruptcy

Monday, February 16th, 2015


According the Bild am Sonntag, the German Bundeswehr’s clothing supplier, the LH Bundeswehr Bekleidungsgesellschaft mbH (LHBw). Have posted a $12,8 million Euro loss, LHBw can’t order additional stock placing the Army in a precarious position. A public-private partnership, LHBw has asked the Army (25.1% owner of the concern) for a 104 Million Euro cash infusion last month which was rejected. Instead, the Army is considering purchasing the company’s core business outright or in conjunction with other investors.

Forces Focus – 42nd Route Clearance Co Partners with Bundeswehr

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

While this isn’t an EOD project, it is a counter-IED exercise pairing the US Army’s 42nd Route Clearance Company and the Bundeswehr’s 441st Mechanized Infantry Brigade Rout Clearance Team in a classic Engineer mission.

Although in typical AFN fashion the clip is short on details, it does remind us how important our engineer forces are in providing route clearanceIt also shows that new equipment has been developed for this mission and some of it was adapted from EOD.

Thanks from SSD to all the folks in the Counter-IED business!