GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Posts Tagged ‘Extreme Gear Labs’

Sneak Peek – EGL HickenLoop Pouch for 2 x Magpul D60 Magazines

Saturday, January 17th, 2015

As soon as Extreme Gear Labs saw the new 60 round D60 magazine unveiled earlier this week by Magpul they knew they had to make a pouch for it.


This is the first go around. Expect it to be refined as the magazines hit the streets.


Extreme Gear Labs – modGATOR AK Chest Rig

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014


The modGATOR is Extreme Gear Lab’s dedicated AK magazine chest rig. A variant of the GATOR 5 mag chest rig, the modGATOR differs from the GATOR in that the TQ attachment webbing from below the magazine pockets, zippered accessory pockets, and tearaway medical pouch is removed.

What’s left is a functional, lightened chest rig that can hold 5 AK-47/74 magazines, a general purpose pocket, STUFFIT pocket, and 6 pistol/multitool pockets. The general purpose pocket can hold an MS2000 strobe, 4″ dressing, and pocket signal banner. The STUFFIT pocket can lie flat or expand outward, accomodating up to M18 smoke cans, PRC148/152 radios, or X26 tasers. The pistol mag pockets are sized to accomodate up to Glock 21 mags. On either side of the magazine assemblies are skeletonized PALS to reduce weight while maintaining full capacity.


EGL Design Influences For 2014

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

Extreme Gear Labs posted a teaser image if design elements they are taking cues from in 2014. Recognize any?


Stand Alone EGL STUFFIT Pouches Now Available

Sunday, June 9th, 2013


Extreme Gear Labs developed the D3 Chest Rig for HSP and one of the most popular features has turned out to be the STUFFIT Pouch which is an expandable, vertically oriented pouch that will hold everything from magazines to smoke grenades to electronics and compress nearly flat.


Now, EGL is offering the STUFFIT as a stand alone, PALS-compatible pouch. To order, contact eglabsinfo@gmail.com

Extreme Gear Labs Launches Website

Friday, January 11th, 2013



EGL SkunkyWerks PWN in Kryptek Mandrake

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

ExtremeGearLabs (EGL) SkunkyWerks PWN “Platecarrier With No name” PC in Kryptek Mandrake 500D sized to fit Medium size M80 black SAPI plates. Admin pocket with slotted chemlight pocket behind.



Egg Wants You to Show Them How You Roll

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

Cope Patches… show them how you roll!


Extreme Gear Labs is taking pre-orders for the Cope patch at $6.00 each shipped, paid orders will ship as soon as EGL receives them from the embroidery shop.

Pre-order through eglabsinfo@gmail.com

ABC – Always Be Creatin’

Monday, September 3rd, 2012


This is an Engineering Proof of concept by Extreme Gear Labs for their upcoming Suchka Stock Blow Out Kit with CAT Tourniquet pocket. It’s made from 500D Pencott Badlands Cordura. It’s designed to attach to an AK side folding stock. This is not the final design but it gives you a glimpse into the process.

EGL is always working on new designs. Interested parties should contact eglabsinfo@gmail.com