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Posts Tagged ‘Hyperstealth’

Mexico Marines Have Selected US4CES Transitional Camo; Have Renamed The Pattern Marina Trans Jungle

Sunday, September 20th, 2015


Hyperstealth has announced that the Naval Infantry of Mexico has selected the US4CES Transitional camo pattern for their uniforms, and have renamed the pattern Marina Trans Jungle. Objective tests were performed in three environments, Lowland Forest in Michoacan, Lowland Scrub Desert in Sinaloa, and Riparian Forest in Coahuila, which pitted the US4CES Transitional pattern against the current Digital Woodland pattern used by the Mexican Marines.

In all three environments, it took observers an overall longer period of time to locate the US4CES pattern than the currently fielded Woodland pattern. A second comparison was conducted, comparing the US4CES pattern to MultiCam in the same environments, again with the US4CES pattern taking an overall longer period of time to locate within the environments.

You can read the full release at

U.S. Military budgets For FY2015 To Research And Develop Quantum Stealth (Light Bending Material)

Saturday, March 1st, 2014


Recent approval by Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) has allowed HyperStealth, a Canadian corporation, to begin working with the U.S. Military under an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with a specific initial focus on (but not limited to) Tier-1 Special Forces applications. The DRDC will be provided access to all information obtained from the U.S. program.

HyperStealth and ADS Featured on CNN Blog

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

It’s mainly stuff we’ve covered before, like the ADS camo submission to the US Army (US4CES), Quantum Stealth, the Afghan National Army pattern, WL Gore Optifade, etc. But, check it out all the same.

Through The Looking Glass With HyperStealth

Monday, July 18th, 2011

There’s been little written about HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp’s new Quantum Stealth technology. Thanks to HyperStealth, I have seen a large number of photos in addition to the two that they gave me to share with you. It’s important to note that these are mock ups specifically for use in the media to give you an idea of what the technology accomplishes. Don’t mind the hexagons, those are there to throw you off the trail. The actual technology looks a little bit different when in use.

The ultimate question you are going to ask me is, “Does it work?” My answer is a simple, “Yes,” but I have to say that it still needs some work. While HyperStealth’s Guy Cramer hasn’t made any claims that it’s quite ready for the battlefield yet, it sure does warrant further development. I’m not sure exactly how it works but I’ve got a real good idea and I have to say that simplicity is key to the success of concepts like this. I’m not going to share my specific observations because this is their idea but I will say that it is a passive technology. Sharing too much might put their IP at risk or worse yet, give the bad guys a notion of how to do it as well.

HyperStealth FADESPAT

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

We are very excited to finally be able to tell you about HyperStealth’s FADESPATâ„¢. FADESPATâ„¢ stands for Field Applied Digital Environment Specific Patterns and is a Rapid Deployment Camouflage System which has been in use by specialized customers for almost 18 months.

Developed following a user requirement in January of 2010 by Guy Cramer, FADESPATâ„¢ allows the operator to customize the camouflage for his equipment based on the operating environment. Due to the sensitive nature of the technology, HyoerStealth will only disclose the exact technology to authorized clients. However, Guy Cramer assures us that the process is simple stating, “when you ask someone to do a new task in the field without supervision, the learning curve has to be kept to an absolute minimum.”

Recently, HyperStealth upscaled the technology, making it appropriate for vehicular use as well.

FADESPATâ„¢ is considered a companion product to the GHOSTEX technology instituted as a joint venture with ADS Inc last year. While FADESPATâ„¢ is great for on-the-fly customization of existing clothing and equipment, GHOSTEXâ„¢ relies on a more deliberate process that uses environmental factors to determine the best camouflage pattern for an area of operations. GHOSTEXâ„¢ results in purpose built uniforms printed specifically for the operations. Despite the requirement for printing, it doesn’t seem to slow them down. According to a release from HyperStealth, “Ghostex is currently printing 400-500 yards per month, this capacity will double in September/October and expected to quadruple in 2012 at a second location with more machines. 21 different patterns have been printed on these machines to date. Cramer has developed close to 10,000 patterns under worldwide copyright. Recently the speed of the Ghostex process was confirmed when an urgent request for 480 inches x 62 inches wide of four different camouflage prints on military specification fabric came in at 10 AM and by 2 PM the material was out the door arriving at 8 AM the next business day in Virginia Beach.

Hopefully we will see more of these programs at Warrior Expo East.

The Atlantic Publishes Article on Hyperstealth

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Invisible, Inc.

Warrior Expo East Breakout Sessions

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Aside from seeing lots of cool new gear and running into old friends, one of the greatest things about Warrior Expo is the breakout sessions. Not only is Stanley McChrystal going to give the keynote address, there are multiple opportunities to learn more about key technologies.

After learning of the theme of his address, “Plywood Leadership: Lessons on Leadership from a Warrior, Statesman, and Scholar”, I am particular looking forward to GEN McChrystal’s talk. But there are plenty of other chances to pick up something new.

But GEN McChrsytal won’t be the only flag officer on hand to lend his expertise. In the session, “Logistics: The Big Picture”, Gen Carrol H. “Howie” Chandler, USAF (Ret), LTG Robert T. Dail, USA (Ret), BG Steve Seay, USA (Ret), and Capt Donald M. Ervine, USN (Ret) will relate their experience with historical procurement trends, upcoming issues, and potential solutions to these continued challenges.

We are also particularly fortunate that Guy Cramer, President & CEO of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp will be addressing “Camouflage – The New Science of Stealth” right on the heels of the closure of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort solicitation. At Warrior Expo – West Guy mentioned the existence of a new technology and has said he will disclose more information on it at Warrior Expo – East. What’s more, maybe we can persuade him to reveal his approach to the Army requirement.

Additionally, iRobot will demonstrate their robotics technologies in their booth during a presentation entitled, “Government & Industrial Robots: Robots that make a Difference.” DuPontâ„¢ will utilize their mobile THERMO-MAN® demonstrator to show how important FR clothing is for the service member.

Other session topics include “Navigating DOD Contracting Vehicles” as well as “Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)”. Overall, a pretty good opportunity to learn more about industry.

For a full schedule visit

More on HyperStealth’s SMARTCAMO

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Not long ago we mentioned HyperStealth’s SMARTCAMO unveiled at the international camo symposium in Brussels, Belgium last fall. In our article we referenced a mysterious video that the US military had asked creator HyperStealth to restrict from general viewing. During SHOT Show we were allowed to see the video which demonstrates HyperStealth’s technology. While we are not going to get into the ins and outs of exactly what we saw or its strengths and weaknesses, we will say that HyperStealth successfully demonstrated a fabric technology that had been made into a uniform component and could adjust coloration and intensity based on ambient conditions. While the video did not demonstrate the capability, inventor Guy Cramer stated that the technology would also work in the IR spectrum.

SMARTCAMO is not truly adaptive in that it does not mimic the scene around it ala the camo seen in the “Predator” films. However, it is definitely a step in the right direction although it still needs some further refinement. At this point one of the biggest hurdles is cost. According to Cramer, a uniform with this technology is going to run about $1,000 each. Not good for general purpose forces but right in there for certain specialized applications. Another issue is that it is powered technology so they still need to pair it with a robust battery system that will last an entire mission. And lastly, the system needs a sensor system to detect the background in order to alter the fabric’s shade. While Cramer assured me that they have already worked on these issues, SMARTCAMO does lend itself perfectly to vehicular use due to their onboard power and ability to integrate sensor systems.

One final note. When asked if uniforms manufactured with SMARTCAMO could be laundered without damage, Guy Cramer informed us that not only could they be laundered but that they could also be used for maritime operations.

HyperStealth has informed us that the US Army, US Navy, USSOCOM, the UK MoD and the Canadian DND have asked to participate in a Multinational Effort to develop the SMARTCAMO technology. Additionally, ADS Inc. is partnering with HyperStealth to eventually offer the finalized SMARTCAMO technology to authorized military, governmental, and law enforcement organizations.