
Posts Tagged ‘John Chapman’

SureFire Field Notes Ep 34: Processor Speed, with John Chapman

Friday, October 5th, 2018

SureFire Field Notes is a multi-segment informational video series with tips and techniques from subject matter experts of all backgrounds. In this episode, John “Chappy” Chapman of Forge Tactical discusses processor speed.

Born and raised in the tony suburbs of Sacramento, California, John Chapman (Chappy) joined the Navy at 18.  After an enlistment served on the USS Memphis, Chappy returned home to Northern California and embarked on a law enforcement career while attending college. After 16 years of service spanning 4 agencies, with service in Patrol, SWAT, Investigations, Training and Administration, Chappy left full time Police service and began training police officers full time in 2008. A police firearms and tactics instructor since 1994, Chappy founded LMS Defense as a part time private venture in 2006; and with the help of an amazing team built LMS into a full time venture by 2008.  After serving in Iraq as security specialist, Chappy returned to LMS full time and spent the next 5 years servicing domestic and international police and government training requirements, and consulting SWAT teams in Procedural Issues and Equipment Acquisition.  In 2009, Chappy also became a part time adjunct instructor for EAG Tactical, working for his mentor and friend, Pat Rogers.  It was through Pat’s mentorship and guidance that Chappy developed his skills as a teacher to the level of becoming a BCM Gunfighter.

Best known as a SWAT and Night Vision Instructor, Chappy continues to teach, now exclusively for Forge Tactical.   He also maintains his police commission, and serves as an Auxiliary Police Officer with the Alliance, Ohio Police Department, where he serves as a SRT Team Leader.

Gunfighter Moment – John “Chappy” Chapman

Saturday, May 6th, 2017

Building Judgment

Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. The question for most of us is how do we make the bad decisions we need to make to get the experience we need to develop good judgment, given that “experience” in our line of work generally involves life threatening violence and is fairly rare here in the US. We can learn from the experience of others, but none of what we see, hear or read is “our” experience. While this does serve an intellectual purpose, it does not create the kind of visceral imprinting necessary to serve as a reliable wellspring of judgment under stress.

So, we are left with a quandary of sorts: in order to be the most capable gunfighter you can be for your mission (be that family protection, police work, etc) you need to experience circumstances requiring rapid judgments, while also being able to make mistakes and learn from them and not be killed.

By now, most of you know where I’m going. Application level training focused on judgment is an absolute necessity, in my opinion, if you desire to grow into a truly capable fighter. Standing up and shooting fast and accurately is only about 10% of gunfighting. While the skills learned, honed and maintained on the square range are of vital, foundational importance, they are merely the price of admission to learn the things that really count… judgment, mindset, and fortitude.

Procedural level CQB, Vehicle Tactics and ECQC courses involving force on force, taught by experienced teachers, is a good start down the path of developing judgment. This is nothing new; every modern military gunfighter was in dozens if not hundreds of simulated gunfights before they ever fired a shot in anger. This does not mean you stop training the fundamentals on the square range, it means you are able to better focus that training on areas you identify as deficient.

After seeking this kind of training, you may find your priorities shifting. What the plate carrier you are wearing looks like or the brand of your pants will seem far less important than working hard to maximize your brain’s processing speed and dialing in your precise shot placement. The lessons learned after receiving a belly full of UTM are not soon forgotten, and serve as the “bad judgment” experiences which will form the core of your good judgment, if you can turn off you ego long enough to internalize them.

Stout Hearts

Born and raised in the tony suburbs of Sacramento, California, John Chapman (Chappy) joined the Navy at 18. After an enlistment served on the USS Memphis, Chappy returned home to Northern California and embarked on a law enforcement career while attending college.

After 16 years of service spanning 4 agencies, with service in Patrol, SWAT, Investigations, Training and Administration, Chappy left full time Police service and began training police officers full time in 2008.

A police firearms and tactics instructor since 1994, Chappy founded LMS Defense as a part time private venture in 2006; and with the help of an amazing team built LMS into a full time venture by 2008. After serving in Iraq as security specialist, Chappy returned to LMS full time and spent the next 5 years servicing domestic and international police and government training requirements, and consulting SWAT teams in Procedural Issues and Equipment Acquisition.

In 2009, Chappy also became a part time adjunct instructor for EAG Tactical, working for his mentor and friend, Pat Rogers. It was through Pat’s mentorship and guidance that Chappy developed his skills as a teacher to the level of becoming a BCM Gunfighter.

In addition to his position as CEO of Raven Concealment Systems, Chappy is best known as a SWAT and Night Vision Instructor and continues to teach at Forge Tactical.

He also maintains his police commission, and serves as an Auxiliary Police Officer with the Alliance, Ohio Police Department, where he serves as a SRT Team Leader.

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Bravo Company USA. Bravo Company is home of the Gunfighters, and each week they bring us a different trainer to offer some words of wisdom.

Mr. John Chapman Joins B.E. Meyers & Co. Inc. As Latest MAWL Brand Ambassador and Certified Trainer

Thursday, February 23rd, 2017

Chappy 2~2

February, 22nd, 2017 (Redmond, WA)
B.E. Meyers & Co. Inc. is proud to announce that Mr. John Chapman, a.k.a. “Chappy”, is joining the B.E. Meyers Team as our latest Brand Ambassador for the MAWL™ Modular Advanced Weapon Laser system. This is part of Chappy’s continued law enforcement training efforts while also CEO of Raven Concealment.

“I am honored to be joining the B.E. Meyers team”, said Chappy. “The combination of proven designers and engineers working with experienced applications experts has enabled B.E. Meyers to create the MAWL-DA, the most capable multi-function small arms laser system I have used. I am excited to educate the law enforcement tactical community on the overwhelming benefits of the MAWL™ and B.E. Meyers other signature products for the military and law enforcement community.”

“Chappy brings years of experience to the team, and acts as a conduit for the voice of the customer as we move forward into future products”, said Matt Meyers, President at B.E. Meyers & Co. Inc. “One of our core goals is to be the most end-user centric photonics company in the industry, and Chappy will undoubtedly be a critical part of that path”. Chappy joins the current certified MAWL™ training entities of Tap-Rack Tactical and Presscheck Consulting.

Chappy will focus on training and outreach to the law enforcement and armed citizen communities, continuing his mission of educating agencies and individuals on the capabilities and application of low-light and infrared technologies.

Chappy can be contacted at
B.E. Meyers & Co., Inc. ( is an ISO 9001:2008-certified manufacturer of optoelectronic devices used in defense and law enforcement applications. The company’s core technologies include infrared and visible lasers for weapons aiming and illumination; non-lethal visual disruption green lasers for long-range hail and warning; night-vision devices; and long-range surveillance systems. Customers include all branches of the U.S. Military; Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies; foreign defense and security organizations; and defense contractors worldwide. Established in 1974, B.E. Meyers’ business offices, engineering, and manufacturing operations are located in Redmond, Washington.

LMS Defense Inc is Acquired by Josh Jackson

Monday, February 20th, 2017

Monday February 20, 2017, Oroville, CA- John Chapman (Chappy), LMS Defense Inc’s Founder and Director of Training, announced today that long-time LMS Director of Operations, Josh Jackson, has acquired LMS Defense Inc. through a 100% stock purchase.

“While melancholy to be selling LMS”, said Chappy “I am exceedingly confident in Josh’s ability to continue the mission he, Troy Price and I committed to when we started LMS Defense. For more than a decade, Josh and I have fought criminals together, taught cops, military members and armed citizens together, done business together, and been brothers through thick and thin; and I am excited for him and his team as they drive LMS into the next phase of its evolution”.

“This acquisition will allow us to continue to guide the company in its current direction”, said Josh Jackson “While expanding our focus into new, non traditional market segments. We are excited to grow LMS’s capabilities and course offerings, while maintaining the high standards of instruction our students have come to expect over the last 10 years”.

The purchase allows Chappy to sharpen his focus on his responsibilities as CEO of Raven Concealment Systems (, and his police service. Additionally, Chappy will be announcing a new training venture in the near future.

LMS Defense will be making several exciting announcements in the coming weeks regarding new partnerships and projects.

More information about LMS Defense courses and their instructor cadre can be found on their website at as well as their social media pages on Facebook (LMS Defense) and Instagram (@lmsdefense).

American Gunfighter Episode 4 – John Chapman, LMS Defense – Presented by BCM

Monday, June 1st, 2015

BCM is proud to feature long time friend and collaborator John Chapman, of LMS Defense, in episode four of the ongoing “American Gunfighter” series.

John Chapman

John Chapman is the founder and Director of Training at LMS Defense, an international full service training, consulting, business leadership, and weapons system testing firm. Mr Chapman is also the Tactical Applications Manager for Steiner eOptics and Berretta Defense Technologies.

In the past, John has worked as a private security contractor, servicing training and physical security contracts in the public and private sector, both domestically and internationally. Mr Chapman is also a former police Lieutenant, and a currently serving reserve SWAT officer.

BCM Gunfighters

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

John Chapman, Kyle Defoor, Ken Hackathorn, Travis Haley, Dave Harrington, Pat McNamara, John McPhee, Mike Pannone, Pat Rogers and Larry Vickers. All legendary names in the tactical firearms training business. And, all use Bravo Company guns. BCM wanted to honor these men and showcase their input regarding their products, so they created the BCM Gunfighter Program.

BCM Gunfighters by solsys

To learn more visit