RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Posts Tagged ‘SOC-F’

ADM Introduces Deadbird Society Carbines And Receiver Sets To Raise Funds For SOC-F

Monday, November 28th, 2016

28NOV2016 – NEW BERLIN, WI – American Defense MFG has partnered with Special Operations Care Fund (SOC-F), a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer, charitable organization that generates funds for the families of wounded or killed Special Operations Forces (SOF), and the Deadbird Society (DBS), a group of Arc’teryx enthusiasts, to release a custom American Defense MFG UIC MOD 2, in order to raise over 65,000.00 for SOC-F. This limited release will consist of 50 rifles and 50 receiver set/rail combos in grey. Each receiver has the SOC-F and DBS logos meticulously milled into it along with exclusive serial numbers. ADM MFG will donate 500.00 for every rifle and 300.00 for every upper/lower/rail set sold.

Rifle Specs ADM UIC MOD2:
• 14.5 Criterion Barrel 1/8 .223 Wylde Chamber
• Battle Comp 1.5 Pin & Welded
• American Defense MFG Billet Upper Receiver with 13.5 MLOK Rail
• American Defense MFG Completely Ambidextrous Billet Lower Receiver
• American Defense MFG 13.5 MLOK rail
• Radian Talon Ambidextrous Safety
• Bravo Company USA MOD 4 Ambidextrous Charging Handle
• Geissele G2S Trigger

Included Accessories:
• Magpul PMag
• MagPod
• Raven Concealment Top Stop
• Magpul MBus PRO flip up sight set
• Arc’teryx Rho Beanie with matching serial number embroidered
• Deadbird Society Limited Edition Patch by Spartan Village with matching serial number laser cut


Upper / Lower / Rail Set Specs:
• American Defense MFG Billet Upper Receiver – Forward assist and ejection port door installed
• American Defense MFG 13.5 MLOK Rail with appropriate hardware
• American Defense MFG Completely Ambidextrous Billet Lower Receiver – ambidextrous controls (installed) and takedown pins
• Arc’teryx Rho Beanie with matching serial number embroidered
• Deadbird Society Limited Edition Patch by Spartan Village with matching serial number laser cut


Fine Print:
This rifle IS NOT California compliant. It is American compliant. Please know your local, State, and Federal laws before purchasing. Serial numbers cannot be reserved. They are by assigned by order number received. Please do not call and ask which number you received, as the order number does not correspond with the serial number. Receiver sets are eligible to be transferred as incomplete firearms. These items will ship by 20DEC2016. You must supply a valid FFL with your order number to sales@admmfg.com.

Dealer inquires: Dealers@admmfg.com
All photos were graciously provided by Richard King Photography.

Radian Weapons Releases Limited Edition OD Green Raptor Charging Handles and Talon Safety Selectors, 50% of Sales to be Donated to the Special Operations Care Fund

Friday, November 11th, 2016

Dear Friends,

Today, November 11, is Veterans Day – a holiday that honors every man and woman who has answered the call to service in the American Armed Forces. We ask you to take a moment to pause and reflect on the sacrifices made by those warriors and their families. Our security and prosperity as a nation depends upon those who serve, and as Americans we have a responsibility to not only express our gratitude, but to take meaningful action to ensure their needs are met even after the uniform comes off.

In honor of Veterans Day, Radian Weapons is releasing limited edition OD Green Raptor Charging Handles and Talon Safety Selectors, from which 50% of sales will be donated to the Special Operations Care Fund (SOC-F). 100% of the money raised will be used to address the needs of wounded and fallen special operations warriors and their families. This is the first initiative Radian has undertaken to support our warfighters, but certainly not the last.

To our veterans, today we say thank you.


Joshua Underwood

The Special Operations Care Fund (SOC-F) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, 100% volunteer, charitable organization that raises funds for the families of Special Operations warriors who have been wounded or killed. To learn more about SOC-F and the charitable organizations they support, please visit www.soc-f.org.

US Elite / SOC-F Arc’teryx Skyline Shirt LS

Thursday, October 20th, 2016

US Elite partnered with Arc’teryx LEAF to bring you the custom-embroidered Arc’teryx LEAF Skyline shirt. The run is limited to just 275 of these shirts and 10% of each sale will be donated to the Special Operations Care Fund (SOC-F).

The shirt features a U.S. Elite logo on one arm, a SOC-F logo on the other, and an American flag with Arc’teryx’s iconic deadbird on the nape of the neck.


And The Winner Of The Arc’teryx SOC-F Fundraiser Auction Is…

Friday, June 10th, 2016

Congratulations Brannon!

You need to visit www.soc-f.org in order to make your donation and claim your prize. They will arrange shipment of your pack once you’ve made payment. 

For the rest of you, the 25 liter waterproof pack will be available after SHOT Show when a whole new line of products will be announced.

Thanks to Arc’teryx for the donation of this unique product to raise funds for SOC- F.

Charity Auction for Special Operations Care – Fund of 2017 Arc’teryx LEAF Drypack 25

Thursday, June 9th, 2016

Arc’teryx is notorious for being tight lipped about new products until their traditional launch at SHOT Show each year. However, this one time they are making an exception in order to help the Special Operations Care – Fund raise money. Those two organizations have asked us to help them out by hosting this auction of a 2017 25l Waterpoof Pack called the Drypack 25, in MultiCam. These won’t even be announced until late January 2017, so you’re not only getting a rare sneak peek but also a chance to own one. While earlier Drypack models were very mission specific, this one is great for a variety of uses, including many recreational pursuits.

This is the one everyone has been waiting for. The Drypack 25 incorporates an oral inflation tube as well as laser cut PALS compatible slits which offer a lower snag hazard than externally sewn-on webbing. As you can probably tell, it’s a laminate construction with a 725D Cordura face fabric, but it also has an internal urethane coating. This is in a light color which aids with identification of gear when digging through the pack in low light. Another feature you aren’t going to see from the photos is the laminated frame suspension.

There is a waterproof TIZIP with T handle retention loop, which facilitates a wide opening in order to access your gear.

It also has padded dual density shoulder straps as well as a sternum strap.

The waist belt is removable and stowable.

Internally, there is a zippered pocket in the main compartment for smaller items as well as a Velcro Loop Panel for use of the Velocity Systems Inserts developed for LEAF’s Khard series of packs.

Made in Canada.

Thanks to Richard King Photography for the photos!


  1. In this post and only this post, place your bids in the comment section below. You can use a pseudonym but you must use a valid email address. If you do not, your bid will be deleted and the profile set to SPAM. The email address will be used to contact the winner.
  2. This is an auction for charity so keep the comments to bids only.
  3. Highest valid bid wins.
  4. Be prepared to promptly pay what you bid.
  5. Bids and payment are in US Dollars ($).
  6. Bids will be limited to $100 increments. No more, no less. (example: If I bid $300 then you can only raise the bid to $400.)
  7. Duplicate bids will go to the earliest bidder. We don’t have bidding software to stop you from making a duplicate bid so make sure you refresh the page before you place your bid.
  8. We will make a determination on which bid was first based on the date time stamp assigned by our server of the comment.
  9. If you create a new profile there may be a delay while it is processed.
  10. Do not bid from a proxy server.
  11. At our discretion, bids which we feel may be fraudulent, will be deleted. The profile used will be set to SPAM.
  12. The winning bidder must make restitution with SOC – F within 24 hours of the end of the auction. Failure to do so will result in the next highest bidder being chosen as the winner and allowed to make payment, and so on.
  13. This auction only goes for 24 hours and will close at 1559Z on 10 June, 2016.
  14. Void where prohibited.
  15. Remember this is for charity so don’t be a dick.

I will start the bidding at $100. You guys can take it from there. Good luck. I definitely envy the winner.

SSD To Host Charity Auction of Unobtanium Arc’teryx Gear for Special Operations Care – Fund

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016

Starting tomorrow (Thursday, 9 June 2016) at 1600Z, SSD will post a charity auction, on this site, to raise funds for the Special Operations Care – Fund, a group which we support and has done immeasurable good for America’s Special Operators.

Bidding will only last for 24 hours but the prize will be something special, something no one has, and something they won’t have for some time. It’s a new Arc’teryx LEAF product that hasn’t even been acknowledged publicly yet. So check your credit card balance and be prepared to bid your ass off.

Buy A Suunto From US Elite And Support SOC-F

Monday, March 14th, 2016

U.S. Elite is proud to support SOC-F!

All through the month of March, U.S. Elite will contribute 10% of every Suunto watch to Special Operations Care Fund (SOC-F).


Learn more about SOC-F.

Limited Edition Arc’teryx LEAF Tweave Caps to be Auctioned at Next Month’s SOC-F Patriot’s Luncheon

Wednesday, October 29th, 2014


Arc’teryx has generously donated the first run of 25 of these LEAF Bird Caps in MultiCam Tweave to be auctioned off, amongst other pieces from the LEAF line, at the Special Operations Care Fund (SOC-F) Patriot’s Luncheon. These hats will not be in the line. Right now, this is the only way you are going to score one of these limited edition caps. The date of the event is Nov 14th.

Visit soc-f.org for tickets.