
Posts Tagged ‘Travis Haley’

Haley Strategic – Venti 100 Shot Wake Up Drill

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

In this video, Travis Haley goes over his warm up routine when at the range. It’s designed to help improve performance by focusing on fundamental processes and to prevent getting into training ruts.

Travis Haley Tests The SCOUT Carbon Paramotor

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Travis Haley tests out one of the first imported SCOUT Carbon Paramotors from Fly Halo. The test took place in Scottsdale, AZ.

Ben, You’ve Been Holding Out On Me

Thursday, May 9th, 2013


Haley Strategic Partners front man Travis wearing Kryptek combat Pants from Platatac.

BCM Gunfighters

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

John Chapman, Kyle Defoor, Ken Hackathorn, Travis Haley, Dave Harrington, Pat McNamara, John McPhee, Mike Pannone, Pat Rogers and Larry Vickers. All legendary names in the tactical firearms training business. And, all use Bravo Company guns. BCM wanted to honor these men and showcase their input regarding their products, so they created the BCM Gunfighter Program.

BCM Gunfighters by solsys

To learn more visit

Travis Haley Speaks on the Second Amendment and Reflections as an American

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

We’ve shown you several different views on the Second Amendment and impending firearms legislation. Here is another that you’ll want to watch.

HSP Blog Reboot

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

Travis Haley gives us a vlog update on what he’s been up to and where Haley Strategic Partners is going. A couple of interesting notes. One is the advent of Disruptive Science or D5 and the upcoming new course, Fluid Kinesthetic Awareness which will concentrate on how the body employs a weapon in a variety of positions.

HSP is dedicated to working with other companies through their Disruptive Industries program as well as codevelopment of products directly with their industry affiliates. The message from Travis Haley? Look for new products this coming year. Based on this, something stood out in the video that I found very interesting. Haley briefly flashed this image. Could it be a new Bravo Company rifle? Maybe an HSP rifle?


Finally, Haley also urges folks to support the MARSOC Foundation.

Haley Talks Holsters

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

This video from Panteao Productions has been around for awhile but Travis Haley does a great job of explaining what a drop leg should and should not be.

This set up is a hybrid that uses the G-Code RTi mount. This system allows you to move the holster from mount to mount. In fact, several Kydex producers are beginning to incorporate the RTi system into their product line.

Travis Haley Infils Disruptive Industries

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

If there was ever an example of disruptive technology it would the powered parasail. Seen here, HSP principal Travis Haley and friend appropriately enough, make an entrance into the recent Disruptive Industries program.