
Posts Tagged ‘Tyler Grey’

Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

SureFire Field Notes – Tyler Grey

Friday, October 28th, 2016

SureFire Field Notes is a multi-segment informational video series with tips and techniques from subject matter experts of all backgrounds. In this episode, Tyler Grey discusses usage of the fundamentals of low light.

Tyler Grey is a former US Army Special Operations Veteran. Tyler served over four and half years with the 2nd Ranger Battalion as a Sniper and then another four and a half at Ft. Bragg. He has extensive combat experience from multiple deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as other experience in the usage of low light techniques and tactics.

If you haven’t seen the entire series yet, I encourage you to check it out here.

Tyler Grey Joins Aztec Training Services

Wednesday, September 21st, 2016

Aztec Training Services has announced that Tyler Grey has joined its roster of instructors. Tyler is a combat wounded Veteran who has served as an member of the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment as well as a Sniper and an Assaulter in the US Army’s premier special operations unit. He is engaged in various Veteran causes and is a highly sought after instructor as well as an entertainment industry consultant.  Plus, he’s an all around nice guy.

(yes, the gear is too clean because it was a studio shoot)

Introducing ‘Greyman’, a New Webseries

Friday, August 12th, 2016

My friend Tyler Grey has a new series called, ‘Greyman’. It is presented by CCW Safe and produced in conjunction with Larry Vickers. Below, he talks about what you can expect.

TNVC Presents Night Fighters

Thursday, February 11th, 2016

Night Fighters is a new series of short films produced by TNVC, and directed by SilentR Productions. In their own words, Warfighters and Armed Professionals discuss the role of low-light / no-light operations on today’s and future battlefields as well as the importance of leading the fight and staying ahead of the opposition as technology evolves.


SOTech Announces Collaboration with Tyler Grey

Monday, January 14th, 2013

Tyler Grey is an old friend of mine but I haven’t known him nearly as long as I’ve known the folks at SOTech (Jim Cragg introduced us) and I have good things to say about both. That’s why I was very happy to hear that they were collaborating on a new signature series of tactical equipment. Tyler was badly wounded downrange and his recovery has been heroic. He has been advising on video games and Hollywood sets over the last couple years while setting up a firearms training program. He has also been advising SOTech on their designs for awhile so they decided to make it official and launch a signature line.


Look for the new “Go to Hell” bag at SHOT Show.