
Archive for July, 2008

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

Check ’em out – ‘Nuff said.

NIJ Releases New Body Armor Standard

Friday, July 25th, 2008

One important statement was placed in the Forward.

“Publication of this revision of the standard does not invalidate or render unsuitable any body armor models previously determined by NIJ to be compliant to either the NIJ 2005 Interim Requirements or the NIJ Standard–0101.04 Rev. A Requirements. While it may not necessary to remove these existing armors from service, agencies are advised to always require their procurements to meet or exceed the most recent and up-to-date version of this standard.”

One reader’s initial perusal identified the following changes:

1. Removal of Type I standard
2. New as well as conditioned armor shall be tested
3. Type IIA projectile velocities higher
4. Ranges for all velocities (acceptable velocity error levels), new velocities for most levels is “(old value+error) +/- error” …so the mins are the same as the old values
5. New level added – Type IIIA for high powered handguns (.357 SIG and .44 mag)
6. Added diagram for helping determine penetration depth – just a format change to the document
7. Requirements added for testing systems with and w/o plates “in conjunction armor” when the inserts are removable
8. Changed the terms used for designating penetration
9. Multiple sizes of armor vests shall be tested
10. Conditioning requires tumbling vest and humidity/water exposure

McNett Z-Mask

Friday, July 25th, 2008


Soldiers face difficulty in getting sound sleep. They are often required to sleep while in transit of during odd hours due to shift work. A good eye shade can help but so many of them look like they belong in the boudoir and not the barracks.


The folks at McNett recently released their newest product, the Z-Mask. It is designed to block out light yet give your eyes some room to roam while in REM sleep the Z-Mask to help ensure a good rest.

Zmask UCP

The Z-Mask is available in Black as well as UCP.

Available from McNett.

Photos courtesy McNett

Eagle Industries Launches New Law Enforcement “LE” Product Line

Friday, July 25th, 2008

St. Louis, MO – Eagle Industries today announces the launch of its new, Eagle-branded “LE” product line specifically designed to meet the needs of the law enforcement community.

Eagle Industries has a long history of success providing high quality, trusted gear to law enforcement officials. The new “LE” product line marks the first time that the company has offered a comprehensive catalogue of Eagle-branded nylon gear uniquely designed to meet the needs of the law enforcement community.

“Eagle has for thirty years operated with ‘Quality by Design’ as our guiding principle,” said Eagle Industries Vice President Scott Carver. “By creating the new LE Division, we are able to better focus our development and design resources on understanding and responding to the needs of our loyal customers from the law enforcement community.”

The LE Division of Eagle Industries offers police tactical nylon products ranging from ballistic vests to equipment bags and pouches to holsters and other accessories. LE Division products are made of U.S. materials and assembled at an Eagle Industries-owned facility in the Dominican Republic.

“By establishing an assembly operation in the Dominican Republic, Eagle is certain to remain competitive in the law enforcement, homeland security, private label and international markets,” said Eagle Industries Director of Law Enforcement Programs Ben Lenett. “Owning and operating the facility allows us to maintain control over the quality of our products and our production schedule to best serve the needs of our law enforcement customers.”

Eagle Industries’ LE Division products are made from U.S.-produced materials, in line with the company’s commitment to domestic sourcing.

About Eagle Industries
Eagle Industries is a world leader in tactical nylon gear for the military and law enforcement community. Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, Eagle Industries began its business in 1974 in the owner’s basement and was incorporated in 1982. Today, Eagle Industries employs more than 2,300 people worldwide and manufactures and distributes more than 5,000 products. Eagle Industries continues to abide by its “Quality By Design” guiding principle and remains a family-owned and managed company. For more information, visit

PCU Alternate Source of Supply ADS

Thursday, July 24th, 2008

ADSBeyond Tactical

ADS and Beyond Tactical are proud to announce that they are beginning to offer the complete Protective Combat Uniform in the issue Ranger Green as well as Coyote. Available as an entire kit or as individual components, this is an excellent opportunity for units requiring PCU out of the procurement cycle as well as for units or individuals that wish to upgrade their current environmental clothing system. In addition to standard sizes, customers will be able to take advantage of Beyond’s custom sizing program. Originally conceived in the fall of 2001 by PM-SSS in order to satisfy an urgent need for operational clothing to combat the environment of Afghanistan, PCU is a clothing system consisting of seven levels used in concert with one another based on activity and environment.

Visual PCU Guide

ADS has gone one step further by developing an excellent DVD which provides an overview of PCU components and their use as well as some excellent background on the system’s design philosophy by the “Godfather” of PCU; Mark Twight. In concert with Kwikpoint, makers of the waterproof basic language guides currently in use in theater, ADS is offering a pocket users guide describing PCU components, environmental conditions and a wheel to help the user correlate components with conditions. This has been needed for a long time and is a must for even current users of multi-component environmental clothing systems.

Visual Users Guide - PCU

The user guide is available from Kwikpoint.

Look for a future article with more details on PCU.

Contact ADS or Beyond Tactical for more information.

User guide graphics property of Kwikpoint.

Contacting Soldier Systems Blog

Thursday, July 24th, 2008

We often get queries from aspiring writers wondering if we accept guest authors. We do. Contact the Editor with your article idea. However, as this is a non-wealth generating pursuit there will be no payment.

Interested parties can contact Soldier Systems Blog at

The admin stuff:

Inclusion of products or information on Soldier Systems Blog is for informational purposes only and in no way construed as an endorsement unless otherwise stated.

All content is copyright 2008 Soldier Systems Blog unless otherwise credited. Further use of content is prohibited unless specific permission is provided by Soldier Systems Blog. Corporate logos for companies featured on Soldier Systems Blog are the property of their respective owners and are used solely for illustrative purposes.

Supply Captain IR ID Devices

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

Supply Captain

Supply Captain is run by a Veteran US Army Quartermaster officer Mark Ciaglia. Frustration in finding Soldier Systems items inspired Mark to open his own business with his wife Melinda. They specialize in products such as 550 cord, custom pouches, as well IR Infrared patches and badges. They are manufacturers of an entire gamut of IR Combat ID devices including squares, flags, MP, unit patches, blood tapes, and unit ID’s. That’s right, unit patches, and what’s more, they will do custom items. All of their IR products have been tested and approved by Natick Labs for use by US Army, Marines, Air Force and Navy units. One important issue is that these devices are covered by ITAR and you must be a registered Military or LE user with Supply Captain in order to purchase their IR products.

Unit PatchesBlood TapesSupply Captain IR Flags

For more information contact .

TAG Releasable Plate Carrier

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008


Recently TAG introduced the Rampage, a split front plate carrier designed to accommodate any size trauma plate. The carrier has a removable cummerbund as well as removable side plate pouches. Designed to accept a soft armor package, the split front allows you to quickly don and doff the carrier via side entry.

TAG Rampage Plate Carrier
Rampage Plate Carrier

TAG has also released the Rampage Armor Package, a Level IIIA soft armor made of 100% Twaron exclusively for TAG by International Armor. The Rampage Soft Armor includes the front panel, back panel, and cummerbund armor and weighs 2lbs 12oz.

TAG Releasable Plate Carrier
New Releasable Plate Carrier

But TAG didn’t stop there. Almost immediately they began work on the next evolutionary step in Plate Carriers; Releasability. TAG combined their highly successful vest cut away system with the innovative design of the Rampage. Soldier Systems Daily had a chance to view the design last week and we are very excited about the potential. We have always been a fan of their cut away and appreciate the engineering that went into the design. You can see the cut away pillow at the neckline just above the flag. They have also integrated non-skid panels in order to provide a stable platform for small arms. This new carrier is poised to be released soon.

For more information contact Tactical Assault Gear.