The last time we featured Knight’s Armaments was in recognition of C. Reed Knight Jr.’s receipt of a top 10 army invention of 2007 for the M110 7.62mm Semi-Automatic Sniper System (SASS) that was Type Classified by the Army in 2007.
Knights Armament has now broadened their scope to include a fully functional ballistic computer, but this computer isn’t like anything you’ve ever seen. Unbeknownst to you, it may already be in your pocket. It’s an iPhone/iPod Touch application called BulletFlight that costs a meager $11.99. Consider for a moment what the competition offers. Less functionality for a higher cost and in a bigger package.

BulletFlight has been designed to fit everything from the need of the everyday range tinkerer to the functionality demands of the warfighter. It’s a dynamic solution that provides ballistic calculations out to 3000 meters helping you make your shot.
To use it, start with one of several built-in profiles including the Army’s M110 semi-automatic precision rifle, the 14.5 inch barrel SR16 rifle, .50 BMG M107, .308 M40A3, .308 M24, or start from scratch. With your saved weapon profile’s ballistic coefficients you are ready to begin. Next, provide variables such as range, angle of sight, temperature, and pressure. The BulletFlight will provide predicted bullet impact above or below line of sight in distance and MOA along with how many clicks to correct, velocity and energy at target impact and estimated flight time to allow proper target lead.

Overkill? Need the quick and dirty? After building a weapon profile and including environmental variables, switch over to the “Simple†mode. With a standard selection wheel for rapid range-to-target adjustment and wind speed and direction, you are ready to go.
Thanks to a dedicated customer base and the rapid feedback associated with iPhone applications, Knight’s Armaments have been able to pump out multiple revisions in short order.
Check out the newly released KAC Bullet Flight 2.0.0 with a full suite of upgraded functions including manufacturer ballistic coefficients, additional functionality in the simple mode, field table output, and automatic weather data gathering at www.knightarmco.com/bulletflight/index.htm
Current and future efforts focus on overcoming platform shortfalls limiting official military use of BulletFlight to include operational temperature, sustainable g-loads, and touch screen limitations of the iPhone/iPod platform.

Keep an eye out for the Knight’s Armament bracket for mounting your iPhone to your Picatinny rail in conjunction with the Otter Case.