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Archive for April, 2009

Army to Field Experimental Soldier Systems Equipment

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Wearing their Rapid Equipping Force hat, The Army’s Asymmetric Warfare Group set about to assemble a package of Commercial Off the Shelf Soldier Systems equipment to conduct a demonstration with members of the 4th Infantry Division deploying to Afghanistan. The aim was to demonstrate that these alternative technologies will enhance the combat effectiveness of our troops fighting in the brutal terrain of Afghanistan.

Unfortunately, a long brewing battle between the Army’s Acquisition community and the REF seemed to come to a head two weeks ago when the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology halted the shipment of the equipment package into theater and began to ask some very pointed questions about the capability of the armor package chosen. Long-term friction has come about as the REF continues to conduct rapid identification, assessment, and fielding of critical warfighting technologies while the traditional acquisition system takes a much more methodical approach and fielding of new systems requires longer lead times.

The system in question is the MBAV cutaway plate carrier produced by Eagle Industries used in conjunction with a hard plate only certified for use by USSOCOM. All of this is fully in the Army’s purview and unknown to most sitting on the sidelines of this issue, PEO-Soldier is in the midst of an evaluation of five cut away armor plate carriers. It is highly probable that the cutaway system chosen by AWG is also a candidate in this PEO-Soldier evaluation.

The situation seemed to take on a life of its own and after two weeks of consideration the Army has chosen to field the experimental package and it will be shipped for use by 480 Soldiers across two battalions of the deploying 4th ID. According to Army sources, short notice testing was completed to provide a safety release of the equipment. However, the new lightweight hard armor plates used by SOCOM will be replaced by the Army’s current issue plates.

Data collection will be accomplished by Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab.

O.P.S.E.C. – a New Take on the Poncho

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Survival Solutions Innovative Gear has released its Oversized Poncho/Shelter/Emergency Camouflage (OPSEC) unit. Essentially a poncho, they have integrated several new features.

O.P.S.E.C. in Snow Camo

It is manufactured from 70D Coated Ripstop Nylon, weighing in at only 1.9 oz. per yard and is generously cut measuring 104″ long by 59″ wide. The O.P.S.E.C. is constructed so the back is adjustable. When wearing a rucksack/backpack, the back of the poncho can be unsnapped and extend an additional 14″. If you decide not to wear a back pack, you can shorten the back of the O.P.S.E.C. with the snaps provided to a length consistent with the front. Additionally, to aid in shelter construction it has seven 15mm ring snaps and eight size 0 grommets. It is available in Snow, Multicam, Woodland, and UCP.

O.P.S.E.C. Multicam

For more information or to order visit

The B.R.A.T.T. from TAD

Friday, April 24th, 2009

TAD Gear

Triple Aught Designs, makes of such tacti-cool items as the Ti Skeleton Key and the Nylon Combat Swimmers Dive Strap have introduced the Be Ready Always Titanium Tool (B.R.A.T.T.).

Crafted from 6AL-4V titanium, it is .25″ thick and features a flathead screwdriver, pry tip with nail puller, 1″ diameter round type aperture bottle cap lifter, a spanner wrench tip fit all regular sized Strider folders as well as three lanyard hole eyes.


Additionally, the B.R.A.T.T. has some unconventional uses as well.


The B.R.A.T.T is a limited run of 100 pieces. To purchase, visit TAD Gear.

SplashGuard and Waterproof Liners from S.O.Tech

Friday, April 24th, 2009

S.O.Tech has been really hitting it hard this year developing and releasing an entire new load carrying system called the Mission Pack System. To complement this new system, they have just released the SplashGuard Liner constructed of 420D polyurethane-coated fabric. The bag closes at the top which is rolled down and buckled shut to protect the contents from moisture as well as sand and other debris. This style features webbing on the closure to provide additional strength and durability as well a convenient carry handle.

S.O. Tech SplashGuard Liners

S.O. Tech has also unveiled a waterproof bag with a water-tight closure making it a fully submersible liner. It also has an elbow valve to bleed off excess air or to inflate the liner to improve buoyancy. The liners are manufactured in accordance with MIL-0-81375B (Oral Inflation Assemblies, Survival Equipment, Inflatable).

S.O. Tech Waterproof Bag

Both styles are currently available in two sizes to accommodate the Mission Go Bag as well as small packs. For additional information or to order visit

Support Our Advertisers

Friday, April 24th, 2009

As you have noticed, the look of Soldier Systems Daily has changed as well as the level of coverage. This is due to a large extent, to support from our advertisers. We feel it is important for us to explain to our advertising program to our readership. We publish news. Our coverage of new products, services, materials, government programs, and industry news takes us in a lot of directions and we spend a lot of time writing about the unknown. News coverage should not be considered an endorsement unless otherwise specified. Our new advertising program is however, something altogether different.

While many would understand that accepting advertising from a vendor of products or services is an endorsement of Soldier Systems Daily by the advertiser, we look at this as a two way street. We consider at each potential advertiser and the types of products and services they provide. We regard each ad we publish as an endorsement by Soldier Systems of the advertiser. Additionally, we consider our advertisers as partners and work hard to develop a relationship that we can leverage to benefit reader, advertiser and us. An example of this are special promotions and contests that we are developing in conjunction with our advertisers to benefit our dedicated readership.

Soldier Systems will continue to break the news and provide information on the latest products and services for the Soldier Systems industry but take a moment to check out our advertiser’s websites and consider one or more of them to satisfy your next requirement.

Art of the Carbine II from Magpul Dynamics

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

Here is a preview of the upcoming Magpul Dynamics “Art of the Carbine II”.

Strike Hold! Design Winner Chosen

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

Thanks to all of our readers who supported Strike Hold!’s logo competition. And the winner is…

Strike Hold!

Gen 3 FASTmag

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

Down East unveiled its newest generation three FASTmag at SHOT Show ’09.

Gen 3 FASTmag

As with eariler generations, the new FASTmag is being produced by ITW, but this newest iteration is being offered in two variants. One version is designed specifically to be used with MOLLE, and the other features a slider bar to allow belt attachment. Additionally, a new attachment system has been incorporated into the design and allowances made to stack FASTmags on one another or with MOLLE attachments including MALICE clips. They are currently in production by ITW and available for order. Look for more in-depth coverage later this week.