GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Archive for June, 2010

Juggernaut Defense

Monday, June 28th, 2010

We regularly field questions from industry seeking help with a design. Whether the issue is ergonomics, packaging a set of electronics to fit on a rifle, or the integration of several disparate systems we send everyone to one place; Juggernaut Defense. Celebrating their 10th Anniversary this year, they bring experience in defense, public safety, firefighting, and law enforcement and you’d be amazed at some of the programs they have worked on. Their capabilities include not only industrial design and mechanical engineering but they can also conduct embedded research to learn more about how the customer operates in order to deliver the proper solution. Once it’s designed they can also prepare a full test and evaluation of the item. No one else offers this level of support to a client. If you are in the need of any of these services it is definitely worth checking Juggernaut Defense out.


Vortex SPARC Red Dot Sight

Monday, June 28th, 2010

New from Vortex Optics is the Speed Point Aiming for Rapid Combat (SPARC). The single piece body is crafted from aircraft-grade 6061-T6 aluminum and the optics are sealed with O-rings and feature nitrogen filled barrels. While you will generally see this sight on rifles and shotguns we have already seen a couple of pistols sporting the SPARC. One of the most interesting things about the SPARC is the mounting solution. The Picatinny modular three-piece base offers four separate mounting heights including absolute or lower 1/3 co-witness for the M16 family. The parallax free sight also features an optional screw-in 2x magnifier. The dot is of variable intensity and also offers a night-vision mode. The SPARC’s 6-hour auto-shutdown feature maximizes battery life. Typical battery life in normal mode of operation: 120 hours (maximum brightness), 3400 hours (minimum brightness). Typical battery life in night vision mode: 4200 hours (maximum brightness), 4600 hours (minimum brightness).

The Vortex SPARC is available from AFMO as well as Blackheart International.

Miller Gives Veterans a Piece of the High Life

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

We love to see companies supporting our troops. For every High Life cap or tab you drop off at select retailers or mail in, Miller will donate 10-cents toward High Life Experiences for returning vets. Up to a million dollars will go toward paying a vet’s way into sports events, concerts, outdoor adventures and more.

Veterans wishing to participate in an experience can register through the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.


If you are mailing your caps, please send to MillerCoors MHL Experiences Program, 3903 Portage Rd., Ste C #140, South Bend, IN 46628

Why Didn’t We Think of That?

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

Every once in awhile we run across a couple of pictures that make us wonder what it would be like to serve in a foreign Army. This time it’s the Israelis that have us fantasizing, er, we meant wondering.

ATK Industry Days #2

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

Day 2 of ATK Industry Days at USTC found us checking out the KRISS-Vector 45 Sub-Gun. Today saw an increase of visitors, which is probably explained by the somewhat lower heat.

The new CT PEACE MAKER – Mid-Range caliber .45ACP – in what is termed Tamed Recoil…the KRISS Vector .45 Sub-Gun may for some shooters be THE choice…when using a .45 round, you can be sure of one thing; stopping power. It normally requires less ammo to knock an average man down.

Some of what KRISS claims are it’s benefits include; Better stopping power than any 9mm Sub-Gun, Weapon is designed to fire .45 rounds and is not a modification of another caliber, Reduced recoil and less muzzle climb, lighter weight, rapid target acquisition, easy to suppress, modular and modern design, lower training and maintenance costs, and US Made with Swiss technology.

www.kriss-usa.com – POC: Dennis Darcozy

SOCOM Reprograms Funds for Mk16 SCAR Purchase – Goes Heavy Instead

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

While it’s been common knowledge in industry for some time, Military.com’s Kit Up! has received confirmation from SOCOM that reveals that they have abandoned the 5.56 version of the SCAR and will use FY 2011 money to buy more 7.62 Mk-17s to fill a “capability gap” for a 7.62 battle rifle. We’ve changed the title of the piece as it more accurately reflects what is happening. As we discussed awhile back, the fact that SOCOM is going to field a 7.62 battle rifle that was never down selected in an open competition is interesting news. On one hand you could applaud the command’s efforts to adapt to a changing situation while on the other, you could curse them for “sneaking” a gun into the hands of the troops that may or may not be the best available. We also want to point out that while just last month SCAR made it to the Milestone-C decision, the issue with the Mk16 had been brewing for quite some time and it is more the fact that SOCOM has released something on the issue than that there has been reluctance to replace the M4 SOPMOD. The major sticking point now is the development of a Basis of Issue Plan for the Mk17 and Mk20.

Read more: http://kitup.military.com/

West Point Explores Camouflage

Friday, June 25th, 2010

The West Point PAO published a fantastic story early this month about the Engineering Psychology program within the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership. It gives a great account of Dr Timothy Oneill’s (LTC USA, Ret) contribution to the development of camouflage patterns and his participation in Phase IV of the Army’s current camouflage effort. It is absolutely worth reading. However, it is the last paragraph of the article that begged our attention.

“O’Neill personally believes the end state will be two uniforms with snow overwhites. Though he is currently unable to discuss any particulars about the new uniform, O’Neill assures that they are developing it as fast as they can.”

We’re sure you’ve heard the old adage, “Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics” and ultimately, this is the major issue for those touting multiple patterns for the Army. Unfortunately, many of them are also suffering from another oldie but goodie, “Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it.” It seems the Army’s institutional memory is incapable of even making it back to 2001 or even 2003 when US troops commenced combat operations first in Afghanistan in woodland camouflage uniforms and then a scant year and a half later liberated Iraq in a mixture of woodland and 3-color desert patterns. Even then, it was a repeat of the first Gulf war when all of the services were incapable of preparing a sufficient stockpile of desert dress. The bottom line here is that it is simply too expensive to issue every Soldier multiple camo patterns. Even if sufficient funding were secured, would even two patterns be enough? They too would be generic patterns and compromises. So how many patterns would it take?

The question isn’t whether the Army is capable of developing numerous specific patterns for a variety of target areas. That is the easy part. The real challenge is how to produce and issue such uniforms and equipment fast enough to actually have an effect on the operation. As a nation, we have failed three times to accomplish this, and that was but for a single pattern. Imagine if this issue were multiplied even ten-fold.

Yes, you are going to say that the Marine Corps issues two uniforms but they are a much smaller service. The outlay isn’t as great. However, FROG is not offered in Woodland MARPAT so the Marine Corps doesn’t even really offer a combat uniform in a jungle or forest pattern. Additionally, their solution for a common colored load carrying and armor solution was based more on economy than performance. If the Army ever issues a final report from the recent photometric camouflage study conducted in Afghanistan, there will be some empirical evidence that suggests that solid colors such as Coyote are not very good performers as they provide too much contrast with the camo pattern. So maybe the Marines didn’t do such a great job after all.

Then there is the whole issue with clashing with your environment. Specifically, woodland pattern in a desert environment or vice versa. Troops can’t carry multiple patterns during an operation and change clothing as the environment changes. This has already been an issue in Afghanistan for both the US Marines as British forces.

All of these lessons were learned at the beginning of this war and the Army decided to adopt a Universal pattern. Unfortunately, they initially chose UCP. However, they have since selected an excellent Universal camouflage pattern for Afghanistan in Crye’s MultiCam. It works, it has been tested several times, and it is available. What’s more, it is an issue pattern. Even better, the troops love it. So what’s the problem?

If the Army wants to make an effect immediately, then the solution to Phase IV is simple. Adopt MultiCam and continue to develop and evaluate camouflage patterns. Once a superior pattern is identified, work with the sister services to institute an upgrade in capability.

Federal Premium LE Tactical HST

Friday, June 25th, 2010

Today at the ATK Industry Day, SSD was privileged enough to witness a demonstration of Federal Premium LE’s new Tactical HST round in .45 Auto. When fired into ballistic gel, which is designed to simulate human flesh, the round penetrated a full 12 inches (the photo was taken off angle), expanding to a max diameter of .96 inches at its resting point. The round is a two piece projectile with a copper jacket that folds completely out of the way during penetration, while the round’s petals open to full expansion. The ammo is available in 9mm, .40, .45, and .357 SIG, however the SIG round is too fast, and as a result doesn’t fully open during penetration. More information can be found at www.le.atk.com.