
Archive for December, 2010

Mad Duo Reviews the Craptastic Movie “Skyline”

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

Skyline: the Big Screen Version of Getting a Urethral Swab

You should definitely go see the sci-fi thriller Skyline…but only if you gouge your eyes out with a fork beforehand, however, or intend to watch a private viewing with all the female AVN award winners for the year. Barring one of these two contingencies, avoid it.

It’s our fault, really, that we’re even able to write this review. We read a preview a while back about Skyline that described it as “Blackhawk Down meets War of the Worlds”. Foolishly, we went by that description (which was apparently written by someone who watched an early showing of the movie while doped up on PCP, immediately after suffering traumatic brain injury) and of course the previews—which, predictably, are actually better to watch than the movie itself, because at least you won’t have lost an hour and a half of your life nor paid any money for involuntary IQ reduction.

We’ll give you a rundown. There’s an artist guy you’re supposed to like but have a hard time identifying with, with a girlfriend who is kinda hot but isn’t hot enough to salvage any of this movie’s scenes, ever (not her fault, no one would be), meets up with a smug musician guy we’re supposed to also kind of identify with because he’s made it big and is their best friend (or at least the best friend of the poor bastard named after the Subway spokesman). This guy has a girlfriend that may be the only decently cast character in the whole movie—she’s a fake-baked over-tanned shallow bitchy blonde, and actually manages to pull that off. As or the other characters…

Actually, you know what? The characters don’t matter, because they all suck. The dialogue is stilted and either pallid or melodramatic, depending upon the specific scene, and there’s only about 8 or 10 of them in the whole movie anyway. The one character that seems like he’s not a pussy and is the kind we’d like to be pulling for in a class warfare or documentary situation is grossly overshadowed by the trite one-liners someone was paid way too much money to write. Now, the monsters are kind of cool, if they look cobbled together from a couple other sci-fi movies or three, and if you don’t mind the noises they make (sort of a strange combination of Transformers, the robot squid from The Matrix and the giant robots in that last Terminator movie). Unfortunately, cool monster scenes can’t counterbalance a plot line and script that wouldn’t make the cut in a Saturday night SyFy flick or even a Ben Ten episode.

To be fair, there are some good fight scenes with the Air Force, Army and Marines…but wait, if you took some of the scenes from Independence Day and replaced the F-18s with stealth aircraft and UAVs they would be pretty much the same. Same with the ones from War of the Worlds. Of course, the giant spaceships are cool…except they too are invulnerable to everything we’ve got in our arsenal (including nukes), though in this movie they don’t catch cold and you can’t upload a virus with a Macbook and shut ‘em down.

There are a couple of good scenes with Army and Marine grunts. At one point, for about a minute and a half, it was cool. They were rocking aliens with M4s, Barretts, mini-guns and AT4, though purists (or anyone with a brain) may take issue with the Marine NCO bellowing “Reload soldier!” at his Marines.

Don’t even bother renting this or queuing it on Netflix unless you just want it playing in the background while you play pool in the garage for background noise. Do not, upon pain of cinematic lobotomy, watch it and expect to enjoy it.

The two best parts of the movie were when the giant blue lightning vacuum cleaners suck a bunch of people up and when it’s finally over.

Luckily, they’re making a sequel already, which may do something to salvage the [spoiler] ending and the wondrous orange glowing brain. Maybe the hero-turned-alien can hook up with that shrimp-alien guy from District 9 and get a little face time in the upcoming Battle for LA…one can only hope. We thought about going to see it a second time to see if we just missed something of redeeming value, but…do you really need Chlamydia a second time to know it really sucks?

Mad Duo Out!

Solution To The .50 William Tell

Monday, December 6th, 2010

Lately we’ve been getting a few e-mails asking about the authenticity of the infamous .50 cal William Tell video. Well, after seeing it was done by Youtube special effects guru freddiew, whose Time Crisis video I posted a while back, I knew it was nothing more than the clever use of special effects. It doesn’t even take that much digging to prove as much, as he posted the behind the scenes vid on his alternate channel.

Just goes to show how far you can go with a little special effects.

-Tactical FanBoy

New Combat Shirt from Poland

Monday, December 6th, 2010

Polish company, SPECOPS has introduced a new combat shirt with a torso made from POLARTEC Power Dry FR material. Available in two versions, the standard model features NYCO IRR-treated shoulders and an FR version made from Tencate’s DEFENDER-M. For both models the shoulder pockets feature PALS webbing to accommodate small pouches. The elbows are reinforced with SUPERFABRIC ceramic laminates and are compatible with d3o shock-absorbing inserts.

The Paleo Solution

Monday, December 6th, 2010

“The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet” by Robb Wolf describes a method called Paleolithic dieting, which involves eating foods that closely mimic what our hunter-gatherer ancestors consumed. In layman’s terms, this means no grains, dairy, or legumes of any kind but rather eating seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seafoods, and land animals, preferably organic and grass fed. Unlike many books on dieting, the technique is easily accessible and includes well-researched information on the benefits of paleo dieting, testimonials, a simple to follow 30 day meal and exercise plan, and even a bit of humor spread throughout.

I bring this to your attention because of the not so recent news about military personnel struggling with their weight and turning to methods such as liposuction and crash dieting to achieve their goals. I’m not claiming this as a definitive method for weight loss and long-term health, but like anything else it’s worth a shot. So pick up the book and follow it’s contents for a while. You might end up liking paleo dieting, or at least the results it brings.

-Tactical FanBoy

There Is An Underbarrel Flamethrower!

Monday, December 6th, 2010

On my Black Ops Weapons article, I claimed that an underbarrel flamethrower never existed. However, one of our readers alerted me to a model that existed as early as WWII. Created by the Finns, it was an underbarrel mount for the M44 flamethrower which was used on the Suomi KP/-31 submachine gun. While not entirely like the underbarrel Flamethrower found in Black Ops, this proves the concept still has some basis in reality. Thanks!

-Tactical FanBoy

ACW Introduces “FIRELOC” Heat Resistant Hardware

Sunday, December 5th, 2010

ACW has introduced “Fireloc” a line of heat resistant plastic buckles, slides, and hook products. Primarily designed for high-heat applications, the Fireloc two inch side release has been tested and approved by Underwriters Laboratories for use in the United States and Canada.

For those of you unfamiliar with ACW, they manufacturer plastic and metal fasteners, hook and loop, as well as elastic and non-elastic narrow textile webbing and cord products. They also manufacturer a line of webbing products using specialty yarns, including Kevlar®, Nomex®, PBI®, and Dyneema® that complement the Fireloc product line offering their customers a “total solution“ product selection.

“Our mission at ACW is to continually develop new products that meet the demands of the marketplace. We are proud to provide our customers with a heat-resistant, hardware product line that has met the stringent safety standards of Underwriters Laboratories for use in the US and Canada.” explained, Mark Krauss, president of ACW.

Most Lethal

Sunday, December 5th, 2010

Are you an active duty or recently retired member of a special ops combat unit? Then you might have what it takes to join the ranks of the new Spike TV show “Most Lethal”. Looking to recruit 12 elite members of Special Forces both from the US and abroad, the show will test a multitude of real-world and unorthodox combat scenarios in a bid to see who is the best of the best. Set to air in Summer 2011, “Most Lethal” could be one skilled Soldier’s path to $100,000 and a Title. If you fit the criteria and are interested in joining, shoot an e-mail to and include some military background information and a recent photo. Also, be aware that you’ll require 45 or so days of leave (and your chain of command’s permission) if still on active duty.

-Tactical FanBoy

Save 15% with Tactical Tailor

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

Tactical Tailor has announced their Christmas sale through December 21st. They are offering 15% off of all Tactical Tailor produced gear online and in their store.