SureFire XC3

Archive for May, 2011

Tactical Night Vision Night Operator Course

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

TNVC is offering their first ever, commercial night vision training course. They have assembled a very special training staff that comes from the finest the military and LE communities have to offer in order to bring you some of the best NV training available.

In order to ensure they are delivering the finest NV training, a state of the art 12,000 sq ft indoor facility located in Brunswick, Georgia will be utilized. Military, LE and civilian professionals alike will find it to be one of a kind, as it’s tailored strictly for night operations training.

For those of you who cannot travel to the NV training facility, TNVC also offers a complete mobile training team to train at your facility. In addition to the new commercial course, TNVC will still continue to offer restricted Mil/LE NV courses, so please contact them with your organization’s specific operational needs and requirements.

They have established online email enrollments for all NV courses, located on the TNVC web site training section

Raider Magazine Gear Awards

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

SSD readers might be interested in participating in Raider magazine’s gear awards. They are soliciting reader votes for a wide variety of categories. The finalists were shortlisted by Raider’s ‘Tried and Tested’ editorial team who are all serving in the Parachute Reg or as Royal Marines.

Grey Group Opens Course Training Reviews Database

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Grey Group has already succeeded in offering the most diverse training opportunities in industry and now they have made the experience even better. With the goal of providing a single source to find out the real information on the best instructors on the planet, they launched what is essentially a “consumer reports” for tactical training. In addition to new After Action Reviews (AAR) as they become available, Grey Group is working hard to add existing training reports to the website. These include photographs as well as in depth information on the training experience as it relates to both the subject as well as the individual instructor.

Hyena from ArmorWorks

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

ArmorWorks unveiled the new Hyena combat vehicle yesterday at the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa, Florida. Designed using internal R&D (IRAD) funds, the Hyena isn’t built for any particular program but rather to a more generic set of requirements gleaned from interaction with the SOF community. We spoke with lead designer Kent Saucedo about the Hyena.

The vehicle finds its origins in the Fast Attack Vehicle class that was popular in the 80s and 90s which had its roots in the off-road racing community. At some point, conventional wisdom shifted to more traditional vehicle designs and with that came a lot of wasted space. Armor Works wanted to offer a vehicle with a 1:1 footprint offering every bit of the Hyena’s dimension as usable space. Additionally, the suspension is low in the vehicle in order to maintain a low Center of Gravity. Currently, the Hyena is powered by a turbo diesel but Armor Works is investigating alternative power packs for version 2.

As you can see from the photo the Hyena offers a combination of mobility, lethality, survivability and information dominance. What’s more, all of these systems work and aren’t some pie-in-the-sky concepts that will be developed only if funded.

The Hyena accommodates five personnel which include a driver, three crew in the middle compartment, seated three abreast as well as a rear facing crew position. There is also fittings to carry two litters. The entire crew is protected by a interconnected series of roll bars. All four passengers have access to weapons as well as access to the Hyena’s C4ISR system which includes a thermal camera. The Hyena is technology agnostic and a variety of collection and self-protection systems can be integrated into the frame. The center driver station is a drive-over-wheel design that offers the most visibility. Additionally, the dash rotates forward to accommodate ingress and egress.

It is a slow rock crawler designed to maneuver through rough washes and other debris strewn areas but can also accomplish sprints in excess of 80 mph in order to get you out of harm’s way in a hurry. Not shown is a trailer which will offer the Hyena a 1500 mile range due to its onboard stores of 50 gal of fuel, 50 gal of water, batteries and other storage.

The ver 2 offers a couple of upgrades that we are looking forward to seeing. For example, the middle crew seat will be pneumatic so that in the weapon station, the crewman remains strapped into his seat. Roll overs and other hazards have been considered in the design and the seat will collapse back into the vehicle. Additionally, a new composite monolithic hull tub is almost ready for production that is molded in a single piece in one of Armor Works’ giant autoclaves.

Of special note is the TactiCam random pattern3d camouflage applique. You may have seen photos of this on a Stryker at last year’s AUSA. It consists of randomly generated 3D geometric shapes and is designed to disrupt the vehicle’s planar surfaces with its combination of highlight and shadow areas. It has proven effective against daylight visual detection as well as ground radar, laser designators, thermal IR as well as EMI and RFI.

A V22 compatible version is in the works but will sacrifice one of the middle crew seats due to the narrow cabin space of the Osprey.

Coming Soon from Oakley

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Originally a maritime boot, versions have been around for two years in a variety of colors including the MultiCam seen here but we hear that it will finally be hitting the street this summer. Over time it has evolved into both land as well as maritime models with the water version featuring drains along the sole. It’s so new we don’t even have the name for it yet. Available soon from Oakley.

Guardian Sleep System Video

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

I shot a little video of the Guardian Sleep System at Warrior Expo West. It has turned out to be one of the most popular articles from the show so I thought you might want to get a better look at the system components.

For a review of the system check out my earlier article.

Tactical Tailor Now on GSA

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

Tactical Tailor has been granted a GSA schedule (contract # GS-07F-0523X). Look for them at

Improved Carbine Q&A Posted

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

I am assuming that everyone has seen the presolicitation for W15QKN-11-R-F003 Improved Carbine. If not click the link. In association with the Industry Day, the Army collected questions and here are the answers. Most won’t make any sense unless you have the draft solicitation close at hand.

US Army IC Q&A18 APR 2011