GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Archive for March, 2012

Close Up Of Platatac’s New SEAL Cam

Saturday, March 31st, 2012

Guess April Fool’s Day came early this year.

Platatac’s New SEAL Cam

Saturday, March 31st, 2012

Australian firm Platatac got a hold of a recently released Govt photo featuring their new SEAL Cam developed in secret for a special customer. It looks to be a desert pattern.


CTOMs Is Giving Away Trauma Shears

Saturday, March 31st, 2012

According to Pvt. Bloggins, CTOMS is giving away a free pair of Trauma Shears with every $50 you spend through the month of April. If you spend $150, you get 3 pairs of Trauma Shears on the house. Now that’s a deal!

 Check it out.



TrekPak on Kickstarter

Saturday, March 31st, 2012

TrekPak is asking for backers over on Kickstarter. The TrekPak insert “…combines durability, functionality, and simplicity to create a system more versatile than anything currently on the market.”

The creator explains the catalyst for his vision: “While backpacking through Vietnam and Cambodia for 5 weeks with a camera backpack that was uncomfortable, not designed to fit someone my size, and straight up back breaking, I asked myself “Would it be possible to safely carry all my gear in the hiking pack I have at home in a way that is more functional and easier to use than anything else out there?” After months brainstorming over chocolate chip waffles, spending way too much time at REI, and prototyping at the expense of my thumbs, TrekPak was born!”

The TrekPak system uses dividers and pins, not Velcro, and is receiving rave reviews from photojournalists and photographers. It may just be perfect for “adventure journalists” and 84 Charlie MoPics.

What do they call 84Cs nowadays anyway?

Learn more here.



Friday, March 30th, 2012

Combat-Swag is now making glow-in-the-dark PVC patches, if you’re interested in something different than the traditional embroidered or even PVC patch. Combat-Swag is a small, privately owned company based in Pennsylvania that has established an excellent reputation for customer service. Their focus lately has been morale style patches, decals and stickers but they also do apparel and glassware (including a specialty section for the Marine Corps Ball). They advise, “You won’t find a fancy website with pick-and-click shopping. We prefer a phone call or email, as we are an up-close-and-personal full custom shop. You won’t find better service, period.” They are on line or go check out the Facebook page.

Hat tip to BOLO Report.

A Factory Closes And People Are Playing

Friday, March 30th, 2012

We see good and bad come out of comments. Today, we saw some bad. ATK recently announced the closing of the Eagle Industries plant in Fenton, Missouri, resulting in 325 workers losing their livelihood. Unfortunately, an SSD reader thought it would fun to create several comment logins and portrayed themselves not only as an employee of Eagle but also as a representative of another St Louis-based company. The comments were off color, and SSD would like to apologize to both companies, as well as the Eagle employees for the actions of the perpetrator. As you can see, they all share the same Cingular wireless IP and they are not in St Louis.



HASC Members Speak in Support of Service Member Protection at WPRC Event

Friday, March 30th, 2012

Earlier this week, the Warrior Protection and Readiness Coalition sponsored an event in Washington, DC featuring a panel of lawmakers. If you’re a reader of SSD, the subject was near and dear to your heart; the future of Soldier Systems from a Congressional standpoint. It’s important to note, that while a service might have a dire need for a certain capability, such as improved ballistic protection, or a new weapon system or camouflage, there is only so much flexibility in their service budgets. It requires Congress to appropriate the money to increase these capabilities. Fortunately, there are some in Congress who are very much in tune with the needs of our service members.

The panel was moderated by the Lexington Institute and all three panelists are members of the House Armed Services Committee. Congressmen Bill Owens (D-NY), Chris Gibson (R-NY) and Larry Kissel (D-NC). All three bring a slightly different perspective but have the same goal, ensuring American Warriors are the best equipped in the world.


Congressman Bill Owens represents New York’s 23rd District. He is a US Air Force Vet who was stationed at Plattsburgh AFB and later returned to live in the area. Right off the bat, Representative Owens explained his position. “It’s important that we don’t let the improvements that we’ve made over the past ten years go away as we curtail operations in Afghanistan'” and went on to add, “We need to begin to work in a bipartisan way to solve complex problems,” signifying his desire to reach across the aisle to those ends.

Interestingly, he mentioned several companies in his district that have moved from Canada to the US in order to be in compliance with Berry. Based on this experience, he stated that he would like to see more participation by Canadian companies in protecting American troops.


Congressman Chris Gibson is a retired US Army Infantry Colonel having served for 24 years including three combat deployments. On September 10th, 2001 he was at Fort Polk, serving as a Brigade XO in the 10th Mountain on a pre-deployment exercise to the Balkans. In Congress, he offers a boot-on-the-ground perspective few others can match. His comments reflect this view, “Looking back on September 10th (2001) to now, it’s amazing how far the Army has come. We are different military today. We can’t lose these capabilities.”

Additionally, he is very well informed about how we’ve achieved these increased Soldier Systems capabilities. Representative Gibson stated, “We need to find a place for things that were OCO in the budget.” He also has a vision for the future of Soldier protection, seeing nano technology as critical to lightening and improving the performance of our kit. While its been said many times before, Gibson’s final comment resonated with the gathering, “You’re not manning the equipment, you’re equipping the man.”


Larry Kissel comes from the 8th Congressional district of NC. He brings 27 years in the textile business, so the health of the US sewing trade is very important to him. Fort Bragg also sits on the edge of his district and he finds it hard not to show concern for our military’s well being, commenting, “When you live where we do, Fort Bragg is the center of the universe.”

During his remarks, Representative Kissel also remarked, “We need to make sure that when our men and women go into harm’s way, that they have the best equipment.” Later, when discussing the Berry Amendment, he was very clear in his support stating, “Berry has worked for 60 years. The strongest thing we can have is a good economy and that means American jobs.” “It doesn’t make sense to have TSA or Border Patrol in something not made in America,” he explained was a top priority, when asked about bringing the Department of Homeland Security under Berry.

David Costello, Executive Director of the WPRC, summed up the event well, “The WPRC represents the best of the American manufacturing industry that builds the clothing and equipment that helps make our troops the most effective fighting force on the planet. We are honored to have the support of Senator Brown and Congressmen Owens, Gibson and Kissell as we seek to ensure the continued proper outfitting of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and operators.”

The event was very successful and all three Congressmen fielded questions from the audience. It was a pleasure meeting those so vocal about their support for our industry.

For more information on the WPRC visit warriorprotection.net.

For The Ladies – Name that Combat Flipflop

Friday, March 30th, 2012

That’s right, Combat Flipflops has designed a model specifically for the ladies and they are looking for your help in naming it.

To enter, visit www.facebook.com/pages/Combat-Flipflops. Like them and then go to the photo page and give them your entry in the comments block. You’d better hurry because they are going to pick a name on Monday. The bast name will get a pair of the FlipFlops when they come out.

DON’T put your entries here.