
Archive for April, 2012

Smith Optics Boogie Regulator

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

This video was posted on Tactical Fanboy after being shot during the recent Darley Days at Joint Base Lewis McChord.

Here, Smith Optics Elite Division’s Chris Cummings goes over the Boogie Regulator goggle.

For The Ladies – OffHand Gear

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Last month we mentioned OffHand Gear’s Kickstarter campaign to get going. Now, they’re up and running with several tactical-inspired graphic designs specifically for women.

Extreme Outfitters Photo Contest

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Submit your best action shots of you or your buddies using kit you got from Extreme Outfitters and be entered for a chance to win a PowerMonkey eXtreme solar charger from Powertraveller.

Submit your photo, a brief explanation of / story behind the photo, and what gear you were using via email to Only photos submitted via email will be eligible. At the end of the submission period the staff of Extreme Outfitters will select 5 finalists from among the submissions. The finalists will be notified and their photos posted on their Facebook page,, for their fans to vote on. Votes will be tallied based on the number of likes a photo receives. The photo with the most likes at the end of the voting period will be the contest winner. Extreme Outfitters will notify the winner the week following the voting deadline.

Contest Period: April 16th, 2012 – May 13th, 2012.
Submission Deadline: April 23rd, 2012.
Voting Deadline: May 13th, 2012.

-Copyright of the image remains the property of the photographer. However, by entering the Extreme Outfitters Photo Contest by submission, you agree to grant Extreme Outfitters, INC. permissions and rights to use the image indefinitely on any page at, on their blog, Facebook, twitter and Pinterest accounts, and in any online advertising or printed materials promoting Extreme Outfitters, INC.
-Must have full permission of any recognizable persons appearing in the photograph to be able to grant to the right to display their photographic submission online or in printed material.
-Winners and finalists will be notified via e-mail by Extreme Outfitters.

Five Fingers Sale at GSS

Monday, April 16th, 2012

GSS is holding a 40% off Vibram sale this week, Monday through Saturday only in their pro shop at 1569 Diamond Springs Road
in Virginia Beach, VA 23455.

SOC-P Knife – Getting It Into Action

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Daggers have made a serious comeback. We first ran this story last September, but we constantly get new readers so we thought it would be a good idea to republish it since the story last week on the Benchmade SOCP knife was so popular. We’d also like to add some great comments by reader Acid Gambit that should help dispel much of the misunderstanding of this class of knife.

Greg designed this knife from direct input from THE most elite soldiers in the world. Operational experience built this knife. Thousands of entries into really bad buildings in IZ and AF. It was not dreamed up by video gamers, not range commandos, not cops. Assaulters at the highest level, who have been blind sided and tackled while clearing nasty places were the driving input for this knife.

During CQB it is definitely possible that an assaulter will become tied up in a fight with a bad guy. In many situations he may be unable to use his primary weapon and unable to draw his secondary ( tackled to the ground or over furniture). At this point the knife comes out and can stab and slash the bad guy until the assaulter can get to his pistol and put 2 in the enemy. The knife is used to create space for you to get to your pistol. The assaulter can draw his pistol while still holding the knife, finish the fight, stand up and put his tools away and get back to work.

The knife is not designed for you to run around and do El Prez mag change drills while holding it. I can’t think of a knife that is designed for that, so don’t get confused. The SOC-P knife is meant to save your life and allow you to fight back to your pistol or rifle and still be able to pull the trigger with your strong hand, or support the pistol/rifle with your weak hand, while still holding the knife.

Last week, we mentioned the recently released Special Operations Combatives Program (SOC-P) knife designed by Greg Thompson. While we described the features of the dagger, this graphic from Benchmade does a great job of illustrating the sequence of events of getting it into action and how the SOC-P knife is used.

Forces Focus – US Army Unveils EW Branch Insignia

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Last week, the US Army unveiled the new branch of service insignia for Electronic Warfare Warrant Officers and Noncommissioned Officers.

Approved March 1st by the Institute of Heraldry, the collar insignia is already available for sale along with additional WO items. The branch’s colors are Golden Yellow with Black piping.

In 2009 the Army established AOC 29A (EW Officer), Military Occupational Specialty 290A (EW Technician) and Military Occupational Specialty 29E (EW Noncommissioned Officer). EW Officers serve in a functional area and will continue to wear their basic branch insignia.

‘Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’ – Press Range Day

Monday, April 16th, 2012

For the second day of the ‘Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’ press event, we were invited out to Trigger Time in Carthage, North Carolina. It was a chance for the journalists to check out and try out a few firearms (a few M4s, a couple of Glock 17s with Aimpoint T-1s, a Remington 870, an AK47 variant, an ACR, an FNP-45 Tactical, and a semi-auto PKM).

Thanks to Tactical Fanboy for attending this event. We know he had a great day despite the rain. And, thanks to Red Storm for putting this on.


Monday, April 16th, 2012

We’ve mentioned these amazing developmental materials in the past that mimic the microscopic hairs on a Gecko’s feet called setae. They work like hook and pile tape without the pile. Now, researchers at the University of Massachusetts have made a breakthrough. In a press release, head researcher Alfred Crosby claims, “Our Geckskin device is about 16 inches square, about the size of an index card, and can hold a maximum force of about 700 pounds while adhering to a smooth surface such as glass.”

Researcher Al Crosby went on to say, “In order for something this large to use adhesion, its tendons are stitched right into its skin. And so you have the tendon, which is very stiff tissue, connected to the skin and the setae. That direct connection is critical. Without that, the gecko could not use adhesion. This direct integration is what we ended up mimicking in Geckskin.

There are two major issues with this type of technology. First, it has to able to be used over and over and second, it has to hold for long periods of time. In testing, Crosby claims they have done both. They just haven’t held items that are heavy (ie 100 + lbs) for months at a time. Their holy grail? Supporting a wall mounted flat screen for years.

Of course, these guys are looking at straight up adhesives. Whatever. How about a new way to carry magazines? As in, “just slap them against your chest and they won’t fall off.” Perhaps something as big as a SAW drum? Or maybe an infinitely reconfigurable armor carrier vest? Imagine being able to alter your set up on a whim, or better yet, how it rides on your body. No sewing necessary.

That’s what we hope this stuff can do; make gear better.