
Archive for May, 2012

Atlantic Signal Launches New Website

Friday, May 18th, 2012

Atlantic Signal, manufacturers of the Dominator series of communications headsets has updated their website.


Happy Joan of Arc Canonization Day!

Thursday, May 17th, 2012


Hyperstealth Featured on

Thursday, May 17th, 2012


The BHI Gauer

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

We happen to love Pinzgauers and Blackheart International owns one. It has accompanied us to the range each day throughout our foreign weapons course, hauling weapons and ammunition to and fro.

Sure, I could have embedded this photo in one of the segments on the training, but this one stands out. A lot of companies own cool guy vehicles but they keep them as show pieces. The BHI Gauer is very much a reflection of the company; it’s a workhorse. As you can see, it gets used regularly.

Happy 4th Anniversary!

Thursday, May 17th, 2012


Turns out, today is SSD’s 4th Anniversary! Thanks to our readers and advertising partners for making this such a great website! That is all…

SSD Needs a New App

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

SSD Needs a New App – And You Can Help. As many of you already know, the SSD app for iPhone is no more. We need to get a new one up and running, and we’d like to expand access to the Droid users of the world. Here’s the issue. Our old app was effectively a very specific RSS feed reader that only read our feed. iTunes no longer accepts apps like this. This means we need to offer something more. If we are going to undertake the thousands of dollars required to produce this app, we’d like it to have added value for our readers. So what we’d like to know is what kinds of functionality would you like to see in an SSD app? One thing we can tell you that we are NOT going to do is sell anything through the app. Also, if anyone has special expertise in developing Multi platform apps please let us know. Finally, if any companies are interested in sponsoring the app please tell us.

We look forward to your input in the comments section of this post on SSD. Thank you!

RPG Accidents – They Happen

Thursday, May 17th, 2012


Blackheart International showed me this this battlefield recovery of an RPG7. Remember, RPG (PG-7) rounds are always armed. This is what happens when a bad guy gets shot and then falls forward. Don’t stand close to the RPG gunner.

Studio: 54

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

Chances are good you’ve worn a tactical or outdoor garment or used a piece of kit that the folks from Studio: 54 had a hand in. Now, they’ve combined their expertise to create Canada-based Studio: 54. According to their website they, “cover the entire scope of product development, including initial production for market launch. We work primarily with textile products to create performance driven technical garments and equipment such as backpacks, sleep systems, shelters and virtually anything else that can be assembled with a sewing machine.”

This is a great opportunity for much of the industry. Good designers are hard to find and those that can produce a quality spec pack are rarer still. The guys at Studio: 54 can do that and more. If you are in need of quality technical assistance, contact