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Archive for September, 2017

US Army Paratroopers Testing Airborne Tactical Assault Panel 

Monday, September 4th, 2017
The Airborne Tactical Assault Panel (ABN-TAP) rigging configurations. (Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of PEO Soldier)

The Airborne Tactical Assault Panel (ABN-TAP) rigging configurations. (Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of PEO Soldier)

Fort Bragg, North Carolina — For the first time since their inception, Army Airborne forces will soon be fielding a new fighting load system tailored to the paratrooper’s unique requirements.

“The Airborne Tactical Assault Panel (ABN-TAP) was developed with the paratrooper in mind and will allow the paratrooper a greater degree of comfort, mobility and safety during static line airborne infiltration operations,” said Rich Landry of the U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center laboratories in Natick, Massachusetts.

Rich Landry of the U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center laboratories in Natick, Massachusetts, demonstrates key design features included in the Airborne Tactical Assault Panel (ABN-TAP) based on Soldier input. (Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of Natick Research laboratories)

Rich Landry of the U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center laboratories in Natick, Massachusetts, demonstrates key design features included in the Airborne Tactical Assault Panel (ABN-TAP) based on Soldier input. (Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of Natick Research laboratories)

Typical Airborne troops say the legacy load carrier systems have some drawbacks.

Previous designs must be worn under the T-11 parachute harness, which is less than optimal because it does not allow for a proper fit of the main parachute harness, and moves the T-11 reserve activation handle further away from the paratrooper’s grasp.

ABN-TAP enables Soldiers to rig the fighting load under the parachute harness but below the reserve parachute.

Soldiers from the 57th Sapper Company, 27th Engineer Battalion, 20th Engineer Brigade, assemble the Airborne Tactical Assault Panel (ABN-TAP) during New Equipment Training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, before putting it through operational testing. (Photo Credit: Jim Finney, Combined Technical Services, Airborne and Special Operations Test Directorate, U.S. Army Operational Test Command)

Soldiers from the 57th Sapper Company, 27th Engineer Battalion, 20th Engineer Brigade, assemble the Airborne Tactical Assault Panel (ABN-TAP) during New Equipment Training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, before putting it through operational testing. (Photo Credit: Jim Finney, Combined Technical Services, Airborne and Special Operations Test Directorate, U.S. Army Operational Test Command)

“This will allow paratroopers to properly adjust the T-11 parachute harness to their specific sizing requirements and keep the T-11 reserve parachute handle well within reach,” said Sgt. 1st Class Ian Seymour, Test NCO from the Airborne and Special Operations Test Directorate (ABNSOTD) here.

The ABN-TAP design actually draws its lineage from the older Load Bearing System (LBE) used with the T-10 and MC1-1 parachute systems by paratroopers for decades.

Soon after the Global War on Terror began, all branches of the armed services rushed to modernize field equipment to meet the rigors of modern combat and allow for the constant presence of body armor, according to Mike Tracy, deputy test division chief at ABNSOTD.

“With the vest/plate carrier systems seeing overwhelming Soldier acceptance, the task of providing the paratrooper with a modern design compatible with current parachute systems is challenging to say the least,” Tracy said.

Paratroopers assigned to the 57th Sapper Company, 27th Engineer Battalion, 20th Engineer Brigade, Fort Bragg, N.C., practice "buddy rigging" the Airborne Tactical Assault Panel (ABN-TAP) at the 82nd Airborne Division Advanced Airborne School during New Equipment Training. (Photo Credit: Michael Zigmond, Audio Visual Production Specialist, Airborne and Special Operations Test Directorate, U.S. Army Operational Test Command)

Paratroopers assigned to the 57th Sapper Company, 27th Engineer Battalion, 20th Engineer Brigade, Fort Bragg, N.C., practice “buddy rigging” the Airborne Tactical Assault Panel (ABN-TAP) at the 82nd Airborne Division Advanced Airborne School during New Equipment Training. (Photo Credit: Michael Zigmond, Audio Visual Production Specialist, Airborne and Special Operations Test Directorate, U.S. Army Operational Test Command)

The ABN-TAP bridges this gap by providing both new and old capabilities to the paratrooper.

Tracy explained that ABN-TAP allows not only for rigging under the parachute harness and reserve, but can be rapidly adjusted to serve as a “chest rig” design upon landing.

“Ground troops consider this to be the most efficient design under current operational conditions,” said Tracy.

“Operational testing using Airborne paratroopers, collects data which truly allows the Army to evaluate the suitability and safety of the ABN-TAP when worn during static line Airborne operations and follow-on missions,” Tracy said.

Before testing Soldiers participated in New Equipment Training (NET), which included familiarization with the system, fitting and proper rigging of the ABN-TAP with the T-11 parachute system.

Following NET, Soldiers conducted live parachute jumps from a C-17 high performance aircraft at 1,250 feet above ground level over Sicily Drop Zone here.

More senior Soldiers participating in testing were optimistic about the proposed rigging procedures.

“Having jumped the LBE system earlier in their careers, this proven rigging method signals a simple approach to a complex problem,” said Leon Price, senior ABNSOTD test officer.

“I think I benefitted personally by being a part of this,” said Spec. Aaron Adams, a Combat Engineer with the 57th Sapper Company, 27th Engineer Battalion, 20th Engineer Brigade. “I enjoyed participating in the testing because it allowed me to provide direct input into the test and I will get to see it once it is fielded to the Airborne force.”

“Any time Soldiers and their leaders get involved in operational testing, they have the opportunity to use, work with, and offer up their own suggestions on pieces of equipment that can impact development of systems that future Soldiers will use in combat,” said Col. Brad Mock, the director of all the Army’s Airborne testing.

Upon completion of testing, the ABN-TAP could potentially be issued to Army Airborne forces worldwide, signaling the first steps in modernizing the combat loads of thousands of paratroopers.


The U.S. Army Operational Test Command is based at West Fort Hood, Texas, and its mission is about making sure that systems developed are effective in a Soldier’s hands and suitable for the environments in which Soldiers train and fight. Test units and their Soldiers provide feedback, by offering input to improve upon existing and future systems with which Soldiers will ultimately use to train and fight.

The Fort Bragg, North Carolina-based ABNSOTD plans, executes, and reports on operational tests and field experiments of Airborne and Special Operations Forces equipment, procedures, aerial delivery and air transportation systems in order to provide key operational data for the continued development and fielding of doctrine, systems or equipment to the Warfighter.

Fire Control Unit – X01 for the SIG P320

Monday, September 4th, 2017

The EXO ONE (X01) is pretty slick. It takes advantage of the SIG P320 Fire Control Unit (FCU) as a plug-and-play component. This multi-caliber exoskeleton accepts the FCU, barrel, slide assembly, and magazine release and can be configured in 9x19mm Parabellum, .357 SIG, and .40 S&W by transplanting the corresponding P320 components (.45 ACP is in development, as the changes in magazine well dimensions require a specialized lower receiver).


It features a non-reciprocating charging handle locks the action open (the slide to the rear) with an upward motion when fully retracted. The action can then be released with a downward motion (akin to HK-style weapon systems). In addition, if the charging handle is in the forward position, the slide can be released via the FCU slide release during reload procedures. The X01 features three M-Lok slots near the muzzle for accessory and grip attachments. The upper receiver features a 19-slot milspec M1913 picatinny rail.


Like the SIG MCX and MPX, the rear of the lower receiver features a vertical M1913 Picatinny rail to accept SIG MPX/MCX buttstocks and arm braces.


MAPA Camo Clothing Equipment To Be Displayed At MSPO

Monday, September 4th, 2017


These are components of the “DROMADER” equipment system designed for Polish Territorial Army (Wojska Obrony Terytorialnej) that will be presented during MSPO trade show, this week in Kielce.


MAPA camo has also been applied to ballistic plates and holsters.


PGZ is Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa, the largest Polish defence company, which is state owned and sponsors this project with the Territorials.


Please Support The Family Of Cst Mark Neville

Monday, September 4th, 2017

I just received news of a tragic car accident which took the life of Constable Mark Neville and injured his wife and sons. Mark was a member of the RCMP and the friend of a friend which makes him family. I know this news is shocking and has hit a lot of people very hard. You all have our deepest condolences, especially his family.

His colleagues have started a Go Fund Me Page to help his family during this trying time. If you knew Mark please consider donating to this cause.


This is the note which I have been authorized to share.


“Eric…. It is with great sadness that I am writing to you to let our brothers-in-arms know that one of our snipers and cherished friend, Mark Neville, has sadly perished in a vehicle accident in British Columbia on September 2nd. While travelling with his wife and 2 young sons, another vehicle crossed the center line and impacted Mark’s truck. He succumbed to his injuries at scene. His wife and two sons survived the incident and are recovering in hospital. Words cannot describe what our team is feeling right now.

Growing up in Canada’s north Mark was the embodiment of an easy going, humble, hard working, salt of the earth farm boy. He put people at ease with his demeanour, would give you the shirt off his back, and truly loved being a Mountie. In short, a man and a father that we all hope our sons will become.

Mark worked and trained extensively over the years with a number of your readers. In support of his family we have established a site to help his sons and wife. It can be found at;


Best Regards, Corporal James McLeod, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Emergency Response Team

Lockhart Tactical – What’s a Chassis and Why Do I Need One?

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017

A chassis is the rifle component that holds the barrel, action, trigger group, grip, buttstock and accessories. You could say its the frame. Similar to a vehicle. The frame of the vehicle is what the engine, all body panels, seats ad more are bolted to. If you have a weak frame, no matter how good your engine is, your vehicle is going to have serious problems!


It must be strong enough to hold all the rifle components and not flex or come into contact with any part of the barrel when rested on any surface. A great chassis should also be light enough that you can packing it around with you all day if needed. Have you ever heard the term “free floating barrel”? This simply refers to the firearm barrel and weather or not it can ever come in contact with the chassis. A free floating barrel is optimal. All of our XLR chassis’s feature free floating barrels. This is a must have for the precision shooter / hunter. If the barrel is not free floating, every time you touch the hand guards, you may actually be flexing the chassis a bit and causing it come into contact with your barrel. Contact between the barrel and anything else can change the barrel harmonics which can drastically change your bullets point of impact (POI) from your intended point of aim (POA).

From the moment that you pull the trigger and the firing pin strikes the primer, until the bullet leaves the muzzle, a series of vibrations begin in the rifle. All of these vibrations are transmitted to the barrel in various magnitudes. These include minor things as; the trigger sear releasing the firing pin, the firing pin moving forward, striking the primer, and the cartridge being moved forward. The powder then begins to ignite, and the bullet starts moving forward and engages the rifling.

Because of the twist of the rifling, the bullet while it is being propelled forward, begins to spin imparting a small but measurable torque, but more importantly as it traverses the barrel it also sets up a circular vibration pattern, or arc. The heat of the burning powder along with the pressure wave generated by the expanding gasses start another vibrational pattern that is induced into the barrel. All of these movements cause the barrel to stress and vibrate with a number of different harmonic patterns which if not controlled by some means cause each projectile to leave the muzzle at a slightly different point in the vibrational arc.

Some people speak about the “whip” of the barrel, which would imply to some, that the barrel simply vibrates up and down. Although there are some of the vibrations that are traveling in this direction, the main vibrations are circular. If this were not true, then a 3 shot group from a rifle would always be in a vertical string. This would be because, one would leave at the bottom of the “whipping action”, one would leave from the center and one from the upper travel of the “whip”. As we all know this seldom occurs, and if it does, it is usually caused by the barrel being under a heavy stress, such as way to much pressure exerted against it, caused by improper bedding of the barrel (not free floating).

Most 3 shot groups you will see will be virtually triangular in shape, this is caused because as the barrel vibrates through its “circular arc” one bullet leaves the muzzle at say 12 o’clock, another at say 4 o’clock and the third at maybe 8 o’clock. The larger the arc of the barrel, the less accurate the rifle will be, and the larger the triangle. As a rule the less mass a barrel has, (the thinner) the more it is affected by the vibrations, this is the reason that a “heavy” barrel seems to shoot more consistently than a sporter barrel.

Precision Vs Accuracy


The two biggest key factors of repeatability is accuracy and precision.
If you’re a professional pilot, but the plane won’t fly, you won’t have much luck doing your part of the process. The same goes for a firearm. Having a quality chassis, barrel and action, trigger group and optic are all crucial parts of building a solid rifle. Without that, no matter how much effort you put into learning how to shoot professionally, you simply won’t be able to achieve more than the firearm’s limit. You need each shot to land in the same place. Once a rifle is built properly, a new shooter should be able to fire the rifle and expect good results. This takes care of the precision part of shooting; Its the firearm itself.

Once the precision factor is addressed, the hardest part of shooting boils down to operator skill. Accuracy is a skill which is build on experience behind the trigger and learning to read your surrounds (wind, temperature, etc). Once that is mastered, you’ll be hitting the V bull time and time again. The ergonomics of the chassis will help you achieve accuracy. The more comfortable, and easy your rifle is to use, the better you’ll do with it. Period.


Vans – UltraRange

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017


Available in multiple colors, the Ultrarange combines Vans UltraCush Lite midsole compound as well as their LuxLiner sock-fit construction with seamless internals to reduce weight, rubbing, and hotspots, along with Vans’ Pro Vulc Lite construction and durable rubber reverse waffle lug outsoles.



Extreme Outfitters Labor Day Sale

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017


Save 10% on Mountain House Meals and Kestrel Wind Meters. Take 15% off all G Code Holsters and Products. Select Sleeping Bags marked down up to 50%.

Visit here.

Crimson Trace Offers Options For GLOCK Gen5 Pistols

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017

Glock Gen 5 with Crimson Trace Laserguard LG-639G

(Wilsonville, OR)— Crimson Trace is offering many laser sight options for the newly released GLOCK® G17 Gen5 and G19 Gen5 semi-auto pistols. Among those options include: the Laserguard® laser sight LG-637 with red laser diode and the Laserguard LG-637G with green laser diode; the Laserguard LG-639 (red) and LG-639G (green) laser sights; and the Laserguard LG-436 laser sight. The Crimson Trace Laserguard LG-452 green laser sight will also fit those GLOCK pistols. In addition, the soon-to-be released Crimson Trace Laserguard Pro with LED white light and laser diode—the LL-807 with red laser diode and LL-807G with green laser diode—will fit the new GLOCK G17 Gen5 and G19 Gen5 pistols. Manufacturer Suggested Retail Prices for Crimson Trace laser sights begin at $249 for the LG-637 laser sight.

The Crimson Trace Laserguard family is one of many laser sight and tactical light products the company offers that securely fit firearms by GLOCK and many other manufacturers. Full details are available at www.crimsontrace.com and Crimson Trace products can also be purchased across America at more than 2,500 retailers.

Crimson Trace now offers more than 30 laser sights, firearms lights, and combination units for installation on nearly all GLOCK pistols. This quantity is greater than the number of laser sight products offered for GLOCK pistols by all other laser sight manufacturers combined.

For owners of the new GLOCK G17 Gen5 and G19 Gen5 pistols, Crimson Trace’s innovative Laserguard Pro laser sights combine a 150-lumen LED white light within a compact housing along with either a red (LL-807) or green (LL-807G) laser. Features of the Laserguard Pro include Crimson Trace’s Instinctive Activation™ firearm laser sight engagement system located under the trigger guard, a master on/off switch on most models, and easy-to-use elevation and windage adjustments. An adjustment wrench and battery are included in each package. All of these innovative products are covered under Crimson Trace’s Free Batteries for Life program.

In addition to its laser sight products, Crimson Trace now also offers special packages complete with form-fitted concealed carry holsters crafted by Blade-Tech® for several GLOCK firearms. Crimson Trace offers a variety of Glock holster solutions to give consumers a wide choice of performance and price options. More details are at www.holsterresourceguide.com.

Crimson Trace products for GLOCK pistols can also be easily installed without modification of the firearm —or special gunsmith skills. For more information on Crimson Trace products, dealers, dealer locations, and to obtain a free copy of the 2017 catalog, visit www.crimsontrace.com or call 800-442-2406. Crimson Trace is widely recognized as the leader in establishing laser sights as standard equipment of firearms.

About Crimson Trace Corporation
Based in Wilsonville, Oregon, Crimson Trace Corporation is recognized as the leader in establishing laser sights as standard equipment on concealed-carry and personal-defense firearms. For more than two decades, the company has provided America’s firearms owners, law enforcement officers and military units worldwide with the largest selection of award-winning laser sights and tactical lights products. Those innovations include: Lasergrips® laser sights, Laserguard® laser sights, LiNQ™ wireless operated laser and light systems and Lightguard® lights for firearms, each with Instinctive Activation firearm laser activation technology. Additional product lines include the Defender SeriesTM and Rail Master® firearms accessory platforms. Full details are available at www.crimsontrace.com or by calling 800-442-2406.