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MQ-9A Accident Investigation Report Released

Monday, May 27th, 2024


Today*, Air Force Special Operations Command released an Accident Investigation Board report on an MQ-9A Reaper mishap that occurred Sept. 5, 2023, at Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico. The mishap resulted in no injuries, fatalities, or damage to civilian property. The damage to government property was valued at $2.9 million.

The aircraft and crew were assigned to the 27th Special Operations Wing’s 12th Special Operations Squadron at Cannon AFB.

The AIB president found the causes of the mishap were pilot error, poor Crew Resource Management, and environmental conditions. When the aircraft touched down for landing, the
pilot was unable to control the aircraft’s trajectory due to inoperable nosewheel steering and no ability to utilize differential braking due to impact with three runway-shoulder illumination lights during a previous touch-and-go landing. The aircraft ultimately traveled off the prepared runway surface. The nose landing gear collapsed, causing the nose of the aircraft to strike the ground and the sensor unit to detach from the aircraft and be destroyed.

The AIB report can be viewed at

*Originally published May 22, 2024 by HQ, AFSOC

USAF Units of Action: Air Task Forces Defined, First locations Announced

Friday, May 24th, 2024


The Department of the Air Force identified six locations May 15, to host experimental Air Task Forces that will test new methods to generate more efficient, integrated deployable Units of Action.

As part of a pilot program, the following installations are expected to receive an ATF command echelon this summer, pending the successful completion of the National Environmental Policy Act process. This is a step toward forming the new Air Force combat wings as Units of Action.

• Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona

• Scott AFB, Illinois

• Joint Base San Antonio, Texas

• Dyess AFB, Texas

• Fairchild AFB, Washington

• Seymour Johnson AFB, North Carolina

“These pathfinding ATFs will work and train together throughout their AFFORGEN cycle to ensure they are at peak effectiveness on Day-1 of any deployment,” said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin. “That’s a significant change from how we deployed over the last 20 years, but the threat has evolved and so must we. The first ATFs will also be learning organizations and shape our forthcoming Combat Wing design.”

Airmen assigned to the ATF will work and train together throughout the AFFORGEN cycle to deploy as Units of Action in fiscal year 2026.

During his Air and Space Forces Association conference keynote in September 2023, Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall emphasized the urgency for the Air Force to adapt and innovate in response to growing global challenges with the announcement of ATFs. Clearly defining the force presentation model and rotational demands through the AFFORGEN cycle ensures the joint force receives Airmen prepared for high-end conflict.

Lt. Gen. Adrian Spain, the Air Force’s deputy chief of staff for operations, further elaborated during a panel on Air Task Forces and the Future of Force Presentation at the Air and Space Force Association’s 2024 Warfare Symposium Feb. 14.

“In all the ways that matter, this makes us better prepared,” Spain said. “During the Prepare and Certify phases of the AFFORGEN cycle, Airmen will develop into cohesive units, attuned to each other’s strengths and weaknesses. This preparation is key to ensuring that, when deployed, these teams can operate effectively under pressure and achieve their objectives with precision.”

The Expeditionary Air Base model which first deployed in October 2023, served as a critical first step in the transition. The next step is to adopt a more modular organization of teams which generate together through the AFFORGEN cycle and deploy as a unit to maximize combat effectiveness, while minimizing risk to the base mission.

The AFFORGEN cycle is built to enable Airmen to train and exercise together before being operationally employed together as part of a team. While its implementation differs depending on the mission of each major command, the goal is to achieve a common lexicon, more individual predictability, and greater alignment of readiness generating activities such as large-scale exercises across the Air Force.

The introduction of ATFs marks a significant milestone in the journey toward modernization and readiness, laying the groundwork to ensure the Air Force maintains a competitive advantage over the pacing challenge.

“This force generation and force presentation model best articulates our capabilities and capacity to the Joint Force and in turn, improves the readiness of our Airmen,” Spain said.

What Airmen need to know about the Air Task Force

• ATFs will enter the AFFORGEN cycle during the reset phase in summer 2024 and will be prepared to deploy beginning fiscal year 2026

• ATFs will team, train, and deploy together throughout the AFFORGEN cycle

• Over time, the elements of the ATF will be incorporated into operational wings

Elements of an ATF

The ATF consists of a command element with an attached expeditionary A-Staff and Special Staff, Combat Air Base Squadron, and Mission Generation Force Elements with attached Mission Sustainment Teams.

The ATF’s A-staff includes a chief of staff who, along with the A-staff, assists with the commander’s interaction with higher headquarters and fulfills the commander’s responsibility to provide resourcing, policy, oversight, and guidance to the various forces under his or her command. The A-Staff is a standardized organizational structure, representing the following Air Force functions: A1 Manpower, Personnel, and Services; A2, Intelligence; A3, Operations; A4, Logistics and Engineering; A5, Plans and Integration; and A6, Communications. The ATF also has a Special Staff to provide staff assistance for the commander.

The Combat Air Base Squadron is the ATF’s primary base operation support element and provides sustainment, protection, and/or airfield management. The ATF commander determines support requirements based upon deployment location and mission. A standard CABS consists of one Combat Service Support Team – Lead and one to two Combat Service Support Teams capable of supporting from several hundred to several thousand service members, depending on size. CSSTs consists of cross-functional teams each sourced from a singular installation.

The Mission Generation Force Element provides the combat capability of the ATF, for example, an expeditionary fighter squadron or an expeditionary special warfare squadron. The MGFEs train throughout the AFFORGEN cycle at home station as they do today and join their assigned ATF for specific training and certification events throughout the AFFORGEN cycle before fully attaching with the ATF for the available phase.

Mission Sustainment Teams pair with an MGFE to provide mission specific combat support functions to enable agile combat employment and other operations at a Forward Operating Site or more austere Contingency Location. MSTs provide sustainment and protection for the portions of a MGFE moving forward to one or more locations. The MSTs may be able to augment the CABS when at a Main Operating Base.

Where Combat Wings Come In

At the Feb. 12 Air and Space Force Association’s 2024 Warfare Symposium in Colorado, Kendall highlighted the need to evolve the Air Force’s approach to organizing, training, and equipping to maintain a competitive advantage in preparation for great power competition.

“We need these changes now; we are out of time to reoptimize our forces to meet the strategic challenges in a time of Great Power Competition,” Kendall said.

Air Force combat wings will be structured as mission ready Units of Action with the same basic framework as the ATFs. However, as opposed to only coming together during events in the AFFORGEN prepare/certify phase, these operational wings will have all the necessary elements stationed together at the same installation where they can train together on a day-to-day basis. Over time, the lessons learned from the ATFs will be incorporated into our combat wings, with the goal to move toward combat wings as the singular force presentation model for the Air Force.

Combat wings will evolve to deploy as fully trained teams leaving behind functional base commands prepared to continue operating the base in competition, crisis and conflict.

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

DAF Announces Changes to Allowances for Airmen, Guardians with Dependents Attending Training

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs


Beginning May 7, Airmen and Guardians with dependents executing a permanent change of station to a professional military education or training location are now authorized to collect per diem in the amount of the basic allowance for housing without-dependent rate. Airmen and Guardians may collect this per diem if they are at the training location for less than a year and if they are returning to their prior duty location.

The updated policy allows service members with dependents to maintain two households, continuing to receive BAH at the “dependent” rate for their prior duty location where their family remains, as well as receive per diem in the amount of BAH at the “without dependent” rate for the school or training location. 

To receive this benefit, the member requires orders to return to their prior duty station after they complete school or training and cannot live in no-cost government quarters. 

“We understand that these short moves, while necessary, can be disruptive to the lives and finances of Airmen and Guardians with families – particularly in situations where they are slated to return to their original duty station,” said Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs Alex Wagner. “This new allowance gives our service members and their families additional resources to weather these times away without the added stress of financial uncertainties.” 

The new policy was directed by the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act and was reflected in the Joint Travel Regulation, Nov. 1, 2023.   

Members will receive retroactive payments if they meet the established eligibility criteria during a course they attended on or after Dec. 23, 2022.  

This effort does not replace the Temporary Duty Waiver for Formal Training policy, which allows Airmen and Guardians to attend courses with a duration between 141 and 180 days in a TDY status instead of a PCS status.

Distinguished Flying Cross Posthumously Awarded to 2 Air Commandos

Sunday, May 19th, 2024


Air Commandos, families, community leaders, and friends gathered at Hurlburt Field to honor Maj Randell Voas and Senior Master Sgt JB Lackey.  The commander of Air Force Special Operations Command posthumously presented the Distinguished Flying Cross to Maj. Voas and Senior Master Sgt. Lackey during a ceremony here today for actions taken April 9, 2010, during a combat mission near Qalat, Afghanistan.

Mrs. Jill Voas, widow of Voas, a CV-22B pilot, and Mrs. Cassie Lackey, widow of Lackey, a CV-22B flight engineer, accepted the medals from Lt. Gen. Tony Bauernfeind, commander of Air Force Special Operations at the Voas-Lackey Roundabout, named in honor of the two men, who were members of the 8th Special Operations Squadron here.

Voas and Lackey were critical to executing an emergency landing of their CV-22B, callsign Rooster 73. Their superior airmanship saved the lives of two crew and fourteen servicemembers aboard the aircraft.

1 servicemember and 1 interpreter, as well as Voas and Lackey, were killed in the mishap.

“Randy and JB did not have the option to sit back and let the situation unfold around them. They recognized the danger and through their expertise and their professionalism took action to lessen the impact of a compounding situation,” said Bauernfeind. “Every day that we put on our uniform, we stand on the shoulders of giants those who came before us paved the path we walk, including Randy and JB,” Bauernfeind added.

This is the second award for Lackey, who received a Distinguished Flying Cross for actions in combat in 2002.

The Distinguished Flying Cross is awarded to any officer or enlisted person of the armed forces of the United States for heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight.

“We are honored to recognize their exemplary airmanship, calmness during duress and dedication to our Joint Force. Maj. Voas’s and Senior Master Sgt. Lackey’s heroism and courage in the face of disaster is a shining example of the spirit and determination that we ask of all Air Commandos,” said Bauernfeind. “They are loved, greatly missed, and will never be forgotten.” 

By Lucelia Ball

DAGGER ATHENA Addresses Barriers to Readiness with AFSOC Senior Leaders

Friday, May 17th, 2024


On March 4-6, the Air Force Special Operations Command Women’s Initiatives Team hosted the third annual DAGGER ATHENA, named DA24, and outbrief the AFSOC commander and senior leaders.

Each year the WIT hosts an action event, known as DAGGER ATHENA, as a concentrated, rapid-action effort to solicit grassroots-identified barriers and propose actionable solutions by Air Commando from across the AFSOC enterprise.

DA24 kicked off with a leadership development event and barrier analysis workshop where the team of volunteers developed lines of effort based on the readiness barriers identified from across the AFSOC enterprise. The team consisted of Total Force Air Commandos from every AFSOC base, including guard, reserve, civilians, and spouses. Once LOEs were established, actionable solutions were developed.

Participants presented four LOEs they identified optimize Air Commando readiness as they continue to be force-multipliers to the joint force: pregnant Airman voluntary deployments, post-partum specialized case manager, cold weather gear and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), and bladder relief and fitment issues for tactical vests. Fitment is gear or equipment purpose-built for a specific task or mission.

Some of the solutions, like obtaining a waiver to use the identified bladder relief device on all AFSOC aircraft, have been implemented because of the access to the proper approval authority on staff, while others require additional development.

“Each initiative briefed to the AFSOC commander focused on improving the readiness and lethality of our Airmen and we hope that by pathfinding solutions within AFSOC, we can share these best practices with our sister MAJCOMs to bring change to the entire Air Force,” said Master Sgt. Klarissa Mendonza, DA24 Senior Enlisted Leader.

Following the outbrief, U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Tony Bauernfeind, AFSOC commander, expressed his gratitude stating the briefers were exceptional across the board.

“DAGGER ATHENA is all about maximizing readiness,” he said. “We’ve got to knock these barriers down. As Air Commandos, we don’t have the luxury to not be ready as more is being asked of us.”

This year’s iteration of DAGGER ATHENA brought the proposed solutions into the AFSOC staffing process to ensure integration and normalizing the process of addressing identified barriers, ensuring success and longevity past DA24. 

“These are not simply DAGGER ATHENA initiatives,” said Maj. Gen. Rebecca Sonkiss, AFSOC deputy commander. “We are normalizing these efforts into the staff process to deliver a more lethal, capable force and normalize taking care of Air Commandos. These are not women’s issues. These are Airmen’s issues. These are leadership issues.”

Speaking at the outbrief, DA24 co-lead, Maj. Samantha Lang said, “The AFSOC WIT and DAGGER ATHENA event began three years ago. Today we continue to march our efforts forward and have begun to normalize our integration with the AFSOC staff to continue barrier identification and ensure we maintain coordination through the staff process to sustain momentum, accountability and ultimately bolster Air Commando readiness and increase lethality.”

The AFSOC WIT is led by co-leads Lt. Col. Meghan O’Rourke and Maj. Kate Hewlett, Senior Enlisted Leader, Senior Master Sergeant Nicolette Newton, and Spouse Lead, Ms. Jenni Kain. DA24 was led by co-leads Maj. Monica Abongan, Maj. Samantha Lang and Master Sgt. Klarissa Mendonza.

The AFSOC WIT is a volunteer-based Barrier Analysis Working Group with Maj. Gen. Rebecca Sonkiss, serving as senior champion. The mission of the AFSOC WIT is to increase operational readiness, retention, and recruitment; reduce risk to force and risk to mission; and optimize resources.

Courtesy of Air Force Special Operations Command

350th SWW Reactivates Two Historic EW Squadrons

Sunday, May 12th, 2024


To meet the Air Force’s growing demand for spectrum effects, the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing recently reactivated two historic squadrons, the 563rd Electronic Warfare Squadron, in San Antonio, Texas, and the 388th Electronic Warfare Squadron, at Eglin Air Force Base. 

The 563rd EWS’ history dates to World War II, and the unit most recently served as the Air Force’s electronic warfare and navigation officer training squadron. It provided undergraduate training to newly commissioned officers as the 563rd Flying Training Squadron until its deactivation in 2010. 

Many officers at the 350th SWW either served in or were trained by the 563rd FTS. Multiple alumni attended the ceremony, including retired Col. Eric Paulson, former 563rd FTS instructor and former 350th SWW deputy commander. 

“I was honored to be a part of this historic ceremony and see the heritage of the 563rd continue,” Paulsonsaid. “As a previous EW instructor at the 563rd Flying Training Squadron, we saw great capability delivered to the Air Force, and now we’ll see the 563rd Electronic Warfare Squadron deliver essential EW capability to directly to the warfighter.”

The 563rd EWS’ new mission is to design, develop and employ software-based EW capabilities that provide modern capabilities to warfighters. The unit will focus on executing software development, exploring areas for new software initiative, and educating the 350th SWW on software integration. 

The 563rd EWS reactivated on April 25 and Lt. Col. Charles Friesz assumed command. 

“The modern threats we are facing are software defined,” Friesz said. “The 563rd will be the Air Force’s answer to combatting our challenges in the spectrum. The next generation of electromagnetic capabilities will be generated and supported at this unit.” 

One week later, the 388th EWS reactivated on May 2 with Lt. Col. Timothy West assuming command.

The 388th EWS’ history began in World War II with an antisubmarine mission in the Atlantic before being reassigned to the Pacific in support of the Island-Hopping Campaign. It most recently operated as the 388th Electronic Combat Squadron based out of Naval Air Station Whidbey, Washington, flying EA-6B Prowlers until its deactivation in 2010. 

Previous members of the 388th ECS were in attendance for the reactivation, including Col. John Christianson, 350th SWW deputy commander, who served as a flight commander before the unit deactivated. 

“It was amazing seeing a squadron with such history reactivate,” Christianson said. “My time in the 388th during its last iteration was a formative assignment for me as a young captain, and I look forward to seeing all the amazing things are they are going to do this time around.” 

The 388th EWS will focus on weapons and tactics, intelligence, test management and education and training. The 388th EWS will evaluate & assess adversaries’ capabilities and identify their vulnerabilities, informing capability prioritization and development at the wing. 

Focusing on improving the Air Force’s EW capability and driving waveform development, the 388th EWS will ensure warfighters are integrating EW effects into operations in a way that directly increases lethality and survivability of platforms and systems. 

“There is not a single kill chain that does not inherently rely on the spectrum,” West said. “We are weaponizing the electromagnetic spectrum and will punish our adversaries for believing they can rely on the electromagnetic spectrum to achieve their objectives.” 

The 563rd and 388th EWS bring the number of new units at the wing in the past year up to five. This rapid growth reinforces the Air Force’s commitment to prioritizing electromagnetic spectrum operations and the critical role they play in military operations. 

“The 563rd and 388th will allow the wing to deliver the capabilities the Air Force needs to take on the pacing challenge in the spectrum,” said Col. Josh Koslov, 350th SWW commander. “The challenges we face in the electromagnetic spectrum are demanding and we can’t afford to be stagnant.” 

As the Air Force reoptimizes itself for a new strategic environment, the electromagnetic spectrum is the global common that unites all domains of battle. The 350th SWW serves as the Air Force’s most consequential wing in winning its battles of today and tomorrow in the spectrum. 

“If we don’t win in the spectrum, we won’t win at all,” Koslov said. “The 563rd and 388th have provided our forces with strategic excellence in the past, and that’s what we are asking of them again. We’re ruthlessly pursuing spectrum superiority over our adversaries, and the growth we’ve had in the past week is a how we achieve that.” 

By Capt Benjamin Aronson

350th Spectrum Warfare Wing Public Affairs

319th Special Operations Squadron Changes Command, Marks Reassignment to 492nd Special Operations Wing

Thursday, May 9th, 2024


On May 3, Lt. Col. Caitlin Reilly took command of the 319th Special Operations Squadron colloquially known as Slayers; simultaneously the squadron transitioned from the 1st Special Operations Group to the 492nd Special Operations Wing as part of a previously announced force restructure by Air Force Special Operations Command to ensure it is postured to rapidly deploy and sustain power in support of the National Defense Strategy.

“To the Slayers of the 319th Special Operations Squadron each one of you embodies the spirit of resilience and selflessness that will drive our Wing’s success forward with unwavering determination and tenacity,” said Col. Patrick Wnetrzak, commander 492nd Special Operations Wing. “Together, we stand as a formidable force, united in purpose and bound by the proud legacy of our traditions as we embark on this new chapter. Let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with courage, unity and unwavering resolve,” he added.  

In addition to the 319 SOS, other units that will realign under the 492 SOW include: 6 SOS/6 SOAMXS, Cannon AFB, N.M.; 21st Special Tactics Squadron, Pope Army Airfield, N.C.; 22 STS, JB Lewis-McChord, Wash.    

By realigning these units, the 492 SOW will encompass all AFSOC’s mission capabilities – SOF Strike, SOF Mobility, SOF ISR, and SOF Air-to-Ground Integration.

“The Slayers have accomplished heroic missions and have changed history and are on the leading edge of new capabilities that will shape the future. You are silent professionals who don’t brag about any of these achievements because excellence has simply become a habit,” said Lt. Col. Caitlin Reilly, the 319th Special Operations Squadrons commander.

The unit realignments will take place over time and culminate with the relocation of the 492 SOW. Currently, an Environmental Impact Statement is being developed for the 492 SOW beddown at Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz.

By Jennifer Gonzalez

Special Warfare Training Wing Airman wins Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024


U.S. Air Force Capt. Marc Esposito, 350th Special Warfare Training Squadron flight commander, was presented with the Lance P. Sijan Award at the Pentagon, Apr. 8, 2024.

The Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award recognizes Airmen who demonstrate the highest qualities of leadership in the performance of their duties and conduct of their lives. The award is one of the U.S. Air Force’s most prestigious awards and is named after U.S. Air Force Capt. Lance P. Sijan, a Vietnam War pilot who received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his courage while evading capture and during his captivity as a prisoner of war.

“It is a tremendous honor to be personally recognized as a 2023 USAF Sijan recipient,” said Esposito. “This award to me reflects teamwork: investments from my leaders, my team’s grit, and our collective dedication to the mission. I am thankful for the constant challenge while accomplishing our mission, and thankful to be in the presence of greatness everyday.”

As a flight commander at the 350th SWTS, Esposito is responsible for AETC’s most operationally diverse flight, leading 54 active duty, civilian and contract instructors, managing a budget of $3.6M, resulting in the assessment of over 900 Airmen for entry into Air Force Special Warfare career fields.

“Captain Esposito has been instrumental in the success of the mission here at the 350th Special Warfare Training Squadron,” said Lt. Col. Robert Effler, 350th SWTS commander. “His tireless work ethic, remarkable character and experience have been key to the leadership and mentorship of his flight and the countless students that he has developed.”

Esposito entered the USAF in 2004, immediately assessing for and entering the combat control career field. Right away, the unique character and mission set of CCT spoke to Esposito.

“I was drawn to the journey being a part of high functioning teams, the adventure, the inherent dangers, and the autonomy to tackle our nation’s most complex problems that impact the course of history. It’s the kind of job I always dreamed of as a kid.”

In 2009, Esposito was caught in a firefight, simultaneously controlling close air support, and firing a machine gun while in the back of a Humvee when the vehicle hit a roadside bomb in eastern Afghanistan, catapulting him through the air before slamming him to the ground. Esposito was unconscious for several days before waking up at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, where he was treated for extensive injuries that included severe burns, broken bones in his legs, feet and back, as well as a traumatic brain injury.

“After being blown up, my life, the teams I worked with and everything I worked for was ripped from my hands”, said Esposito. “I lost control of who I was in that instant. Going to war, I knew death was a possibility, and always something I could accept, but living with disabilities was never part of the plan. My attitude and motivation were still intact, so I refused to accept the new reality; we learn on day one in AFSPECWAR that quitting is not an option.”

After a long road to recovery spanning almost 18 months of rehabilitation and having to re-learn how to walk, Esposito was eventually declared fit for duty. It didn’t take long before the itch to do more hit once again and Esposito decided to assess for the special tactics officer career field.

“Special tactics officer selection and the combat rescue officer selection [both often referred to as Phase Two] is no joke; a snapshot of the 18-24 month pipeline the candidates will go through if selected,” said Esposito. “From the moment I was notified I’d be going, I started training deliberately for extended periods of physical stress. Already an established Combat Controller and instructor, it was actually nice to be the ‘nail’ once again and it served as a humbling reminder that regardless of who you are or what you’ve been through in AFSPECWAR, you must push yourself every day.”

After becoming a STO, Esposito remained in AETC where he became the executive to the commander of the then-new Battlefield Airmen Training Group that would set the groundwork for the future Special Warfare Training Wing. Following that assignment, he was assigned to the 22nd Special Tactics Squadron at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, where he deployed to Korea and Germany, serving as a flight commander and operations deputy.

In 2021, Esposito transitioned to his current role as a flight commander at the 350th SWTS, where he credits his teammates with the success that they have experienced.

“What is most fulfilling is to see my team succeed in our mission and be recognized at such high levels. I am fortunate to have the some of the top distinguished leaders in AFSPECWAR embedded in my flight, where we maintain a high-trust environment. It’s a good place to be when you’re in the business of developing humans into the most effective rescue and weapons systems in the world.”

As a flight commander, Esposito has mentored and molded future Air Force Special Warfare operators while also finding time to serve the community and leading high-visibility projects. He led specialized training for military and civilian teams by establishing networks with San Antonio’s local Special Weapons and Tactics teams and the NASA buoyancy lab while also serving as the lead for a three-year, $2.3M USAF RAND study that identified actionable items for AFSPECWAR’s first-ever Assessment and Selection course for prospective candidates.

“Marc represents the best of us and it’s only fitting that he is recognized as one of the best in the Air Force,” said Col. Nathan Colunga, SWTW commander. “We are incredibly proud of all of his accomplishments that have led up to the Sijan Award and look forward to everything else he will achieve in life.”

When asked what it was like receiving the Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award, Esposito stated that it was a full-circle moment for him and his family.

“After being injured in 2009, I was pushed into the Pentagon in my wheelchair to be honored. Almost 15 years later, it was surreal to be walking in with my whole family, proudly wearing my uniform. What means a lot to me is that I can give my family this experience. In the footsteps of Lance P. Sijan, this honor carries with it a solemn pledge to continue pushing boundaries, overcoming challenges, and serving with honor and distinction. Receiving this honor is a humbling experience, knowing that it symbolizes the trust and respect of peers and superiors alike. It serves as a reminder of the responsibility to continue striving for excellence and to serve as an inspiration to others.”

If you are interested in pursuing a career in AFSPECWAR, please visit

By Special Warfare Training Wing Public Affairs

Special Warfare Training Wing