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Archive for the ‘Armor’ Category

SKD Tactical – SKD Armor 10 x 12 Level IV Stand Alone Plate

Thursday, October 22nd, 2015

SKD Armor

SKD Tactical has released their new SKD Armor 10 x 12 Level IV Stand Alone Plate. Designed through a partnership with TenCate Advanced Armor USA and sold exclusively through SKD Tactical, these plates weight in at 6.75 lbs.


  • Level IV rated plate protection in a sub-7lb package
  • Ceramic and composite materials construction
  • Unique Grey ballistic nylon covering
  • 5-year warranty against all defects
  • Passes all NIJ 0101.04 Type IV testing protocol
  • www.skdtac.com/SKD-Armor-10-x-12-Level-IV-Stand-Alone-Plate-p

    Safariland Group – ABA Debuts New Xtreme Family Of Body Armor Solutions

    Thursday, October 15th, 2015

    ABA Debuts New Xtreme Family of Body Armor Solutions

    The industry leading product line adds key design features focused on comfort and performance


    ONTARIO, Calif. – The Safariland Group, the leader in advanced body armor responsible for nearly two-thirds of all saves over the last three decades, today announced the release of an all-new line of ABA Xtreme body armor solutions for law enforcement. The result of an intensive collaborative effort with best-in-class partners, the new Xtreme ballistic panels deliver a new benchmark for designs combining fit, protection and exceptional value.

    Teaming with DuPont Protection Technologies (DuPont), SAATI and TexTech, The Safariland Group armor team designed the Xtreme panels blending fabric using DuPont Kevlar KM2 Plus fibers incorporating a proprietary weaving process co-created with DuPont, along with a proprietary manufacturing material called Core Matrix Technology, creating this breakthrough family of ballistic panels.

    The new Xtreme ballistic panels feature gender specific, biomorphic designs that mimic the shape of the body and enhance comfort. The layering and unique blend of materials amplify comfort, keeping the panel light, thin and flexible.

    This unique design combination also drives the Xtreme’s outstanding performance. The proprietary weave acts like high tensile webbing that decelerates the bullet. Working in concert with the proprietary weave, the Core Matrix Technology comprised of 3D-fused fibers, acts as a backstop, dampening impact and stopping the bullet. The final layer of DuPont Kevlar disperses the energy and helps diminish trauma.

    “When we’re able to design our ballistics packages in a way that allows for greater ease of movement and superior performance, it’s a win. Our ultimate goal is always to keep officers safe, and our engineers work to improve wearability and comfort so the officer can be more effective in the field,” said Todd Mackler, Vice President Armor, for The Safariland Group.

    The Xtreme ballistic panels are finished using a thin, heat-sealed thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) membrane to ensure that the panels are protected. These panels are then encased in a soft nylon shell to withstand the elements while enabling enhanced comfort during wear.

    Added Mackler, “We build our products so that officers can focus on their job and not think about their armor. We are proud of the almost 2000 officers who are living proof of why we do what we do.”

    Visit The Safariland Group website to hear stories of several Safariland Group SAVES who fought the battle and lived to tell the story of their courageous efforts, and take a deeper view into the Xtreme technology that made it possible at www.safariland.com/ballistic-technology.

    Available starting this month to all Safariland Group armor customers, the new Xtreme models are offered in threat protection levels II and IIIA and feature male and female structured and female unstructured designs.

    AUSA – Close Up of National Molding’s Rigid Plate Carrier PALS Compatible Sleeve

    Wednesday, October 14th, 2015

    After we mentioned the National Molding Rigid Plate Carrier during Modern Day Marine, several readers were dismayed that they wouldn’t be able to carry any additional equipment on the carrier. National Moldong long ago worked this one out and originally had a very simple laser cut, bikini-style band made from Trelleborg fabric that fit around the RPC. Interstingly, the feedback they received from government customers was to go back to a tried and true Cordura and webbing PALS solution.






    Check Out The Load Carrying Component of National Molding’s Rigid Plate Carrier at AUSA

    Friday, October 9th, 2015


    Shellback Tactical – Hard Armor Plates

    Tuesday, September 29th, 2015


    Coming soon from Shellback Tactical : New Hard Armor branded plates in Level III and Level IV. They are NIJ 0101.06 Certified and Made in the USA and listed on the NIJ CPL List.


    FROG.PRO Laser Cut-Air Warrior Plate Carrier

    Sunday, September 27th, 2015

    This is the FROG.PRO LC-AWPC (Laser Cut-Air Warrior Plate Carrier).

    Their take on a PALS compatible system consists of a proprietary composite fabric called LAHYCO, made of Hypalon and Cordura 500D.  It allows them s to add some special features such as utility holes for shock cord or slots for QASM buckles.

    Its light weight (480g).  The inner ballistic plates pouches, thanks to the Open Top design are suitable for any shape of rigid ballistic plates. The low profile design allows the wearer to use it as a concealed vest. The supplied adapters allow it to attach the new LC line chest rigs.

    Available in Coyote Tan, Ranger Green, Vegetato EI, MultiCam.


    MDM – Rigid Plate Carrier from National Molding

    Friday, September 25th, 2015

    We first showed you National Molding’s Rigid Plate Carrier during last year’s Modern Day Marine Expo. Since then, they’ve continued to refine their design and begun to garner some interest in the technology.


    Below, you can see the components of the RPC which encapsulates the plate. The plate can be removed for inspection or replacement. You can also see that the RPC incorporates National Molding’s Quad Release.


    Finally, this photo depicts a translucent RPC panel, used in ballistic testing. They have demonstrated rather promising containment of projectile spall.



    OPT – Mayflower MBAV Assault Plate Carrier

    Thursday, September 24th, 2015


    A plate carrier that accommodates USSOCOM issued MBAV soft armor and SAPI plates. Must feature high degree of scalability, modularity, PALS webbing, QASM compatibility, while maintaining the fundamentals of simplicity in wear and maintenance.

    OPT’s owner approached Mayflower about making simple modifications to the time proven, simple design of the APC. This is an APC sized to hold MBAV soft armor and SAPI plates, with added features of a removable front flap that exposes a pile tape belly area that easily accommodates any QASM compatible placard or chest rig, and updated slim shoulder pads with thin foam padding and stretchable tweave covering.

    An affordable, highly modular, armor carrier, that provides any USSOCOM Operator with a high degree of load flexibility, and mobility; whether in training, or on the battlefield.


    Available in Coyote, Ranger Green, MultiCam and MultiCam Tropic.
