Denver, CO.
The Protecto Wrap Company is pleased to announce the formation of the Protecto Wrap Defense Group. Protecto Wrap Defense Group was formed to develop and supply new and innovative products to the Defense and Law Enforcement communities both in the US and abroad. Since 1952, Protecto Wrap has been an industry leader in manufacturing building products to the US and worldwide. Protecto Wrap is based in Denver, CO.
At the request of the Defense Industry and Law Enforcement, Protecto Wrap Defense Group developed and is supplying, a 100% made in the USA, CAT (Charge Adhesive Tape). CAT is a double-sided sticky tape, that forms an instant durable bond between the charge and various surfaces commonly found across the Breaching Community. CAT was derived from an industry need to supply a reliable product that is cost effective and adheres to multiple surfaces, i.e., firehose, steel, aluminum, wood/OSB, fiberglass, glass, and masonry brick/block surfaces and most importantly available and in stock. CAT can withstand temperature extremes from minus 45 degrees Fahrenheit (-42 degrees Celsius) and up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (149 degrees Celsius). CAT even held a full-size concrete cinder block to a door during a 5-hour test.
CAT is available in 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12-inch-wide rolls, 50 feet long with each roll being shrink wrapped at the factory prior to shipping. Production CAT will ship with black release liner on both sides and be available to order January 1, 2023.

Preparing the explosive for breaching by removing the release liner of the double-sided adhesive CAT tape.
In October, Protecto Wrap Defense Group attended the Tactical Energetic Entry Systems (T.E.E.S.), 20th Annual International Breachers Symposium in Southaven, MS where PWDG featured Charge Adhesive Tape and samples to all attending Breachers from around the world. CAT was also used by all Breaching Teams participating in the T.E.E.S. range day demonstration.

Securing the encapsulated explosive with the double-sided adhesive CAT tape to the door.
Come visit us this year at SHOT Show booth #40630 located within Venetian Expo Level 1.
For product questions please contact:
Protecto Wrap Charge Adhesive Tape will be exclusively distributed through Bushido Tactical, any dealer inquiries, or military/LE quotes can be emailed to: