GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for the ‘Camo’ Category

The Mirrorman Suit

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Hyperstealth, Eat Your Heart Out

Straight out of Minsk, Belarus, EtereShop on Etsy is offering their Mirrorman Suit. Consisting of scalene triangle pieces of mirror, the Mirrorman Suit is perfect general purpose camouflage, perfectly mirroring the wearer’s immediate surroundings. Plus, in a pinch it can be used as a full-body signaling device. Customers get the full package when ordering the suit:

– Jacket
– Trousers
– Headdress
– Mask
– Gloves
– Shoes
– Repair Kit

The best part? They’ll ship to anywhere in the world. Only one suit is available, so you’ll have to act fast on this one.


Cryptic Camo! On Kickstarter

Thursday, April 9th, 2015


Started by a US Navy Veteran, Cryptic Camo! is a project up on Kickstarter to establish a one-stop-shop for all things camouflage. The funding will go towards building the website and stocking the inventory.


French Special Forces Spotted Wearing A-TACS In Mali

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

It appears that French SF are now wearing A-TACS AU camouflage uniforms. A long-time reader of SSD pointed out this video released by the French Ministry of Defense, in which French SF are shown eating along side Dutch national Sjaak Rijke, who they rescued over the Easter weekend. The video later shows the SF rehearsing drills, where you can clearly see the uniforms in use.

Thanks to ‘AK’ for the tip!


S.O.Tech 2015 Limited Edition Kryptek Gear Run

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

S.O.Tech has announced their first public run of Kryptek gear. Available patterns will be Kryptek Typhon, Mandrake and Highlander.

Available Kryptek gear:
-Legendary Mission Go Bag
-S.O.Tech Go Bag
-S.O.Tech Go Sling Bag
-Legacy Rifleman’s Pack
-Legacy Falcon Chest Harness
-Reusable tactical shopping bags
-and….Battle Bears!

Be sure to order early to guarantee your gear! S.O.Tech will run the pre-order until 4/20/15. There will be limited overage since this is a Limited Edition run so be sure to pre-order or else you may miss out!

Pre-orders will ship in June in time for Summer!


TWN Industries Releases Highly Anticipated MultiCam Black Hydrographic Film Pattern

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015


PRINCETON, FL April 7, 2015 – TWN Industries Inc., the leading water transfer printing supplier, announces the release of MultiCam Black™ WTP film. The pattern was developed to meet the unique requirements of law enforcement officers operating in high-risk environments; however, the general population can now enjoy the same level of stealth as our specialized law enforcement units.

The pattern projects a distinctly authoritative presence appropriate for domestic operations. MultiCam Black™ is designed to complement an officer’s existing equipment and present a sharp, professional image for top-tier law enforcement units. Stealth is definitely the name of the game for MultiCam Black™. And let’s be honest—what guy doesn’t want to exude the cool, sleek look of this tactical pattern? This pattern is expected to go beyond its law enforcement roots and become a great lifestyle look for many.

MultiCam Black™ hydro dipping film is available exclusively through TWN Industries, Inc. Three meter accessory packs are available immediately. Part number for MultiCam Black™ is WTP-787.

To find a “TWN Certified Decorator” who can decorate products for you or to purchase film, call 305-258-9622.


MilSpec Monkey – A Real Urban Grey

Monday, April 6th, 2015


Grey is the new Black in the tactical industry, with practically every gear and clothing company producing their own grey kit. The argument for it is simple; grey makes for a great neutral color that works very well in urban environments. But which shade of grey is the best? That’s a question MilSpec Monkey is looking to answer.


Monkey starting seriously looking into what makes the best urban grey due to a number of complaints resulting from MSM’s use of a warm, almost brown grey for their patches. Monkey took a look at various shades of grey being used by industry manufacturers, and found that, generally, they’re too cool, too medium, too “charcoal” to work well in an urban environment. To quote Monkey’s own article: “Although concrete starts out some sort of grey, the outside is a dirty place and dirt tends to be brown.”

Through his research, Monkey is looking to find a warmer, more natural grey for clothing and gear, and we’re eager to see where these efforts lead.

You can check out the full article, and more images, at milspecmonkey.com/index.php/articles-page/63-articles/454-a-real-urban-grey.

Hyperstealth Develops New Jamaica Defense Force Camo Pattern

Monday, March 30th, 2015

Although we haven’t heard from Canada’s Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corporation in awhile, that doesn’t mean they haven’t been busy. The Jamaica Defense Force just unveiled their new Digital Combat Uniforms which sport a camoflauge pattern developed by Hyperstealth. This pattern replaces the British DPM used since 1992.

Chief of Defence Staff, Major General Antony Anderson, said said the new uniform has security features, which will ensure that it does not end up in the hands of criminals and is proprietary meaning it cannot be purchased at a surplus store.

The new uniform will be available in land and maritime variants amd is said to be up to 50% more effective at camouflaging troops than the outgoing DPM, as it blends more easily into both the urban and jungle-type terrain as well as coastal conditions in which the JDF operates.

Cool A-10 Camouflauge

Sunday, March 29th, 2015


Reminds me of the Brookwood Phase IV camouflage pattern.