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USSOCOM Science and Technology Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 22.4 Round 2 & 3 Pre-Release

Saturday, August 13th, 2022

The USSOCOM Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs will soon be accepting submissions for the technology areas of interest below.

Special Areas of Interest

(Round 2) PHASE I:
SOCOM224-007 Topological Anomaly Detection

SOCOM224-D005: Artificial Intelligence-Driven Voice Control at the Edge
SOCOM224-D006: Canine In-Ear Hearing Protection

On 23 August, SOFWERX will host virtual Q&A sessions for each of the areas of interest. RSVP to the Q&A session(s) that interest you here.

Persistent Systems Delivering Thousands of Networking Radios to QinetiQ US in Support of US Army’s Robot Program

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022

July 27, 2022

Persistent Systems, QinetiQ US collaborate on ongoing Common Robotic System – Individual, or CRS(I), program

Persistent Systems, QinetiQ US also renew Wave Relay® Ecosystem industry partnership for another five years

NEW YORK, N.Y. — Persistent Systems, LLC (“Persistent”) a leader in mobile ad hoc networking (MANET), announced that it has received additional orders from QinetiQ US to provide thousands of Wave Relay networking devices in support of the U.S. Army’s Common Robotic System – Individual, or CRS (I), program.

CRS (I) is the Army’s continuing effort to provide dismounted troops with a lightweight, highly mobile unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) to conduct reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition. In 2019, QinetiQ was selected to provide its SPUR platform for CRS(I). Persistent Systems, in turn, supplies the communications and command-and-control element of the UGV.

“The MPU5’s robust, low-latency networking capability allows the operator of the SPUR platform to send commands to the UGV as well as receive video and other sensor data back, which can also be shared with everyone else on the network,” said Nick Naioti, VP for Business Development for Persistent. “To date, Persistent Systems has supplied hundreds of radios for CRS(I) and we are just entering full-rate production for the program.”

The company’s new, state-of-the-art production facilities will meet the increased demand as well as those of other programs, he added.

QinetiQ US renews partnership with Persistent Systems

In addition to the CRS(I) orders, QinetiQ US is renewing for another five years its partnership in the Wave Relay® Ecosystem, an industry alliance of sensor, UGV, and unmanned aircraft contractors all using Persistent’s MANET as their default network. Ecosystem partners enjoy such benefits as competitive pricing, on-site expert training, product integration support, and access to the Persistent technology roadmap.

During last the five years, Persistent Systems collaborated closely with QinetiQ US. Besides supporting QinetiQ US in its early CRS(I) deliveries, Persistent has helped its Ecosystem partner on the Tactical Adaptable Light Ordnance Neutralization (TALON) family of robotic systems for the U.S. Army, providing an upgraded communications package for the UGVs.

The two companies have, as Ecosystem collaborators, won some $500 million worth of business. “We are excited to extend our partnership with QinetiQ US,” Naioti said, “and look forward to backing the company on future initiatives.”

USSOCOM Science and Technology Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 22.4

Monday, August 1st, 2022

The USSOCOM Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs will soon be accepting submissions for the technology areas of interest below.

Special Areas of Interest


SOCOM224-D001: Track Correlation/Data Deduplication for SOF Mission Command
SOCOM224-D002: Natural Language Processing for Special Operations Forces
SOCOM224-D003: Low/No Code Data Manipulation and Discovery for Special Operations Forces
SOCOM224-D004: Human Machine Teaming for Reduction of Operator Cognitive Load

Questions? Visit SOFWERX.

Submit by 23 August 2022.

Army’s Mission Command Convergence Efforts Laying Coundation for Tactical Data Fabric

Sunday, July 31st, 2022

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. (July 20, 2022) – The Army’s effort to converge mission command applications onto a “single pane of glass” reached another key milestone last month as the next increment of Command Post Computing Environment (CPCE) software achieved Milestone B approval.

CPCE Increment 2, or Inc 2, marks the second significant convergence of warfighting functions into CPCE and will collapse fires and intel apps onto the software framework. Inc 2 also integrates mission planning and airspace control tools, and initial tactical data fabric (TDF) capabilities.

Milestone B approval designates the start of the engineering and manufacturing development phase and sets the conditions for operational test and evaluation and ultimately, a full deployment decision.

Programs of record with ongoing convergence efforts onto the CPCE framework as part of Inc 2 include the Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System, or AFATDS, which provides automated fire-support command, control and communications; intel apps including All Source II, Information Collection, Intel Support to Targeting and Weather Operational Effects; integrated mission planning and airspace control tools including the Aviation Mission Planning System and Tactical Airspace Integration System; ENFIRE, a reconnaissance and surveying toolset, which provides Army engineers the means to facilitate rapid collection and dissemination of terrain information; and Cyber Situational Understanding, also known as Cyber SU.

“Collapsing these mission command applications provides an opportunity for commanders to envision the holistic battlefield from one source,” said Lt. Col. Travis Rudge, product manager for Tactical Mission Command. “The Army is working across its network and intel partners, ground and aviation platform offices, Corps of Engineers and other stakeholders to make this convergence a reality.”

The implementation plan for Inc 2 identifies the CPCE TDF as its priority effort in concert with logistics status and sustainment-running estimate capabilities. The remaining operational needs – including role-based access controls, terrain analysis and application automation, among others – are being analyzed by the Army’s capability development and requirements community. Once delivered, these remaining operational needs will improve interoperability, common look and feel, and cross-cutting capabilities across the Mounted Computing Environment and Mobile Handheld Computing Environment, leading to additional improvements in usability and training.

Additional enhancements planned for Inc 2 include critical cybersecurity measures to enable Tactical PKI implementation and certificate management, integrate a password management tool and encrypt data at rest.

The initial CPCE TDF delivered in Inc 2 will begin bridging enterprise and tactical data sources, and simplify and accelerate the sensor-to-shooter kill chain. The Army is taking a hybrid approach for its data fabric architecture, integrating ARCYBER’s lower echelon analytics platform, or LEAP, and components of the U.S. Army C5ISR Center’s Rainmaker capability to help provide improved data access, management and synchronization. Advancements from CPCE Inc 1 to Inc 2 software have set the stage for cloud-enabled mission command. Modification of the software will allow CPCE to access the power of the cloud infrastructure, removing dependencies of the application to legacy hardware while increasing scalability.

“CPCE Increment 2 is our contribution to the Army Data Plan and JADC2, helping our deployed units sense, make sense and act on data,” said Col. Matt Paul, project manager for Mission Command. “It allows commanders to be data centric, treating data as an asset to make better data-driven decisions.”

Coupled with CPCE Inc 2 software, Tactical Server Infrastructure version 3, or TSIv3, hardware will reduce the hardware footprint with smaller and more powerful servers and deliver increased computing resource requirements in support of Program of Record convergence.

Developmental Security Operations, or DevSecOps, continues to drive program development based on real-world feedback from Soldiers. Last month, technical leads from Project Manager Mission Command (PM MC) met with ARCYBER, U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) and 25th Infantry Division (25ID) leadership to coordinate TDF design needs and potential USARPAC experimentation support plans. PM MC personnel assisted USARPAC and 25ID in developing network visibility use cases and data collection parameters through LEAP to gain better insight based on mission needs.

Additional DevSecOps partners include USAREUR-AF, XVIII Airborne Corps, I Corps and USASOC. Ongoing experimentation efforts in the INDOPACOM area of responsibility are informing future TDF implementation and CPCE enhancements.

A full deployment decision and the first unit equipped for CPCE Inc 2 are both scheduled for 2024.

By Justin Eimers, PEO C3T Public Affairs

See OTTO’s Lynq PRO in Action

Thursday, July 21st, 2022

Lynq PRO™ from OTTO Communications is a rapidly deployable peer-to-peer network that brings enhanced situational awareness, navigation, and communications to the edge.

Lynq PRO™ provides hardware redundancy as a single-hardware unit doing the work of what has traditionally been three or more devices: radio, GPS, ATAK EUD. Lynq PRO™ augments these capabilities by extending an ATAK network to individuals that don’t necessarily need a radio or EUD, but can benefit the fighting force with location tracking, navigation, and messaging.

Lynq PRO™ Deployment Kits are available now from OTTO Communications. Contact OTTO today for more information or a demonstration at www.otto-comm.com  or 847-428-7171.

Naval Special Warfare Basic Communications Accessory Suite Solicitation

Thursday, July 14th, 2022

Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) has issued a small business set-aside solicitation for a basic communications accessory suite designed primarily for use by support personnel. According to the solicitation, it is not intended to replace current advanced USSOCOM communications accessory suites; rather, it is intended to be a simplified capability with limited environmental hardening and interoperable with current USSOCOM-fielded manpack and handheld multi-band radios.

Key minimum specifications from the solicitation are:

– IP67 rating

– Compatible with common 19-pin and 6-pin radios

– Use of common connectors such as the TP-120/NATO 4-pin

– Simple and easy to use

– Able to monitor dual nets

– Provide noise protection (steady state and impulse)

– Use commercial power sources

– Able to be configured for use on ARC rails or over the head

Companies interested in participating should note that NSWC is requiring offerors to deliver two product demonstration models with their quotes by the closing date of the solicitation (August 12, 2022). NSWC intends to conduct an evaluation of each offer that meets minimum product descriptions, then make a best value five-year indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) award. NSWC intends to purchase approximately 2,500 systems over the life of the contract, not including sustainment and spares.

Questions of a technical nature can be directed to NSWC N83 Combat and Survival Programs at warcom-N83@socom.mil. Note the solicitation number in the subject of the email (H9224022Q0003).

Read the full solicitation here.


TNVC Launches Exclusive DISCUS Bluetooth Comms Integration System In Partnership with DISCO 32

Thursday, July 7th, 2022


TNVC has long been recognized as an industry leading provider of Night Vision and other Visual Augmentation Systems equipment to government and Private Citizens alike. Like our Founding Fathers, TNVC believes that all Citizens deserve access to the full range of capabilities available to the government.

To that end, TNVC is pleased to announce a new partnership with DISCO 32 with the release of the DISCUS Bluetooth Communications Integration System, available exclusively at TNVC in Tan 499 to complete the shoot, move, communicate triad.

The DISCUS is a communications integration system that serves as a linkage between tactical communications headsets utilizing a U174-style connection and Bluetooth enabled devices, including your cell phone and can be used with encrypted communications applications such as Signal, providing an easily accessible and simple to use solution for tactical communications without the need for specialized radio equipment or HAM operator licensing. For those using radios, the DISCUS is also designed to used in-line with traditional PTTs and both military and civilian radios.


European Exercise Pushes Stryker Communications Ahead

Wednesday, June 29th, 2022

GRAFENWOHR TRAINING AREA, Germany — When conducting mounted to dismounted missions, Stryker Brigade Combat Teams cannot let a little steel get in the way of their network communications.

The 3rd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment is the first unit equipped with Capability Set 23’s — or CS23 — Integrated Tactical Network. This network, shortened as ITN, is providing Soldiers with flexible network and situational awareness capabilities from inside the hull out to the area of operations on the ground.

The unit recently completed a live-fire training event at Grafenwohr Training Area, with additional events held at Rose Barracks, during which program developers and evaluators from the Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications Tactical, Combat Capabilities Development Command C5ISR Center and the Army Test and Evaluation Command assessed and measured the operational effectiveness, suitability, and survivability of ITN, including cyber capabilities, as part of their operations demonstration phase 1 with the unit.

The team will use Soldier feedback from the event to incrementally enhance the capability in preparation for Ops Demo Phase 2 in January, 2023. They will assess CS23’s ITN in a force-on-force regimental level exercise with 3rd Squadron.

“It certainly isn’t lost on me that 3rd Squadron has been presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to blaze the trail of ITN integration for not just our Regiment, but for other Stryker Brigade Combat Teams across the Army,” said Lt. Col. Mark Bush, 3rd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment. “I believe our squadron possesses a myriad of talent at every echelon that is capable of providing cogent and applicable feedback regarding process for fielding and tactical implementation.”

The ITN provides a simplified, independent, mobile network solution comprised of a commercial solutions kit that can be rapidly inserted into the existing tactical network. These capabilities provide commanders with flexible, secure and resilient communications across echelons and will be pivotal to the 3rd Squadron’s mounted, on-the-move and at-the-quick-halt missions as part of their arsenal within the European Command area of operations.

“I am extremely excited that we were able to deliver the latest CS23 networking technologies to the Wolfpack squadron,” said Matt Maier, Project Manager for Interoperability, Integration and Services, assigned to Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications Tactical. “I think mounted capabilities will be a game changer for units as we achieve the capacity, resilience and convergence goals for the Army’s Unified Network.”

The ITN has been a major component to the Army’s Capability Sets, which began fielding in fiscal year 2021, and are continuing to field in FY 2023, 2025 and 2027. In this end-to-end tactical network approach, each capability set builds off the previous and relies heavily on Soldier feedback.

CS23 ITN includes new capabilities that provide cellular hotspots for vehicles, which allow mounted Soldiers to connect to cloud-based resources with a secure VPN over host nation cellular services as part of their Primary, Alternate Contingency and Emergency Plan. Additional CS23 capabilities provide new Wi-Fi and updated GPS vehicle routing capabilities and multiple-input and multiple-output radios for high-speed command post data exchanges, with both mobile and static command posts.

As did the Infantry Brigade Combat Teams that received CS21’s modernized network systems over the past year, 3rd Squadron is now experiencing firsthand the difference between conducting operations using existing systems versus newer commercially enhanced networked capabilities.

“The biggest thing about ITN is that it is truly an integrated tactical network,” said Staff Sgt. John Mock, 3rd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment network communications officer in charge of network integration for the unit.

“We aren’t using independent systems that are great on their own but ultimately don’t talk to one another. Now, we can share [ ], messaging services and graphics to allow ease of communications on the battlefield to improve the site picture for our commander for better decision making.”

Radios are the primary capability used for ITN communications across the echelons, and for this exercise, the Wolfpack platoons used the PRC-163 Leader Radio for dismounted operations and the PRC-162 Manpack for both dismounts and inside the vehicles.

Spc. Elliott Mazner, who has served in numerous 3rd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment platoon positions from rifleman to squad leader, covered down as squad automatic weapon gunner for this event. His familiarity with ITN during previous exercises provided him with a strong base to evaluate and provide feedback on these network communications.

“I’m impressed with 163’s ability to communicate outside the truck,” Mazner said. “It’s a radio sitting in someone’s kit with an antenna [outside], but it’s still able to get past the armor in the truck, reach another truck through that armor and communicate with another 163 inside that truck.”

The Android Tactical Assault Kit end-user device is the sister component to the radios for overall situational awareness. It displays real-time friendly and enemy location information, which allows leaders better decision-making capabilities.

“Using the ITN displays details just like it was a Tinder profile for the enemy, where we’re able to see what we’re looking at and the commander can make instant decisions,” Bearden said. “If you don’t have this capability there will be more casualties on the battlefield, which is why this capability is amazing.”

The primary waveform used with ITN is the TSM waveform, which is a commercial mesh waveform that requires line-of-sight and provides a barrage relay, where every radio is a repeater for all network traffic. Providing simultaneous voice, data and position location information, TSM operates in the Secure-But-Unclassified enclave, which enables encrypted data to be transmitted over military or commercial networks, the Internet, cellular networks or compatible but non-military waveforms.

The unit relied heavily on TSM during the multi-national exercise Saber Strike 22 exercise conducted last October, which required movement from Rose Barracks, Vilseck, to Latvia.

“Most useful to our participation in Saber Junction was the voice-over-distance function enabled by the mesh network of our mission command systems,” Bush said. “Experiencing the clarity in communications over long distances, all enabled by individual radios acting as repeaters for each other, was extremely impressive.”

Not that the capabilities performed flawlessly; between the distance covered coupled with early Soldier ITN adopters, the unit faced some challenges as it continued to train on the various ITN components.

“I am very aware that introduction of unfamiliar technology always comes with a steep learning curve,” Bush said. “However, our squadron’s experience of implementing the ITN capability providing very real assurance to NATO allies has been second to none. The situational awareness provided for across digital and voice mediums, for both mounted and dismounted combat troops, has been one of efficiency [that] I have not experienced in 18 years of active service.”

According to Mock, his unit understands that there will be growing pains employing ITN in large scale deployments, but thus far, with every growing pain they have run into, they have come out stronger by identifying the fault and coming up with a plan of action to resolve it.

3rd Squadron received an initial ITN fielding in 2021, and since then it has had many opportunities to see how its feedback has impacted network capabilities.

“Between the initial ITN fielding and CS23 Ops Demo, the key points we brought up, whether large-scale problems or small, such as placing a button in a certain place, have been implemented,” Mock said. “The training was leaps and bounds better. The equipment has adapted to us very well and we have adapted to the equipment significantly.”

Now that the exercise has concluded, the Army’s Operational Test Command will gather the instrumented data, surveys and round table information collected during the daily After Action Review meetings to prepare an initial findings report, with a full report planned following Ops Demo Phase 2, noted Maj. Greg Stueve, Operational Test Command test officer for ITN.

The unit will continue to train on ITN at home during low density training events, where Soldiers will go through battle drills using their radios and end-user devices, all the while continuing to provide critical feedback to the ITN team, Bearden said.

“Soldier feedback in support of Army network communications modernization is a must,” Bush said. “We wouldn’t ask our Soldiers to fight with a weapons system that the end-user hasn’t tested. I believe the same principle applies when considering platforms that enable the Soldier’s ability to communicate.”

Bearden agreed.

“This is what survivability on the modern battlefield looks like,” he said. “This is what modernization looks like.”

By Kathryn Bailey, PEO C3T Public Affairs