TYR Tactical

Archive for the ‘For the Ladies’ Category

SOMA – Bio-Oil

Sunday, December 16th, 2012

Originally developed in 1987 for recovering burn survivors, Bio-Oil is a non-greasy oil for dry skin. The ingredient PurCellin Oil reduces the thickness of the solution making it easily absorbed. This means no greasy feeling and I’m told a lot of deployed guys are getting care packages containing Bio-Oil to help deal with chapped hands and dry skin. It’s also good for scar tissue.


Its been available overseas for years but has just recently been introduced to the US. Bio-Oil is now available at most major retailers.

Yes, it’s great for the ladies.


For The Ladies – Magpul Releases Pink MOE Accessories

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

Magpul has just announced that they are shipping Pink MOE Carbine Stock, Pink MOE Grip, and Pink MOE Carbine Handguard. Each will be priced the same as the other color options and Pink is currently planned as a limited release. Pink XTM Enhanced Rail Panels and XTM Handstop Kits are also planned to be produced.


For The Ladies – Grey Group Training

Sunday, November 11th, 2012


Grey Group Training has made it easier for the fairer sex to select clothing and footwear offered specifically for them with the introduction of a “Womens” category.


For The Young Ladies – Go Girls Daily

Sunday, October 28th, 2012


Go Girls is the creation of a friend of ours’ daughter. If you’ve got kids (especially daughters), you’ll appreciate the outdoor theme. It’s great to see the young getting into blogging.


For The Ladies – Orca Industries / Mojo Tactical Collaboration

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

Orca Industries and Mojo Tactical have put together a special morale patch for the lady in your life who appreciates a little retro sci-fi goodness.


The Cylon Toaster Kitty morale patch features shiny silver metallic thread and hook back. Available exclusively from Mojo Tactical.

For The Ladies – Combat Flip Flops Bombshell Ready for Pre-Order

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Available for pre-order in light and dark models, sizes 5 – 11.


Adaptive for Play in Multiple Environments

Friday, July 13th, 2012


Let’s face it, DOD budgets aren’t exactly getting larger these days, so, in the interest of diversifying their customer base and product portfolios, Serket has teamed with TenCate (scrap fabric only – no real Defender M was harmed in the manufacture of this sun dress) and Travis McDowell (and his Grandma) to develop a functioning prototype of the world’s first flame resistant, no-melt, anti-static, anti-microbial, MultiCam sundress (concept only – hold your money orders, operators are NOT standing by).

Test/evaluation is currently underway in Somalia, Syria, The Congo (in Kryptek Mandrake) and Asheville, N.C.

For the Ladies – Tacticute Tab from Mojo Tactical

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Some of you saw Tactical Mama sporting a ‘Tacticute’ tab on her SHOT Show badge. Those are the product of the genius of Hawaii’s own Mojo Tactical.


Prefer one for your lady (or yourself if you’re a lady or especially cute) through Mojo Tactical’s Facebook page.