In this weeks Friday Focus, we featured another installment of our OEM Spotlight. An American brand, a solid choice in material and craftsmanship, enter Brave Castle. Guest interview with Loren Butchart, owner and operator of Brave Castle.

How did Brave Castle get its start?
Brave Castle got its start as a podcast, fully transitioning into a tactical nylon company in 2020. Retention solutions have always interested me and the ongoing challenges continue to be a puzzle I enjoy sharing my input on. Providing kit to Americans is one the highest honors I have attained and maintaining this is a responsibility that I respect and hold at a very high regard.

Why did you choose to collaborate with FirstSpear?
I have followed, collected and studied nylon companies for a long time. I found FirstSpear and was blown away at the level of innovation they were offering. FirstSpear quickly became one of my favorite companies and the Tubes™ connector system was something I had to have. When I started sewing kit, I really wanted to make a chest rig that utilized Tubes™ connectors. The relationship I have built with one of my favorite companies has been a true honor and everyone I have worked with at FirstSpear has been incredible to collaborate with.

Where did the need for the BCR-1 Chest Rig arise?
The Brave Castle Rig One (BCR-1) was born from some basic niche problems that I saw in the classic chest rig and micro rig designs. The BCR-1 is essentially a plate carrier minus the plate bags. The first solution I wanted on the BCR-1 was the utilization of the Tubes™ connector system for a more secure closure and ease in donning and doffing. The BCR-1 is constructed out of 7 individual parts, all of which can be replaced.

Explain the modularity of the BCR-1 and why you chose FirstSpear Tubes™ technology.
The BCR-1 is made up of 2 cummerbund sides, a front velcro based placard, a magazine shingle, a back sizing panel and 2 shoulder straps that form an X on the users back. Upgradability is native to the BCR-1. The heart of the BCR-1 is the front velcro based placard which accepts magazine shingles with ease. The wealth of knowledge, innovation, technology and experience make working with FirstSpear a gold mine for a creative brain like mine. It is a massive honor to be able to work with FirstSpear and I am eternally grateful for everyone who works with this company.

For more information on Brave Caste and the BCR-1, check out
For more information on FirstSpear, check out