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Archive for the ‘Fundraising’ Category

Strike Force Beverage: Energizing the Relief Efforts in Texas

Thursday, August 31st, 2017

Veteran Owned and American Made Company, in coordination with TroopsDirect, Donates $10,000 worth of products to support the Texas National Guard during the Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.

Palmetto, FL August 30, 2017: Strike Force Beverage of Palmetto Florida donates $10,000 dollars’ worth of Strike Force Energy to the Texas National Guard.

With Hurricane Harvey relief efforts well underway, it is going to take a team effort of national proportion, and Strike Force is trying to do our small part. Everyone volunteering on these efforts is working grueling hours, which will leave them mentally and physically exhausted. Our healthier alternative to canned energy drinks is the perfect solution to support the relief efforts.

“Thank you to everyone for stepping up and helping all Americans in Texas and the Gulf Coast region after this devastating natural disaster,” said Co-founder & CEO Bruce Schlee

TroopsDirect is proud to partner with Strike Force Energy because like us, Strike Force knows the importance of supporting – at a moment’s notice and without hesitation – those Guardsmen who are rescuing the men, women and children of the great state of Texas. –

Along with our initial donation, Strike Force is offering its customers an opportunity to pitch in. By entering discount code “HARVEY” at checkout at, Strike Force will match your purchase with a donation to local Police, Fire, and EMS workers in the affected areas.

Strike Force Energy is a high-powered liquid energy drink concentrate that can be mixed with any beverage. Sugar free / calorie free with nearly no sodium and around 1/3 of the ingredients, Strike Force is healthier than other canned energy drinks. “The Beverage Enhancer ™” means just that, we can go into any beverage, allowing you to create your own energy drink experience.

“Cajun Navy” Charity Morale Patch – $18 of $20 of Each Patch Sale Donated To Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

Violent Little Machine Shop produced a run of 200, Limited Edition “Cajun Navy” Charity Morale Patches.

$18 of the $20 for the patch will be donated to support the relief efforts of those affected by Harvey.

Knight’s Armament Co To Match & Donate All Proceeds To Charity Benefiting Flood Victims 09/01-09/04

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

From 09/01-09/04, Knight’s Armament Co will generously match and donate all proceeds to the Triple G Relief Fund which provides freshly prepared, nutritious and uplifting food to those in need within designated disaster relief locations.


Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

TACWRK raffles the Arc’teryx Echo Pack, in 3 colorways: Woodland, Desert, Black.

Not only do you have the chance to win a great and exclusive prize, but to also do something for a good cause! The limited UNI’CORN TICKET patches are your entry ticket to the raffle. The entire sales benefits from these patches and all UNI’CORN merchandise will be donated to selected charity organizations!

All in all, the Arc’teryx Echo Pack is a backpackers dream becoming true! Until 13th of September you have the chance to participate in the exclusive competition and support with your donation!

So if you still believe that unicorns are corny, glitter farting ponies with cotton candy tails you´ve probably never seen a real uncompromising roughneck unicorn on an all dominating HAHO mission. UNI´CORNS ARE REAL!

More information can be found on TACWRK’s website

Here’s A Way You Can Support Texas Disaster Relief

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

Some legit guys have taken two helicopters to the disaster area in order to support relief efforts.

This is their pitch:

There are several communities in Texas that need critical help after Hurricane Harvey. We will be focused on the Texas coast and Houston area. We are bringing all the resources we have at our disposal which include 2 helicopters. Unfortunately, helicopters are expensive to operate. I’m asking for help with fuel and rotor time. The pilots are donating their time, and those of us organizing it will be donating as much relief supplies as we can. Every penny will be going to aiding fellow Texans in need. I sincerely believe we can make a difference. But, time is absolutely critical.
We will be coordinating with local, state, and federal agencies.
We need fuel and rotor time.
I will provide a complete accounting of where every dollar went.

To donate, visit

TACWRX Shows Us Uni’corns Come In Packs

Thursday, August 10th, 2017

We have some further hints on the upcoming TACWRk „unicorn“ raffle for you: It‘s not just one „unicorn“ but a unicorn TRINITY!

From the pictures we can tell, it appears to be the extremely rare ARC‘TERYX LEAF Echo pack in three different colorways: Woodland, 3-color Desert, Black.

According to our sources, next week all details should be revealed. We‘ll keep you posted!

Combat Flip Flops – Team 5 Foundation’s 2017 Mission T-shirt

Monday, August 7th, 2017

Combat Flip Flops is donating 100% of profits from the 2017 shirt go to Team 5‘s mission effort until the launch date 18 August 2017. The team will take boats to remote villages, conduct medical treatment, and donate medicines to areas in need in the Peruvian Jungle.

TACWRK Proves Unicorns Are Real

Sunday, August 6th, 2017

We’ve received the first clues that Berlin-based TACWRK will soon be raffling some „unicorns“, until recently thought to be extinct.


This picture and some corroborating information indicates, that it seems to be an extremely rare ARC‘TERYX LEAF Backpack in Woodland Camo!

We will keep you posted, as soon as more details are revealed!