SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Archive for the ‘History’ Category

‘Big Pimpin’

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Vietnam: L Co Ranger with a chrome P38.

Interesting Use Of Key-Mod

Saturday, January 21st, 2017

At The Front Reproduces WW II Army Camo

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

Reproductions of vintage military equipment is serious business with some selling for as much as the originals. For reenactors, reproductions are more desirable than original artifacts due to their fragility and scarcity. Additionally, orginal clothing and equipment is often only available in smaller sizes. If you wear larger sizes and want to actually wear these items, from any era, reproductions are your best bet.

They expect reproduction uniforms in the Spring. The long pole in the tent was getting the print right for the pattern. I find project is interesting considering the Army only wore camouflage uniforms in the ETO for a few months in 1944 before they were withdrawn from service as they were being mistaken for Germans. On a side note, At The Front sells fabric for those interested in getting some custom kit made up.

I love this comment from At The Front, “Go ahead and bitch because “it ain’t khakee enuff…”. Write a snivel letter to the War Department.” They went on to say:

The fabric for Army Camo uniforms is done. Comparison is with a mint, unissued jacket. US Camo Trivia: I discovered in the past 5 minutes that the repeat (roller sizes) on US camo are just as kookie as German. Our print is 12.25″, and among seven original garments I found 12.25″, 13.25″, 14″, 14.5″ and 15″. All are unissued so shrinkage isn’t an issue. The artwork remains the same (nothing added or removed) but the entire pattern varies by about 10% in size. And there are nearly as many shade variations as there are with Natzee stuff.

Warning: At The Front offers original and reproduction militaria from the WWII-era. If you are sensitive to history and the existence of Nazi Germany as well as any artifacts from that period, pass the site by.

Post-Desert Storm Aimpoint Ad

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

This image depicts GEN Schwarzkopf’s Protective Detail who came from a Unit of early Aimpoint adopters.  

“Nuts” A Christmas Tale

Sunday, December 25th, 2016

This may be my favorite Christmas story of all time.


December 22 1944 – Encircled by German forces at the Battle of the Bulge, the 101st Airborne Division, under acting commander Brigadier General McAuliffe received a message from German General Heinrich Freiherr von Lüttwitz delivered under flag of truce.

To the U.S.A. Commander of the encircled town of Bastogne.

The fortune of war is changing. This time the U.S.A. forces in and near Bastogne have been encircled by strong German armored units. More German armored units have crossed the river Our near Ortheuville, have taken Marche and reached St. Hubert by passing through Hompre-Sibret-Tillet. Libramont is in German hands.

There is only one possibility to save the encircled U.S.A. troops from total annihilation: that is the honorable surrender of the encircled town. In order to think it over a term of two hours will be granted beginning with the presentation of this note.

If this proposal should be rejected one German Artillery Corps and six heavy A. A. Battalions are ready to annihilate the U.S.A. troops in and near Bastogne. The order for firing will be given immediately after this two hours term.

All the serious civilian losses caused by this artillery fire would not correspond with the well-known American humanity.

His response was perfect.

To the German Commander.


The American Commander

The US Army’s Advanced Combat Rifle Program

Thursday, December 22nd, 2016

Every couple of decades the Army decides to look for a new service rifle. At the end of the 1980s, that search was called the Advanced Combat Rifle Program. Unfortunately, these programs never result in new weapons for the military but many of their concepts make it into commercial products. This Army film takes a look at the ACR.

International Spy Museum – Secret Ops Of The CIA Calendar

Sunday, December 18th, 2016

This is something I never thought I’d see available for open purchase.

The International Spy Museum is offering the 2017 SECRET OPS OF THE CIA Calendar which features art created to depict declassified operations.

This Wins All The Cool Points

Wednesday, December 14th, 2016