
Archive for the ‘LE’ Category

Questions Asked on the USAF Security Forces LEOSA Facebook Page

Saturday, November 29th, 2014

uestions we receive on a weekly basis…
1. I’m Army MP XX number of years can I apply to the AF. -NO.
2. What is LEOSA? -Really?
3. How does this benefit me? -See previous response.
4. I’m Guard/Reserve/IMA/Retired can I apply. -If AF, yes if qual’d.
5. Why do we have to pay? -No public tax dollars.
6. My CHL/CCW is better and this is a scam. -FALSE
7. This violates Posse Comitatus. -FALSE
8. Can I arrest people 24/7 as a cop. -Absolutely NOT
9. If I can’t carry on base what’s the point? -Really?
10. I already have a state issued LEOSA card based on my AF status. -You are in violation of the law because you must have an ID card issued BY YOUR EMPLOYER, ie. the USAF
11. Can I carry a weapon onto a plane. -NO, read the law!
12. I’m a SNCO and don’t have training records, am I eligible. -Seriously?
13. LEOSA/CCW insurance is a scam. -FALSE, its been around for years.
14. Can I carry my USAF issued M9? -NO
15. Can I carry an Uzi? Technically possible, sigh.
16. I’m an officer, but not SF or an MP, and I can apprehend based on my rank and the UCMJ; how can I apply? -NOT ELIGIBLE
17. I’m a First Sergeant but was never SF am I eligible? -NO
18. I was Air Police, do I qualify? -Yes
19. I was Security Police do I qualify? -Yes
20. I was a Security Police Security troop before the careerfield merged, do I qualify? -Yes
21. Does this apply in Puerto Rico? -Yes

By the way, the Air Force appears to be way out in front of the other services in issuing credentials to their LE personnel in accordance with the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act.

The Beslan School Siege – A Decade On

Monday, September 1st, 2014

Ten years ago today Muslim Chechen separatists occupied School Number One (SNO) in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia which is an autonomous republic in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation. On the first day of school, they took over 1,100 faculty, students and their parents hostage, demanding that the Russians leave Chechnya. After three days of negotiations, during which hostages and terrorists alike died, Russian paramilitary forces retook the school. Unfortunately, over 300 were killed during the operation. This was by no means a text book operation. The bad guys have studied it and learned from it. So should you.


Over the years, terrorists have have conducted this sort of operation more than once in various parts of the world. There is every reason to believe that they will do it again. ISIS is an increasing threat. Americans are gaining experience fighting for Islamo-fascist causes. At some point, many will attempt to reenter the US.

Citizens and Law Enforcement alike should be vigilant. For citizens, if a situation doesn’t look right, avoid it. For LE and first responders, it is imperative to practice and be prepared. It can be as simple as rock drills and command post exercises to work out command and control as well as communications issues is critical. Learn critical skills. Be prepared to transition from regular duties to dealing with single and multiple active shooters. Get the proper equipment and know how to use it. This includes medical equipment.

I recommend all read up on this operation and study both the actions of the terrorists as well as those of Government forces.

LAPD Approves S.O.Tech’s Cobra SIS Vest

Friday, August 29th, 2014

Cool news for S.O.Tech.


CARSON, CA – S.O. Tech, Inc./Special Operations Technologies, Inc. is pleased to announce that its COBRA SIS Vest has been recently approved by the Los Angeles Police Department.


The Los Angeles Police Department’s elite Special Investigation Section (SIS) has spearheaded the development of game-changing tactics to make our nation’s streets safe. Gone are the days of detectives in police windbreakers waiting as a suspect barricades himself and SWAT arrives for a long standoff. SIS officers worked with S.O. Tech staff on the design of the COBRA armor carrier to quickly throw on over undercover clothing from a surveillance posture. The vest is also designed for maximum mobility to apprehend perpetrators in travel mode and the pouch placement follows the order of use and accessibility. “It was an amazing experience to assist SIS operators in translating their decades of tactical experience into a vest system that represents a true change in law enforcement tactics.” said Jim Cragg, President and CEO of S.O. Tech.


The pinnacle feature of the vest is its panel waste attachment system which allows the vest to be hung over a car seat then quickly pulled on and snapped into place. Built to order and adjustable for fit, the vest has a non-skid upper chest to keep the weapon secure while aiming and firing and includes a Velcro®-secured cummerbund to keep the vest from shifting. Made in the USA, the COBRA SIS vest can carry both soft armor and plates, has a built-in weapon sling and is made of 1000D Cordura® nylon for supreme durability. The vest is versatile and can accept other SO Tech products such as: First Aid Kits (which mounts out of the way in the lower back), an array of tactical pouches and holsters, a “Go Bag”, a bandolier and various patches.

This Is How They Do It In Florence

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

Florence 1

Florence, Italy that is. That holster makes for one heck of a drawstroke.

Florence 2

FBI Issues Pre-Solicitation for COTS 9MM Pistols

Monday, July 28th, 2014

While the US Army continues to make noise about adopting a new cartridge to replace the current NATO-standard 9mm caliber, Law Enforcement agencies across the country are migrating back to the round. Now, arguably the most respected LE agency in America, if not the world, the Federal Bureau of investigation is making good on their quest to transition from .40 to 9mm by taking the first step to purchase new weapons by issuing a Pre-Solicitation for Commercial Off The Shelf pistols. Although referred to as a Pre-Solicitation, it serves the same purpose as a Sources Sought Notice you’d see from DoD. This is a huge opportunity for the firearms industry. Not only with FBI but the entire LE community in America. Where the Bureau goes, so goes everyone else.

FBI Pistol Training

Specifically, they are seeking:

Various commercial “OFF THE SHELF” semi-automatic pistols chambered to fire a 9mm Luger cartridge as defined by SAAMI.

The following types of pistols, chambered to fire a 9mm Luger cartridge, may be requested for testing and evaluation purposes under a future solicitation:

Class One Pistol: barrel length between 3.75″ and 4.25″; with a minimum magazine capacity of 13 rounds.

Class Two Pistol: barrel length between 4.5″ and 5.5″; with a minimum magazine capacity of 15 rounds.

Class One Training Pistol (Red Handle): deactivated with full articulation, red receiver and slide, night sights.

Class One “Man Marking” (a.k.a., “Simunitions”) pistol: blue slide or slide with blue inserts.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation anticipates the release of a solicitation during FY2015/Q1; distributed solely through the General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) Website.

The anticipated maximum, not to exceed, contract threshold is $100M for a twelve month base period and nine (9) possible additional one-year options.

Being much smaller than Defense (and much more fragmented) Justice along with the multitude of other agencies charged with law enforcement have been able to buy pretty much whatever they want over the years. For many, this has meant the .40 S&W caliber. It was developed about 25 years ago and is an outgrowth of the FBI’s interest in the 10mm cartridge but in a package that could be retrofitted to existing 9mm handgun frames. But now, with decades of data on the effects of the .40 cartridge and its toll on handguns themselves. Rumors have been swirling for sometime that they were moving back toward 9mm and this Sources Sought Notice is a step in that direction.

I’m not even going to get into the myriad reasons that the Department of Defense won’t adopt a new caliber for its sidearm but instead will point to the ill-fated Individual Carbine program which was open to new calibers. In the end, only standard 5.56mm NATO guns were down selected and even then, no weapons were capable of completing the trials which were ended early. You want a new caliber? Do the science. The Army hasn’t. Instead, they’ve set industry up for another fall in their open caliber Modular Handgun System program.

It would be prudent to keep an eye on what the Bureau is up to, and why. They rely on their handgun as primary weapon system and look to be willing to trust the lives of their agents with the 9mm caliber. Granted, they’re not shooting M882 Ball, and therein lies the rub. Regardless of handgun caliber, Full Metal Jacket ammunition doesn’t take full advantage of the latest in ammunition technology. DoD needs to consider that as well.

Warrior West – Gould and Goodrich

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

About a month ago we told you about the ADS Inc contract new black duty gear from Gould and Goodrich for Air Force Security Forces.


Since G&G is on hand at Warrior Expo West we thought it would be good to show you what they are getting. Security Forces is getting the setup above with the exception of the flashlight pouch on the far right. These kits are being delivered now.

Philadelphia Police Department Receives Safety Equipment Grant From The Spirit Of Blue Foundation

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

PPD Grant Presentation to Commissioner Ramsey - 3-21-14Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue Foundation (left), presents the $10,000 Safety Equipment Grant to Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey (right) during the formal grant presentation at the department’s 35th District Headquarters on March 21, 2014.

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA – March 31, 2014 – The Spirit of Blue Foundation announced today that it has awarded a $10,000 Safety Equipment Grant to the Philadelphia Police Department for the purchase of at least 24 ballistic vests. The grant was given in memory of fallen Officer Charles E. Cassidy who was killed in the line of duty while attempting to stop an armed robbery in 2007. The ballistic vests will be purchased in conjunction with the US Department of Justice’s Ballistic Vest Program, which provides federal matching funds for ballistic vest purchases, and will be issued to members of the 35th District where Officer Cassidy served.

“We appreciate this generous gift that is being donated to our department in an effort to keep our members safe. A ballistic vest is one of the most important pieces of equipment for a police officer because it can save his/her life,” stated Commissioner Charles Ramsey of the Philadelphia Police Department. “We want to thank the Dunkin’ Donuts & Baskin-Robbins Community Foundation and the Spirit of Blue Foundation for this grant; and we thank you for honoring the memory of one of our fallen heroes, Officer Charles Cassidy.”

“We expect so much of our police officers. We need them in many ways to hold our society together,” commented Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue Foundation. “But there is an unwritten social contract that we will protect those who protect us. That is what we have to be about. So, it is an extreme honor to award this grant to provide ballistic vests to these fine men and women, so they can hopefully end each shift safely and return home to their families.”

The Safety Equipment Grant was enabled by a generous gift from The Dunkin’ Donuts & Baskin-Robbins Community Foundation who partners with organizations that work to support public safety officers, in addition to a number of other community initiatives.

2014 statistics preliminarily released by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund show that 29 law enforcement officers have already lost their lives this year, an increase of 16% from the same period in the prior year. On average 56 firearms related deaths occur annually. The reality of these statistics, and the increasing number of underfunded law enforcement agencies across the country, fuel the Spirit of Blue safety grant initiative.

NRA Life of Duty Patriot Profile – US C-SOG

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014

NRA Life of Duty Presented by Brownells, Inc.
Patriot Profiles Sponsored by Smith & Wesson

With more than 2.3 million inmates in America’s penitentiary system today, our correctional officers are severely outnumbered and under the constant threat of attack inside and outside prison walls. US C-SOG Senior Team Leader Joseph Garcia has made it his life’s mission to train and prepare warriors and operators to deal with the most violent, enraged and often disturbed criminals in the system. A true man of character, Garcia is an operator not playing a part, but living the various roles he must perform day in and day out.